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SHARK TANK Million Dollar IDEA Sales Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "SHARK TANK Million Dollar IDEA Sales Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHARK TANK Million Dollar IDEA Sales Presentation

2 What is it? A Team Sales Presentation Pitching (3 members or less) Pitching a Million Dollar IDEA to the SHARKS (Investors) Using the 7 steps to the sale

3 Who are the SHARKS? Each class member will receive $20,000 to invest Class members will become Sharks by objecting to the product based on time, need, source, want, or price The Pitch with the most $ WINS!

4 How Do I Create the Presentation? 1.Pick a partner 2.Read rubric and project outline packet 3.Read Shark Tank Sales Presentation Script - The group must submit the Sales Presentation Script prior to presentation 1.Brainstorm Million Dollar IDEA 2.Complete Daily Assignment Worksheet Number 1 in packet

5 BRAINSTORMING…… Dev elop ing a prod uct or serv ice base d on nee d I wish they had… I hate to….. Develop product based on what you like to do Ex. Bake, Sports, Read, Video Games, Socialize Leisure Time Make an existing product better Existing Product

6 When is this project due? April 9th

7 How Much is This Worth? Sales Presentation Script 100 points Presentation 60 points Prototype 40 points Total: 200 points Any Questions?

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