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LAMINATED OR ROLLED IN DOUGHS ADVANCED CULINARY. WHAT ARE THEY? Any ideas? Dough’s that contain many layers of fat sandwiched between layers of dough.

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Presentation on theme: "LAMINATED OR ROLLED IN DOUGHS ADVANCED CULINARY. WHAT ARE THEY? Any ideas? Dough’s that contain many layers of fat sandwiched between layers of dough."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT ARE THEY? Any ideas? Dough’s that contain many layers of fat sandwiched between layers of dough to create flakiness Examples: Danish, Croissant, and Puff Pastry

3 HOW DO WE MIX THEM? Croissants – Straight Dough Mixes active dry yeast with about four times its weight in water. 1. Combine the remaining ingredients, including rest of the water in the mixing bowl. Add the dissolved yeast, taking care not to let it come in contact with the salt. What happens if it comes in contact with the salt? 2. Mix to a smooth developed dough Danish - Modified Straight Dough 1.Soften the yeast in part of the liquid, using a separate container. 2.Combine the fat, sugar, salt, milk solids, and flavorings and mix until well combined, but do not whip until light. 3.Add the eggs gradually, as fast as they are absorbed. 4.Add the liquid and mix briefly. 5.Add the flour and yeast. Mix to a smooth dough Both dough’s are mixed only slightly because the roll in process continues to develop the gluten

4 FAT TYPES Butter Advantage: flavor and melt in the mouth quality Disadvantage: cost and difficult to work with Margarine Advantage: Easier to work with, lower cost Disadvantage: less flavor than butter, higher melting point leaves waxy taste


6 TEMPERING THE DOUGH After the dough has rested in the refrigerator all night the fat is cold, which mean that the dough is BRITTLE. If you were to remove the dough from the refrigerator and try to roll it out immediately the hard butter would break and tear through the dough. The dough must be allowed to warm up slightly before rolling so the fat is allowed to warm up. Place the dough on a lightly dusted counter. Dust the top of the dough with bread flour. Using the rolling pin apply firm pressure and roll the dough into a rectangle 1/4 – 1/8 inch thick./ Make sure to keep the sides straight and square, keep the dough a uniform thickness. Brush all excess flour off or your danish will be dry and tough

7 BASIC GUIDELINES 1.When rolling, forming and panning items work smart and efficient. 2.Set up your work area in an orderly fashion. 3.Have all of the items you need in a small compact containers. 4.Keep your station clean 5.Organize, Organize, Organize

8 APPLYING FILLINGS Do not use too much; excess filling can boil out during baking. they weigh down the dough during proofing and baking. This will make a heavy soggy pastry that are not fully cooked. Some pastries have fillings rolled up inside them before proofing and baking and other are applied after proofing and ready to be baked

9 PROOFING If the temperature is to high the fat will melt out of the product. This will effect the rising of the product. Your danish will be tough and dry Items are sometimes egg washed before proofing to keep them moist and inhibit the forming of a crust.

10 EGG WASH Danish and Croissants are brushed with a thin coat of egg wash to give a golden brown shine. When applying egg wash great care must be taken! Proofed products are fragile and the gases can be knocked out of them Only use a light coasting of egg wash Egg wash before putting on fillings

11 BAKING TEMPERATURES Danish bake at 375 degrees Larger items bake at a lower temperature Smaller items bake at a higher temperature as they bake quicker After baking, products are brushed with apricot glaze to add shine, flavor, and seal in moisture. Products can also be iced with fondant (made of water, sugar, and invert sugar)

12 STORING All Danish and Croissant items are best if served on the same day. If needed items can be frozen after cooled.

13 LET’S WATCH Here is a video on making Danish:

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