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© 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition.

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1 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Identifying Poultry Ostrich Fan

2 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Figure 18.1 USDA inspection stamp for poultry.

3 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Figure 18.2 Grade stamp for USDA Grade A poultry.

4 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Free Range  Raised Without antibiodics Vegetarian diet Processed w/o preservatives More humane growing methods 9-10 weeks / 4.5-5 # More expensive

5 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Purchasing and Storing Poultry  Poultry can be purchased in many forms Fresh Frozen Cut-up Portioned controlled (PC) Individually quick frozen (IQF)  When purchasing you should consider your menu, labor costs, storage facilities, and employee skills

6 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Procedure for Cutting a Bird into Pieces 4 The bird is now cut into four quarters.

7 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Procedure for Making a Supreme or Airline Breast 7 The supreme can be prepared skin-on or skinless.

8 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Purchasing and Storing Poultry  All poultry is potentially hazardous food  Fresh chickens and small birds can be stored on ice or at 32-34 degrees for two days  Frozen poultry should be held at 0° F  Frozen poultry shouldn’t be held longer than six months  Frozen items should be thawed under refrigeration

9 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Marinating  Marinating is often used to flavor and moisten the meat  Poultry is mild in flavor  Poultry absorbs flavors quickly  Two hours is often sufficient to flavor poultry

10 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Recipe 18.1 White Wine Marinade Marinated chicken breasts.

11 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Recipe 18.1 Procedure for Broiling or Grilling Poultry 1 Season the chicken breasts.

12 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Procedure for Trussing Poultry 1 Square up the bird by pressing it firmly with both hands. Tuck the first joint of the wing behind the back or trim off the first and second joints as shown.

13 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Procedure for Trussing Poultry 2 Cut a piece of butcher’s twine approximately three times the bird’s length. With the breast up and the neck toward you, pass the twine under the bird approximately 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) in front of the tail.

14 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Procedure for Trussing Poultry 3 Bring the twine up around the legs and cross the ends, creating an X between the legs. Pass the ends of the twine below the legs.

15 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Procedure for Trussing Poultry 4 Pull the ends of the twine tightly across the leg and thigh joints and across the wings if the first and second joints are trimmed off, or just above the wings if in tact.

16 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Procedure for Trussing Poultry 5 Pull the string tight and tie it securely just above the neck.

17 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Procedure for Trussing Poultry 6 Two examples of properly trussed birds: one with the wings intact and one with the first and second wing joints removed

18 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Barding a Pheasant

19 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Recipe 18.3 Roast Turkey with Chestnuts Dressing and Giblet Gravy 1 Placing the trussed turkey in the roasting pan.

20 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Determining Doneness  Methods used to determine the doneness of poultry Touch Internal temperature Looseness of joints Color of the juices Time

21 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Recipe 18.3 Roast Turkey with Chestnuts Dressing and Giblet Gravy 3 Tossing the dressing ingredients together.

22 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Recipe 18.15 Roast Cornish Game Hen with Wild Rice Stuffing 1 Loosely stuff each hen with some of the wild rice mixture.

23 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Recipe 18.15 Roast Cornish Game Hen with Wild Rice Stuffing 3 The game hens plated for service.

24 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Recipe 18.17 Chicken Leg Stuffed with Mushrooms and Prosciutto 1 Closing the chicken leg around the stuffing.

25 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Recipe 18.17 Chicken Leg Stuffed with Mushrooms and Prosciutto 2 Tying the chicken leg with butcher’s twine.

26 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Recipe 18.17 Chicken Leg Stuffed with Mushrooms and Prosciutto 3 The sliced chicken leg.

27 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Recipe 18.19 Chicken Stuffed with Spinach and Ricotta Cheese in Saffron Sauce Chef Leland Atkinson, Washington, DC

28 © 2007 Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved Labensky, et al. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 4 th edition. Recipe 18.41 Grilled Squab with Basil Butter 4 Grilling the squab.

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