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Crisis of Global Poverty What can you do to help?.

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Presentation on theme: "Crisis of Global Poverty What can you do to help?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crisis of Global Poverty What can you do to help?

2 Poverty More than one billion people in the world today live in poverty. Everyday more than 25,000 people die due to hunger related issues. That means every three and a half second, some dies.

3 The Children The unfortunate part of this is that most of the people who die, are children. Every minute some twenty children die of poverty. The question that still remains is why hasn’t anyone done anything?

4 It could be done, if it wanted to be. The United Nations estimates that the cost to alleviate world hunger comes at a price of $195 billion dollars. This goal could be easily achieved if countries pledged only 0.7% of their national income towards this goal. That’s not even 1% and the sad part is only five countries have met this goal.

5 How can you help? Even YOU can help end poverty by doing the smallest of things. You may think as a teen there’s nothing you can do, but there’s quite a bit.

6 Allowance Some teenagers our age receive an allowance at the end of the month or every week. Skip one month’s allowance and donate that to charity. Or even ask your parents to send out twenty dollars if you don’t get an allowance.

7 2001 Census According to the census made in 2001 there are about 11 million households in Canada. If every house hold donated $20 a month even for just once a year. The country could give out $220,000,000 towards ending poverty.

8 Empty out your piggy bank for charity. Most kids have kept and added to their piggy bank they have at home. For the sake of people struggling across the world, empty out your piggy bank and donate it to a charity.

9 Make a homemade lunch. How much money do you think you spend buying lunch at the cafeteria at school? What if for a few days in the week you packed a homemade lunch and donated your money.

10 Throw a local bake sale If you have some baking skills you can set up a stand anywhere and sell homemade items for money to send to charity. Although this could be a daunting task to do alone…

11 But with friends.. It can be lots of fun! To do charity work with other people you enjoy and doing something for a good cause can be very fulfilling.

12 Helping Hands Or you can grab your youth group, and host charity events at your local church. Anything from a bake sale to a people’s auction.

13 Targeting the specifics. Although fund raising for money is a good idea. It’s also better to collect specific items that people need…

14 Clothing Many people who live in poverty don’t have the proper clothes to wear so they can stay warm. Holding a clothes drive and giving away old clothes Is great way to helping people get new clothes.

15 Shoes Many people who live in poverty also don’t have shoes. Sounds funny doesn’t it? But many people walk around bare foot and can get scratched or hurt. Most people throw away old shoes, instead send them off to a shoe drive to be donated.

16 Food Food is one of the most essential things a person needs in life. Donate soup cans or any type of food to your local food bank so they can give it to people in need.

17 Poverty Cycle The poverty cycle explains the many different ways people can get into poverty. By finding ways to break the cycle we can help alleviate poverty.




21 Together we can…

22 Help build…

23 A better world!

24 All images taken from public domain via internet through Google Images Poverty cycle: rty.cfm

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