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O. Siegmund 11/15/11 20 cm and 33mm MCP Test Progress Lifetest with #164/163 continues – now close to 2 C cm -2 New batch of 33mm test MCPs arrived Chem-3.

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Presentation on theme: "O. Siegmund 11/15/11 20 cm and 33mm MCP Test Progress Lifetest with #164/163 continues – now close to 2 C cm -2 New batch of 33mm test MCPs arrived Chem-3."— Presentation transcript:

1 O. Siegmund 11/15/11 20 cm and 33mm MCP Test Progress Lifetest with #164/163 continues – now close to 2 C cm -2 New batch of 33mm test MCPs arrived Chem-3 first tests begun Need to choose MCPs for next lifetests:- Bake, and scrub with a pair of the new MCPs Find out if air exposure affects post bake/scrub SEE Investigate temp stability of gain Evaluate background sources No new 20cm MCP data – awaiting new MCPs Have made changes to 20cm detector to improve imaging for next set of tests. Continue to electrode for 20cm MCPs, 2 more coming

2 O. Siegmund 11/15/11 2 900v on each MCP, gain high, >10 7. Numerous black spot defects, lots of bright spots due to removed/missing ALD layer exposing electrode material. Cleanliness issues? Gain map, multifiber pattern modulation, typical of 12317 boule material with pore size variations. Not a good substrate material. ALD Chem 3, 20µm Microchannel Plates ALD Chem 3, 20µm Microchannel Plates 12317-120/117, 50MΩ/180MΩ, Pair with 0.7mm gap/400v

3 O. Siegmund 11/15/11 3 #160, #160, 12317-113, 700v MCP, earlier data shows problems with this material 20 µm pore #160 ALD MCP with NiCr electrode. Chem-3 ALD 20µm Microchannel Plate 100 sec background, ~4 events cm -2 sec -1. Some hot patches, uniform background rate is 3.5 events cm -2 sec -1 ---- not very good. 12317-120/117 Chem-3 background Previous data on 12317 boule

4 O. Siegmund 11/15/11 ANL ALD-MCP Samples Started with Chem-3 12137 boule has bad pore stacking uniformity 11863 boule has good pore stacking uniformity 12258 boule is unknown 11863-88

5 O. Siegmund 11/15/11 Preconditioning Test of 33mm 20µm Pore MCPs  ANL MCPs 164 and 163, 20µm, 60:1, 8° bias.  INCOM serial #s, 11863-99, 11863-95  Resistances 159MΩ, 138MΩ (NiCr over)  XDL detector with MCPs gapped by 0.001” spacer.  Completed 350°C bake, with RGA scans.  Scrub in progress, with RGA scans.  Have gone from 1µA to 2µA, now 3µA >1.9 C cm -2 extracted.

6 O. Siegmund 11/15/11 6 Scrub @ 3 x 10 5 gain, 700v per MCP MCP 164-163 Scrub Record Almost all of the gain variation is due to thermal changes in the lab

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