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Team 4: The Beancounters Kyle Haver Shicheng Guo Ethan Price Wesley Tso PATENT LIABILITY.

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Presentation on theme: "Team 4: The Beancounters Kyle Haver Shicheng Guo Ethan Price Wesley Tso PATENT LIABILITY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team 4: The Beancounters Kyle Haver Shicheng Guo Ethan Price Wesley Tso PATENT LIABILITY

2  Roasts coffee beans  Circulates hot air to roast and spin the beans  Uses fan to cool the beans  Monitors the beans with sensors  Temperature  Color  Noise OUR ROASTER DESIGN

3  Similarities  Roasts coffee beans with hot air  Monitors temperature with thermometer  Key differences  Only monitors temperature  Does not adjust heater temperature  Air is only used to heat the beans and not move them US4325191: COFFEE ROASTER

4  Filing Date: 2006-12-07  Similarities  Monitors temperature of beans  Fully automated roast  Key Differences  Roasting drum rotates  Uses halogen, ceramic, and sheath heaters  Uses suction to eliminate smoke US7875833 B2: COFFEE ROASTER AND CONTROLLING METHOD OF SAME

5  Filing Date: 1998-11-09  Similarities  Roasts beans by circulating hot air  Uses air circulation to cool beans  Uses sensors to monitor roast  Key Differences  Air is not used to spin the beans  Control signals downloaded for different geographical areas  Only effective in China CN1278705 A: ROASTING SYSTEM

6  Filing Date: 2005-09-12 & 2002-01-10  Similarities  Uses hot air to roast the beans  Air is used to cool the beans  Electric motor and heating element  Key Differences  High speed air only moves beans once “sufficiently roasted”  Transparent top only means of monitoring the beans  No automation  Relies on conduction heating WO2006101511 A1 & US6942887 B1: COFFEE ROASTER METHOD AND CONTROL

7  Filing Date: 1998-11-30  Similarities  Heats and circulates outside air to roast beans  Annular roasting receptacle  Key Differences  No form of automation  Timer-based roast  Air is not used to cool the beans  Nothing spins the beans US6112644 A: COFFEE BEAN ROASTER

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