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Society proposal. Co-presidents: Meriel Royal and Catherine Antrobus Vice President: Harriet Wigmore Secretary: Emily Lunn Treasurer: Olola Elias Social.

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Presentation on theme: "Society proposal. Co-presidents: Meriel Royal and Catherine Antrobus Vice President: Harriet Wigmore Secretary: Emily Lunn Treasurer: Olola Elias Social."— Presentation transcript:

1 Society proposal

2 Co-presidents: Meriel Royal and Catherine Antrobus Vice President: Harriet Wigmore Secretary: Emily Lunn Treasurer: Olola Elias Social Media Secretary: Izzy Smith - in charge not only of Facebook, Twitter etc but writing and maintaining the Bake Soc recipe blog Publicity Officer: Briony Devine Events Coordinator: Hannah Bruton - responsible for researching and booking events such as workshops/classes etc and corresponding with speakers Social Secretary: Katy Dash - just in charge of non-baking socials, not the same as Events!

3 We aim to: Bring together all students with a love of baking, both serious and casual bakers alike Run workshops/classes that students otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity to participate in Build links with local bakeries and cookery shops in order to gain sponsorships and discounts (because baking can get expensive!) Work with other societies by selling cakes and therefore funding our own projects

4 Some of the projects we’re thinking of…: Workshops with bakeries such as the Hummingbird Bakery, The Exploding Bakery in Exeter, Tea in the City (ie professional cake decorating, sugarcraft, pastry lessons etc) Write, design and print a Bake Soc recipe book Great British Bake Off style competitions – once a term? Weekly cake “meets” with a theme (Halloween, SSB week, fruit cake week etc) – a bit like a book club, but with cake - hire out Exeter College kitchens? - allow non-members to come to meetings for an “all you can eat” set price Organising trips to baking shows and fayres such as the Cake Decorating and Baking Show in Birmingham/London Setting up and maintaining a Bake Soc recipe blog (which our Social Media Secretary is in charge of) - with a view to writing a baking column (on the cheap) for other student publications ie Exepose, Exeter Drop and we’ve already been asked by Razz My Berries

5 Hoping to have two Welcome Week events: Bake Soc picnic outside, and a cupcake decorating session Will charge £6 membership at the Squash, and (hopefully) this will include a bag of freebies too Committee are going to advertise by flyering and handing out free cakes! Hope to have a workshop lined up within the first few weeks of next year so lots of Freshers will attend

6 Already in contact with the Exeter Lakeland branch and hoping to gain discount for our members, like the Music Room do for Music Card holders - happy to come along to/provide equipment for events and manager also gives talks Committee have also suggested contacting Sainsburys, Panthers on Sidwell Street, and the Cooks Shop in the Harlequin Centre As part of our membership we’d like to give out freebie/goody bags with cupake cases/icing/decorations etc in… could use this as an opportunity to advertise companies we’re in contact with (ie flyers) as an incentive for them to sponsor us Wanted to contact Body Soc – do fitness classes in association with Bake Soc (so we don’t get fat)! Perhaps organise trips/visits in cooperation with Slow Food Soc who are more about campaigning and visiting conferences/fayres etc Entrepreneur Soc – for anyone interested in having a talk on setting up and running their own bakery Going to see if we could sell our products around campus (ie Coffee and Cake, small bake stalls) One of our members has started up a charity called Free Cakes for Kids which we hope to participate in

7 Huge interest – 200 people Big baking craze at the moment, but people will always bake! There isn’t any other cookery society that focuses so much on learning new skills and I think this will appeal to a lot of people

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