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The Pork Barrel and Lobbyists a “marriage” made in........... Presenter: STEVE WINDOM.

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Presentation on theme: "The Pork Barrel and Lobbyists a “marriage” made in........... Presenter: STEVE WINDOM."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Pork Barrel and Lobbyists a “marriage” made in........... Presenter: STEVE WINDOM

2 Introduction Definitions  Pork Barrel  Lobbying/Lobbyists

3 Webster's Pork Barrel Definition Pork Barrel: government projects or appropriations yielding rich patronage benefits;

4 Blacks Law Pork Barrel Definition Legislation that favors a particular local district by allocating funds or resources to projects (such as constructing a highway or a post office) of economic value to the district and of political advantage to the district's legislator.

5 Is It Pork or Protein One Person's Pork is Anothers Protein

6 Webster's Lobbying Definition Webster: 1 : to promote (as a project) or secure the passage of (as legislation) by influencing public officials 2 : to attempt to influence or sway (as a public official) toward a desired action

7 Black's Law Lobbying Definition Black's Law Dictionary:. Lobby--vb. 1. to talk with a legislator, sometimes in a luxurious setting, in an attempt to influence the legislator's vote. [Cases: Statutes Key 24. C.J.S. Statutes Sec. 7.] 2. To support or oppose (a measure) by working to influence a legislator's vote. 3. To try to influence (a decision-maker). --lobbying, n. ---lobbyist, n.

8 Real Lobbying/Lobbyist Definition The Process of Protecting Yourself from Those You Elect. People You hire to protect You from People you Elect.

9 Lobbying should be an Important Part of your Business Strategy When the Legislature is in Session Nothing is Safe: Wife/Life, Liberty, Property Two Things you don't want to watch being made: Sausage and Legislation

10 The Realities of Lobbying What does a Lobbyist really do?? What Should You Look For in a Lobbyist?? What does a Lobbyist Cost??

11 What Does a Lobbyist Do?? Persuading Legislators Researching Legislation/Regulations Attending Legislative and Reg Hearings Working with Like Minded Groups Educating Elected Officials Educating Client----Officers and Employees Monitoring Legislation and Reporting to Client Building Public Support For/Against Issues


13 What qualities should you look for in a Lobbyist Honesty Integrity Experience

14 How much will Lobbyist Cost? National Lobbying Spend  Federal  State How much will it cost my Business?

15 If You want a Place at the “trough” or don't want to be the “feed” in the “trough”...... In other words, If you are in Business, HOW CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO HAVE A LOBBYIST???

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