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1 Unit 6 READING

2 Before you read Work in groups and think about the typical dishes in these countries. France onion soup, cheese, salads, coq au vin

3 Roast beef, roast lamb, sausages, fish and chips

4 Italy pasta spaghetti bolognese

5 America burgers French fries steak turkey

6 Can you think of any foods that might be popular in all of the countries?

7 herb /hɜ:b/(n) any plant with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavouring, food, medicine, or perfume. Ex: Last night we had a dinner of herbs herb

8 anchovy /'ænt∫əvi/(n) a small fish of the herring family, with a strong flavour. ⇨anchovies (pl.n)

9 tuna /'tju:nə/ (n) a large predatory fish of warm seas, fished commercially. ⇨tuna or tunas (pl.n) Ex: The drift net had been set at 5 meters in waters and more than 2000 meters deep to catch tuna. tuna

10 migrate /mai'greit/ (v) move from one place to another place
migrate /mai'greit/ (v) move from one place to another place ⇨migration /mai'grei∫n/ (n) Ex: Because of coldness, these birds have to migrating to the South. migrate

11 Decide which of these are fish and seafood
Oil, garlic, anchovies, eel, squid, herring, salmon, peas, shrimp, pineapple, bacon, tuna, sweet corn. fish

12 fish Sea food eel squid shrimp
Oil, garlic, anchovies, eel, squid, herring, salmon, peas, shrimp, pineapple, bacon, tuna, sweet corn. fish Sea food eel squid shrimp anchovies herring salmon tuna

13 Read the text quickly and answer question
How many other foods you can find?

14 Work in groups and answer these questions
While - reading Work in groups and answer these questions What does McDonald’s Golden Arches span the globe mean? What are the similarities and differences between the hamburger and the pizza? Which year was pizza invented? Which came first, picea or plakuntos? How are they different from pizza? Why are Mexico and Peru important in the development of pizza? What do the Italian flag and a Pizza Margherita have in common? When and how did pizza become really popular in the United States?

15 Read Trivia again and make the question?
How many……….? How much………..? Which month……….? Where and when…….? Which toppings………...?

16 Discuss in groups. What do you think?
Post-reading Discuss in groups. What do you think? Which facts in Pizza Trivia do you find most interesting? Why? Why do different countries prefer such different toppings? Do you like pizza? What are your favourite toppings? What are the most popular places to eat in your country? Why? What is your favourite place to eat?

17 The end Goodbye!

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