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4-H Virtual Pig Project Kelly M. Weisner EDLDR 596 Master’s Project July 31, 2007.

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2 4-H Virtual Pig Project Kelly M. Weisner EDLDR 596 Master’s Project July 31, 2007

3 4-H is the largest youth development organization in the world.  According to the 4-H Youth Development Statistics in 2005 there were over 6.5 million 4-H members.  Race and Ethnicity statistics show that 77% of 4-H members were white 15% were Black or African American 13% were Hispanic or Latinos (4-H Youth Development Statistics).

4 4-H is most often associated with farm kids  While 4-H is most often associated with farm kids, the statistics prove otherwise. 4-H “has branched out from its traditional roots teaching kids the importance of agriculture to reach inner city and suburban children” (Heredia, 1999, p. 2). Only 11 % of 4-H members in 2005 were from a farm (4-H Youth Development Statistics). 34% of 4-H members were from towns with a population of under 10,000 and rural non-farm areas 21% were from cities with a population of 10,000-50,000 and their suburbs 34% were from central cities with a population of more than 50,000 and their suburbs (4-H Youth Development Statistics).  There remains a huge potential to reach out to urban environments and more diverse populations. Technology will aid in this endeavor.

5 Virtual Livestock Project  A draft for an on-line interactive 4-H swine project was developed. There are 13 main screens. A total of 24 screens. Each main screen provides valuable information. Most main screens have secondary screens which test the participants knowledge. 4-H members will choose a pig to “raise” to market weight.

6 Topics Include:  Getting Started  Background Information Why do we raise pigs The swine industry in the Unites States  Breeds of Swine  External Parts of a pig

7 Topics continued  How to select your virtual project animal Selecting feeder pigs How big should my feeder pig be? Deciding how much to pay  Market Hog Budget  Selecting your animal Congratulations on choosing your virtual pig When you get your pig home

8 Topics continued  Caring for your swine Housing needs Keep your pig clean  Feeding your pig Feed Water How much will my pig eat?

9 Topics continued  Swine Behavior, Movement, and Transportation Handling swine Transporting pigs  Weather  Space  Feeding  Stress

10 Topics continued  Keeping Swine Healthy How pigs digest food What makes pigs sick  Pork Quality Assurance Using Antibiotics Using feed additives—Paylean Meat quality Pork Quality Assurance Program

11 Topics continued  Keeping 4-H Records Why keep records Kinds of records  Financial records  Animal Performance Records  Animal Production Records  Management Practice Records  Pork and Pork By-Products Pork Other products from swine

12 “Test your knowledge”  After most main pages is a page for participants to test their knowledge of recently learned information before proceeding to the next page.  Answers must be given successfully to proceed.  Test your knowledge pages vary throughout.  Let’s test your knowledge…

13 What do you know?  What is the scientific name for pigs? Sus Scrofa  Young female pigs before they have farrowed their first litter. Gilt  Female pigs after they have farrowed their first litter. Sow  Castrated male pig Barrow  Uncastrated male pig Boar

14 Test  Visit this website; just as participants would do.  Test your knowledge of these breeds; just as participants would do. eractive/SwineBreeds.html.

15 References Breeds of Livestock. (1996). Retrieved June 5, 2007 from Breeds of Swine Trivia.(n.d.). Retrieved June 9, 2007 from neBreeds.html. Livestock Weather Safety Index.(n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2007 from Mikesell, R. (2005). 4-H Market Swine Project Reference Guide. Pennsylvania State University. Pig Feeds. (2007). Retrieved June 14, 2007 from Suggested Feeding Programs. (2007) Retrieved June 14, 2007 from

16 If you wish to join me…  You are invited to attend a General session using Elluminate Live! Name: Edldr 596 Starts: Aug 06, 2007 11:00 AM Eastern (EDT) Ends: Aug 06, 2007 12:00 PM Eastern (EDT) Moderator: Kelly Weisner To join the session, use the following link: ADA60D718EBA3287519 This session may be recorded. To view the recording, click on the following link: 926A849 ADA60D718EBA3287519 926A849

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