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Mon – ckn nuggets / PB&J Tue – turkey sub / burrito Wed – hot dog / pizza Thu – turkey tetrazzini / corn dog Fri – HOLIDAY.

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Presentation on theme: "Mon – ckn nuggets / PB&J Tue – turkey sub / burrito Wed – hot dog / pizza Thu – turkey tetrazzini / corn dog Fri – HOLIDAY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mon – ckn nuggets / PB&J Tue – turkey sub / burrito Wed – hot dog / pizza Thu – turkey tetrazzini / corn dog Fri – HOLIDAY

2 Mon – cereal&toast Tue – cinnamon waffle Wed – eggs, ham, toast Thu – breakfast bun Fri – HOLIDAY

3 –corybantic –\ kawr-uh-BAN-tik \, adjective; –1. Frenzied; agitated; unrestrained.

4 MONTUEWED 82 56 87 62 89 THUFRI 64 86 62 82

5 9 th grade writing predictor test for all first-time ninth graders is Tuesday, April 19. You will need a PEN and a PENCIL. Ask your teacher about what room you should report to.

6 No announcements on 4/19 because of 9 th grade testing.

7 Coach Katie Ward's 4th period AP class is hosting a bake sale during all 4 lunches this week. If you need a sweet treat to get you through these last few days before spring break, stop by the bake sale and indulge!

8 SPRING BREAK APRIL 22-29 We return on Monday, May 2

9 HOSA club meeting April 19 3:35 Room 601 Banquet is 5/3; join a committee to help!

10 Seniors going on GradBash: get Medical Release Forms in room 201. They MUST be turned in so you can go. Forms due back 4/21.

11 If you missed the GradBash meeting on 4/18, see Ms. Drayton in room 201 ASAP

12 NO food or drinks in the Media Center effective immediately. If you are caught, you will receive a referral. You must leave drinks/cups on the counter until you leave. This is your warning.

13 Media Center is discarding old books to make room for new! Old/damaged books are outside the MC doors. Take what you like. The give-away ends on Apr. 20.

14 Seniors: bring in pictures for Slideshow for ClassNight. Bring CDs to Mrs. Holder in room 605 by April 21. Or, email pix to

15 Girls Varsity and JV soccer players: stop by and see Ms. Pippin if you missed the meeting and need the forms. You may also download them from the team website.

16 AFJROTC: Permission forms for Gulfstream trip are due 4/18.

17 JROTC: Summer leadership school money and forms are due May 2 to MSgt Smith.

18 Attention boys & girls soccer players: soccer banquet is now May 4. You must have forms and payments turned in by April 29. Please turn in all uniforms.

19 Get on the list! Less than 50 yearbooks available for $60. Stop by room 816 and reserve your copy. When books get here in a few weeks, they will be $80.

20 Juniors & Seniors: want to go to Europe with Mr. Martin in summer 2012? Stop by room 206 for details.

21 Visit the bake sale table in the cafeteria. Proceeds benefit the CBI special education fund.

22 FBLA members: pick up candy to sell. See Mrs. Waltz if you haven’t gotten your material for March of Dimes fundraiser.

23 Senior football players: clean out your locker by April 21. Anything left after spring break will be thrown away.

24 Cap & Gown Pictures Rescheduled for April 19 Same schedule as before Pick up your payment envelope in the front office. Bring it with you April 19.

25 Attention volleyball players: there will be after school work outs on Thursdays in the weight room. See Coach Roddenberry if you have any questions.

26 Attention volleyball players: SCAD coaches will hold a camp on Tuesdays from 6:30- 8:30 p.m. Cost is $30 per session. Let Coach Roddenberry know if you plan to attend.

27 FBLA meeting April 19 Room 904 Starts at 3:35 p.m. All members should attend.

28 The 2011 Lloyd Arnsdorff Scholarship/“Young Farmers Scholarship” is now posted on the Counselors’ website. If you are a current/former member of FFA for 2 years OR are a member of the EC Young Farmers Organization, you should check this out! The deadline is April 21!

29 All senior FFA members! The FFA Alumni Scholarship application is now available on the school website and is due to Ms. Satterfield on April 21 by 4:30 PM.

30 See the counselors’ website for details on these scholarships! Rita Brost MemorialRita Brost Memorial Deborah Floyd MemorialDeborah Floyd Memorial Jennifer Ford MemorialJennifer Ford Memorial Terri Brunson MemorialTerri Brunson Memorial John Crapps for BusinessJohn Crapps for Business Clyo HomemakersClyo Homemakers Effingham Hospital AuxiliaryEffingham Hospital Auxiliary

31 George Chance Memorial Scholarship is now available on the website! For: students accepted to UGA Due: April 20 It will pay $1000

32 Listen to Rebel Radio! Have your own show! Stop by room 816 for details.

33 Watch our TV channel!

34 Be our fan on Facebook! Search “Effingham County Rebels” and join the more than 2,700 fans in the Rebel Nation! Go Rebels!

35 Buy pictures from this school year!

36 Important Phone Numbers: Herff Jones (graduation, rings):

37 Follow us on

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