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Typical food of Ecuador. The diversity of habitats and regions in Ecuador are: Coast High land Amazon Galapagos.

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Presentation on theme: "Typical food of Ecuador. The diversity of habitats and regions in Ecuador are: Coast High land Amazon Galapagos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Typical food of Ecuador

2 The diversity of habitats and regions in Ecuador are: Coast High land Amazon Galapagos

3 Typical food from Coast: Typical food from Coast: plantain, yucca, coconut and rice. There are also a wide variety of tropical fruits (papaya, pineapple, starfruit and many more) Typical dishes: Chifles, Maduro con queso, Bolones de verde, Patacones, Encocados, Ceviche, Encebollados.

4 papaya pineapple starfruit

5 plantains yucca coconut

6 rice chifle bolon

7 -Maduro con queso -Patacon -Ceviche

8 -Encebollado -Encocado -Caldo de salchicha

9 Typical food of High land:  Traditional foods from the Highland region are often based in Potatoes.-Cheese sweet corn.-Avocado  Typical highland Ecuadorian dishes include: Llapingachos, spit roast or oven roast pigs (hornado), Fritada, Guinea pig, "cuy”.

10 Llapingachos of Ambato.

11 Guinea pig, "cuy”.

12 Fr itada spit roast or oven roast pigs (hornado)

13 Typical food of Amazon : The exotic fruits of the jungle are: arazá, cocona, borojo, chonta, among others. The most consumed animals are monkey, turtle, guanta, chontacuro (worm), giant ants, snakes, which are combined with mandioca or banana.

14 araza cocona borojo

15 chonta chontacuro

16 monkey turtle

17 guanta Giant ants snake

18 Ecuadorian typical food


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