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Oballo belongs to Cangas del Narcea. It is placed at 700 meters of altitude at the level of the sea, and at a distance of 22 kilometres from the capital.

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2 Oballo belongs to Cangas del Narcea. It is placed at 700 meters of altitude at the level of the sea, and at a distance of 22 kilometres from the capital of the council.

3 Obacho belongs to the Red Nature 2000, since it is situated inside the Nature Reserve of Fuentes del Narcea, Degaña and Ibias. Obacho’s mounts border the Muniellos Biological Reserve, which was declared Reserve of the Biosphere. Center of Interpretation of Muniellos

4 The village is surrounded by green mounts full of beautiful forests of autochthonal species as oakwoods, beechwood and birches, where native animals such as the bear, the wolf and the grouse live together with hunting species as the deer and the wild boar. It forms part of an ecosystem of an enormous environmental and landscape value as well as an enormous tourist potential that grows little by little.

5 The village has got 22 houses, of which only 10 are permanently lived in. The rest are occupied at the weekends or holidays. At present, approximately 25 people live in the village. This number grows up to one hundred in the summer months. Until the middle of the 19th century, life in the village was based on the economy of livestock and agriculture. In 1860, with the arrival of the big companies of wood for the exploitation of the mounts, the standard of living increased, since most of the local people began to be employed at the wood industry that existed in the mounts of the zone. Workers in Muniellos

6 During this stage of economic "prosperity“, the construction of the church of the village began in the year 1897. This is of a Romanesque popular style with an altarpiece from the period and two images from the 13th century, San Pablo and the Magdalena. About 1920, a time of crisis in the village began. The industry stopped its activity and epidemies decimated the population of the village. The recession came to its height during the Civil war of 1936. It started to decrease between the 50s and 60s. From 1960 the driving force of the economy in the village has been only and exclusively the mining industry, whereas livestock and agriculture have remained as testimonies of the former economy of subsistence. In the 80s a crisis in the mining industry took place, together with a period of emigration of the youth to the big cities.

7 A lot of festivals are held throughout the year. Carnival marks the beginning of the festival season in the calendar. The Night of San Juan on the 24 of June is celebrated with an enormous bonfire. At the end of the haymaking season, people walk up to the top of a mountain where the tradition says that a Xana who protected children and animals was living. This is known as L’Ancanta. The main festival of the village is held on the last weekend of August in honor of San Juan and Our Lady of the Rosario. The Amagüesto is based on roast chestnuts and must of the apple newly squeezed for the cider, and it is celebrated on the first Saturday of November. The end of the harvest and the abundance of the crops is celebrated here. In the year 2003 a cultural association called L’Ancanta was created with the purpose of recovering and keeping the local traditions and customs.


9 Paula M. 2ºA Paula F. 2ºB

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