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Lab 3. Overview  Instructor collects lab. 2 write ups and checks pre-labs. in lab notebook  Discussion of graded termite write up  Overview of Ecological.

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Presentation on theme: "Lab 3. Overview  Instructor collects lab. 2 write ups and checks pre-labs. in lab notebook  Discussion of graded termite write up  Overview of Ecological."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab 3. Overview  Instructor collects lab. 2 write ups and checks pre-labs. in lab notebook  Discussion of graded termite write up  Overview of Ecological Communities, Plant Structure, & Soil Microorganism Procedure.  In-class plant identification with key  Gather plant species richness data in field & return to lab room.  Prepare microbial plate samples using serial dilution (no burners until instructor in room).  Exercise due in Lab 4 discuss. & questions

2 Communities  Community = A group of SPECIES living in the same area that have the potential for interaction.  Species Richness = number of SPECIES in a given area (community).

3 Plant Structure Review

4 Simple vs. Compound Leaves trifoliate bipinnate

5 Leaf Blade Shape heart shaped oval

6 leaf arrange- ment

7 Common Campus Forbs Convolvulus arvensis bindweed Malva neglecta common mallow Medicago sativa alfalfa

8 Common Campus Forbs Ambrosia psilostachya western ragweed Taraxacum officinale dandilion Sanquisorba minor salad burnet

9 Common Campus Forbs Kochia scoparia kochia Chenopodium album lambsquarters

10 Quadrat – Sp. Richness Sampling m 2 samples =221 m 2 2mean = 1.75

11 Serial Dilution  Serial Dilution = Sequentially reducing concentration by the same factor (usually a factor of 10). - allows separation of individual cells (causing separation of the derivative microbial colonies).  Sterile Technique = Keeping environmental microorganisms out of a sample or area. 1g Soil 1 ml 1:1000 dilution 1 ml soil water 1:10 dilution 1:100 dilution NA 1:10 Plate 1:1000 Plate 1:100 Plate Transfer 150 μl (0.15 ml) from dilution tubes to each plate and spread.

12 Reminders Before the Field  READ the instructions (  ) in the manual  Develop hypothesis now.  Count the number of SPECIES (kinds) of FORBS in each quadrat. (NOT individuals and NOT grasses)  Identify the most common species in the areas to be sampled (bring manual).  Decide what is “ in ” a quadrat & sample randomly.  When finished, return to the laboratory.  Obtain your unpaired T-test P-value using the online site on the course website –Exercise.

13 Reminders for the Lab  READ the instructions (  ) in the manual  Be careful with the Bunsen burners. Please do not set yourself on fire. (Tie long hair back. No loose dangling clothing.) DO NOT use burners without the instructor present.  Do not roast the spreaders in flame. Pass through quickly. You just need to see a little flame on the spreader (& allow to go out).  Do not put a hot spreader into the alcohol.  Spread samples on the medium, not on the lid.  LABEL YOUR PLATES (dilution and soil A or B)

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