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Presentation on theme: "SLOVAK REPUBLIC SAIA ZA, n.o. OZ Leonarda TASTE OF LANGUAGE LLP Programme / Gruntvig."— Presentation transcript:

1 SLOVAK REPUBLIC SAIA ZA, n.o. OZ Leonarda TASTE OF LANGUAGE LLP Programme / Gruntvig

2 Taste of language Learning partnership project August 2011 - start of project June 2013 - end of project Partnership: Sweden – coordinator, public org. Italy- state org., France- MVO, England-local public org. Slovakia local a regional MVO

3 Taste of language Ciele projektu: Interkultúrny dialóg medzi rôznymi cieľovými skupinami v krajinách Európy Zvyšovanie porozumenia medzi kultúrami prostredníctvom rozširovania jazykových zručností Špecifické ciele: Inovatívne metódy jazykového vzdelávania, podpora medzigeneračného dialógu, poznávanie rôznych kultúr a tradícií v európskych krajinách, prezentácia zvykov a národných produktov a kuchýň

4 Taste of language Cieľové skupiny: Švédsko – imigranti a minority, Slovensko – projektoví manažéri MVO, seniori a dobrovoľníci, Anglicko- seniori, Francúzsko- členovia MVO a seniori, Taliansko- dobrovoľníci a rodičovské skupiny Spoločné aktivity a stretnutia: Nov 2011 kick-off- meeting, Žilina Feb 2012 seminár Palermo June 2012 seminár Stockholm Nov 2012 seminár a veľtrh oblasť Bordeaux March 2013 final meeting Bristol June 2013 hidden agenda meeting Žilina-Raj.Teplice

5 Taste of language Lokálne a komunitné aktivity na Slovensku: Inovatívne jazykové kurzy pre seniorov, manažérov MVO a dobrovoľníkov spojené s varením a prípravou tradičných európskych jedál (komunikačný jazyk angličtina) Plánované výstupy projektu : Inovatívna metodika, kalendár aktivít, videá o príprave jedál- videokuchárka, web, národné kuchárky v angl.

6 Taste of language Čo sa doteraz udialo

7 Taste of language Netradičné jazykové vzdelávanie: 1.Skupina MVO a dobrovoľníci, 1x týždenne, 8 účastníkov 2.Skupina seniorov, 1x týždenne, 13 účastníčok


9 Taste of language Diseminácia projektu v komunite: Nov 2012 – prezentácia projektu spolu so zahr.partnermi v Dennom centre seniorov Žilina Dec 2011- Európske Vianoce Február 2012 interkultúrny večer Portugal Apríl 2012 interkultúrny večer France


11 European Christmas EUROPEAN CHRISTMAS was focused on multicultural dialogue. We had some volunteers-from different countries (Portugal, Spain, Poland, Lithuenia, Latvia, Turkey, The Netherland, Russia), who wanted to present their Christmas habits in their countries to Slovak people. They got small money for buying food They prepared for us some delicious specialties as Bacalhau com Natas, Pierogi, Tortillas....and many many more..... From each country 2 participants

12 Communication before

13 Small table ???

14 Spanish language

15 Full House – More people more fun

16 Portugese presentation ;)

17 Let’s have fun…

18 Bacalhau á Zé do Pipo preparation: 1. In a saucepan with water, season with salt. Add the potatoes and cook for 25 minutes 2. Once cooked and drained potatoes, make mashed. 3. Take back the pot on the stove, add butter and milk. Season with nutmeg. Add the yolks and stir. After all mixed and melted butter, put out the fire 4. Dip the cod fillets with flour and fry them on both sides in hot oil, just enough to gain color. Remove them and place them in baking dish or dishes of clay's single. 5. In the oil fry the cod, add the onion, bay leaf and garlic. Stir and cook. 6. Spread the stew over the loins. Around the loins spread the mashed potatoes. Cover the cod with mayonnaise and pepper strips. 7. Bake in preheated oven at 220 degrees for 20 minutes. Once baked, remove and garnish with olives. NOTE: Alternatively, instead of fried cod, this can be boiled for five minutes in water or milk, making it in the sauté with olive oil, onion, garlic and bay leaves to put on top.

19 Tarte de Nata ingredients: pastry 6 egg yolk 0.5 l of milk 100g cornstarch 1 cinnamon stick 2.5 ml water 300g sugar 2 strips lemon rind preparation: Disband the flour in a little milk. Bring to boil sugar, water, lemon peel and cinnamon stick. Bring to a boil. Add milk and flour already dissolved. Stir constantly until thickened. Remove from heat. takes up lemon peel and cinnamon stick, add the yolks and stir well. Place in a lane previously lined with puff pastry and bake until it's looking pastel cream. In the end we can put cinnamon powder in the top.

20 The Chefs :D

21 Taste of language Doterajšie mobilitné akcie November 2011 kick of meeting Slovakia, Žilina February 2012 seminar Italy, Palermo

22 Taste of language Ďakujem za pozornosť Dr. Alena Mičicová SAIA Žilina, koordinátorka projektu/Slovensko 0907 807 699

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