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Poultry VRQ2 Theory Unit 710 UPK 710.

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Presentation on theme: "Poultry VRQ2 Theory Unit 710 UPK 710."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poultry VRQ2 Theory Unit 710 UPK 710

2 Aim of the lesson Definition of poultry
Types of poultry with approx weights & portions Food value Storage Purchasing and quality points Preparation methods Poultry offal

3 Definition Domestic fowl reared for food not only for the use of their flesh but for their eggs and often their plumage. It includes the different varieties and sizes of chickens, turkeys, ducks, goose, geese and guinea-fowl. Reared Pigeon is classed as poultry, wood/wild pigeon will be classed as game.

4 Quality Points The breast of the bird should be plump
Vent end of the breast bone must be pliable The flesh should be firm. The skin to be white, unbroken with a faint bluish tinge The legs should be smooth, with small scales and spurs Old birds have large scales and spurs on the legs Corn fed are yellow. Free range have more colour, firmer texture and more flavour Bresse chickens are specially bred in France- 1st class

5 Poultry examples Chicken Turkey Squab Pigeon Goose Poussin
Barbary Duck Guinea Fowl

6 A Chicken

7 Types of original fowl Type / Classification & Age Weight (Kg) (lb)
Portion Single baby chicken } Poussin Double baby chicken} 2-4 weeks ½-¾ ¾-1 1-1½ 1 2 Small roasting chicken 5-6 weeks 1½-2 3-4 Medium roasting chicken 9-12 weeks 1-2 2-4 4-6 Large roasting or boiling chicken 3-5 months 2-3 6-8 Capon (castrated male) Under 8 months 3-4½ 6-9 8-12 Old boiling fowl Over 10 months 2½-4 5-8

8 Other Poultry Type & Age French Weight (Kg) (lb) Portion Le dindonneau
Young turkey 5-7 months Le dindonneau 4 ½ Up to 9 Turkey (female) Under 15 months La dinde 4 ½-12 ½ 9-25 Turkey (male) La dindon Duckling Under 16 weeks Le caneton 1½-2 3-4 Duck Over 6 months Le canard 2-3 4-6 Goose Under 6 months L’oie 4-12 8-24 8-12 Guinea fowl 3 months La pintade ¾-1¼ 1½-2½ Pigeon Over 4 weeks Le pigeon 12oz-1lb 1-2

9 Food value Poultry is easily digested then that of other butchers meat, it contains protein (building and repair of body, heat and energy) Fat content is low, high percentage of unsaturated acids No marbling of fat, generally contained under the skin, Poultry fat is soft.

10 Storage Fresh and frozen poultry need careful storage due to its extremely perishable qualities. Ideally fresh birds should be hung by the legs under chilled conditions between 3-5°C

11 Storage cont. Frozen birds must be stored in its original packaging at ˉ12°c-ˉ18°c Check the packaging is undamaged No signs of freezer burn? Frozen birds must be completely thawed before cooking. This procedure is essential to reduce the risks of food borne diseases? Salmonella Campylobacter

12 Thawing procedures Frozen birds should be left in its own packaging and held under refrigeration. Never at room temperature. Allow 2-4 days for thawing whole birds. (Refer to handout guide.) After poultry has been cooked they will keep up to 4 days under refrigeration.

13 The Rolls Royce of Chicken
Poulet de Bresse

14 Goose and Geese Goose Geese

15 Squab Squab Cooked Squab

16 Preparation Methods Roasting Whole Boiling & Pot Roasting
Cutting for Sauté Preparation for grilling Quartering Preparation of Suprêmes Preparation for ballottines

17 Spatchcocking a Poussin

18 Approx roasting times Poussin 400g 25 mins. Per bird Just cooked
Chicken 20mins per 500g plus 20mins extra just cooked Capon 20mins per 500g Duck 20 mins per 500g medium Goose 20 mins per 500g well cooked Turkey 20 mins per 500g plus 20 mins extra just cooked Guinea fowl 15mins per 500g just cooked Pigeon 15 mins per bird Slightly underdone

19 Common Classic garnishes
Roasted Chicken – Roast Gravy, Bread sauce, game chips, watercress Boiled Chicken – Supreme sauce Roasted Chicken with dressing – fried crumbs with herbs, sometimes with the fried chopped liver added, left plain or baked. Chicken sauté Chasseur – Demi glace flavoured with white wine, button mushrooms, tomatoes, tarragon & parsley Spatchcock (prepared as for boiled not trussed then flattened)–Grilled garnished with watercress and suitable sauce i.e. devilled or a compound butter, frequently served with bacon rolls, tomatoes and mushrooms Chicken fricasse – Cut for sauté, cooked with no colour in stock and finished with a liaison, chopped parsley, heart shaped croutons

20 Offal Alternatively known as “Giblets” Liver Heart Kidney Neck Gizzard

21 Questions ????

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