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J a c k e t p o t a t o e s ( U K ) Jacket Potatoes are a typical dish of the English tradition ; They ' re so called because the peel is used as a dish.

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Presentation on theme: "J a c k e t p o t a t o e s ( U K ) Jacket Potatoes are a typical dish of the English tradition ; They ' re so called because the peel is used as a dish."— Presentation transcript:

1 J a c k e t p o t a t o e s ( U K ) Jacket Potatoes are a typical dish of the English tradition ; They ' re so called because the peel is used as a dish.

2 ingredients ● Potatoes ● Oil ● Salt you need ● A Brush ● Oven ● Baking tin

3 ● Choose a potato ( if you are cooking more than one, use potatoes of similar sizes ) ● Make sure the skin has a brownish tone with no green colour PROCEEDINGS


5 ●P●Pirce t he p otato f or four o r f ive t imes w ith a fork ( this a llows t he steam t o e scape d uring baking )

6 ● Rub some olive oil on the potato ● Roll the potato in salt ● Place the potato on a baking tin and put in the oven for about 60 minutes ( cooking time will vary depending on the size )

7 ● Take the potato out of the oven and pierce it with a fork ; if it is tender, it is done ● Cut a cross on top of the potato ● Squeeze the skin

8 ● Add some cheese, ham, salad... And enjoy !!!

9 CREATED BY : Voci Mustafa 2 A

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