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Vendor Conversion Walkthrough Sunflower Project Statewide Management, Accounting, and Reporting Tool Update February 3, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Vendor Conversion Walkthrough Sunflower Project Statewide Management, Accounting, and Reporting Tool Update February 3, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vendor Conversion Walkthrough Sunflower Project Statewide Management, Accounting, and Reporting Tool Update February 3, 2010

2 2 Today’s Topics Introduction Vendor Conversion Overview Vendor Conversion Walkthrough –Vendor Record –Vendor ID Numbers Record –Vendor Address Record –Vendor Address Phone Record –Vendor Location Record –Vendor TIN Record –Vendor Withholding –Vendor Pay Record Closing

3 3 Vendor Conversion Overview The purpose of the vendor conversion is to establish existing STARS vendors in SMART. Active vendors in STARS will be converted to SMART. There are approximately 195,000 vendors being converted. Inactive vendors, foreign vendors, and employee vendors (excluding Regents) will be excluded from the conversion. State agencies will be loaded as vendors in SMART. The vendor conversion is scheduled to occur on 06/07/10. Interfacing agencies need to update the vendors in their systems in order to use the SMART vendors on transactions. Interfacing agencies can use INF01 – Outbound Vendors Interface to load SMART vendors into their systems. Daily execution of INF01 will start on 06/07/10 after the conversion is complete.

4 4 Converted Vendors Vendor (001) The Vendor record (VENDOR/Row ID 001) is the header/parent record for a vendor’s data. There is one Vendor record for each vendor. SETID: Will be SOKID for all converted vendors, as all vendors are shared. VENDOR_ID: Uniquely identifies the vendor. The value is a 10-digit vendor number assigned during the conversion (e.g., 0000000001). NAME1: Will be STARS Vendor Name (VE-VENDOR-NAME). NAME2: Will be STARS Vendor Business Name (VE-VENDOR-BUSINESS- NAME). OLD_VENDOR_ID: Will be STARS Vendor Number (VE-VENDOR-NO). This field is only used for converted vendors and is not available online.

5 5 Converted Vendors Vendor (001) – Cont. STARS SMART Vendor record Vendor #Vendor SuffixVendor Name 12345678900ACME Corporation 12345678901ACME Corporation 12345678904ACME Corporation 12345678909ACME Corporation VENDOR_IDNAME1OLD_VENDOR_ID 0000000001ACME Corporation123456789

6 6 Converted Vendors Vendor ID Numbers (002) The Vendor ID Numbers record (VENDOR_ID_NBRS/Row ID 002) will not be populated for converted vendors.

7 7 Converted Vendors Vendor Address (003) The Vendor Address record (VENDOR_ADDR/Row ID 003) contains the vendor’s addresses. There can be multiple Vendor Address records for each vendor. One record is created for each STARS Vendor Suffix Number. Associated to VENDOR record by SETID, VENDOR_ID. ADDRESS_SEQ_NUM: This is the address that is placed on a procurement document. A vendor can have multiple address sequence numbers. This value will be assigned sequentially by the conversion program, beginning with ‘1’. ADDRESS1: Will be STARS Vendor Address (VE-VENDOR_ADDRESS). CITY: Will be STARS Vendor City (VE-VENDOR-CITY). STATE: Will be STARS Vendor State (VE-VENDOR-STATE).

8 8 Converted Vendors Vendor Address (003) – Cont. POSTAL: Will contain both STARS VE-VENDOR-ZIP-1-5 and STARS VE-VENDOR-ZIP-6-9 in the following format: 66604-4029. DESCR: Contains the STARS Vendor Suffix Number.

9 9 Converted Vendors Vendor Address (003) – Cont. STARS SMART Vendor Address record Vendor #Vendor SuffixAddressCityStateZip Code (1-5)Zip Code (6-9) 12345678900100 Topeka Blvd.TopekaKS666017777 123456789011234 Kansas Ave.TopekaKS666018888 12345678904999 10th Ave.WichitaKS672029999 12345678909488 Gage Blvd.LawrenceKS660441234

10 10 Converted Vendors Vendor Address Phone (004) The Vendor Address Phone record (VENDOR_ADDR_PHN/Row ID 004) is associated to VENDOR_ADDR record by SETID, VENDOR_ID, ADDRESS_SEQ_NUM. For converted vendors, this record will store various information: 1.STARS Phone Number in PHONE field PHONE_TYPE = LEG1 Will be STARS Area Code (VE-PHONE-AREA-CODE) + STARS Phone Prefix (VE-PHONE-PREFIX) + STARS Phone Number (VE-PHONE- NUMBER) in the following format: 785/123-4444 2.STARS Vendor Contact (First 25 characters) in PHONE field PHONE_TYPE = LEG2 3.STARS Vendor Contact (Last 15 characters) in PHONE field PHONE_TYPE = LEG3 4.SMART Location in COUNTRY_CODE field PHONE_TYPE =.PLC New

11 11 Converted Vendors Vendor Address Phone (004) – Cont. STARS SMART Vendor Address record SMART Vendor Address Phone record Vendor #Vendor SuffixArea CodePhone Prefix Phone NumberVendor Contact 123456789007852910565State of Kansas’ Favorite Vendor 123456789017852969999 123456789047858881239 123456789093165554456 VENDOR_IDADDRESS_SEQ_NUMPHONE_TYPEPHONE 0000000011LEG1785/291-5656 0000000011LEG2State of Kansas’ Favorite 0000000011LEG3Vendor 0000000012LEG1785/296-9999 0000000013LEG1785/888-1239 0000000014LEG1316/555-4456

12 12 Converted Vendors Vendor Location (005) The Vendor Location record (VENDOR_LOC/Row ID 005) contains the locations for each vendor. A vendor location comprises information such as procurement options, payment options, withholding options, pay to bank accounts, and so on. Default bank information, such as payment method, is associated to the vendor location. Associated to VENDOR record by SETID, VENDOR_ID. VNDR_LOC: There will no longer by a one-to-one relationship between Vendor Location and Vendor Address. There will be one Vendor Location for each bank account/ payment method. Assigned sequentially starting with 001, 002, 003, etc. Each vendor will have ‘001’ as its default location. This location will default on transactions if no location is provided. DESCR: Contains a reference to the location’s payment information. Will contain either System Check or ACH *********1111. Update

13 13 Converted Vendors Vendor Location (005) – Cont. Vendor #Vendor SuffixAddressCityStateBank Account Information 12345678900100 Topeka Blvd.TopekaKSXXXXXXX 123456789011234 Kansas Ave.TopekaKSXXXXXXX 12345678904999 10th Ave.WichitaKSYYYYYYY 12345678909488 Gage Blvd.LawrenceKS STARS SMART Vendor Address record SMART Vendor Location record 001 002 003

14 14 Converted Vendors Vendor Location (005) – Cont. Vendor #Vendor SuffixAddressCityStateBank Account Information 12345678900100 Topeka Blvd.TopekaKSXXXXXXX 123456789011234 Kansas Ave.TopekaKSXXXXXXX 12345678904999 10th Ave.WichitaKSYYYYYYY 12345678909488 Gage Blvd.LawrenceKS STARS SMART Vendor Address record 001 002 003 VENDOR_IDADDRESS_SEQ_NUMPHONE_TYPECOUNTRY_CODEPHONE 0000000011.PLOC001 0000000012.PLOC001 0000000013.PLOC002 0000000014.PLOC003 SMART Vendor Address Phone record

15 15 Converted Vendors Vendor TIN (006) The Vendor TIN record (VENDOR_TIN/Row ID 006) contains the withholding/Tax ID information for each vendor location. There will be one Vendor TIN record for each Vendor Location record. Associated to VENDOR_LOC record by SETID, VENDOR_ID. TIN: Will be STARS VE-VENDOR-NO.

16 16 Converted Vendors Vendor TIN (006) – Cont. STARS SMART Vendor Location record SMART Vendor TIN record Vendor #Vendor SuffixAddressCityStateBank Account Information 12345678900100 Topeka Blvd.TopekaKSXXXXXXX 123456789011234 Kansas Ave.TopekaKSXXXXXXX 12345678904999 10th Ave.WichitaKSYYYYYYY 12345678909488 Gage Blvd.LawrenceKS

17 17 Converted Vendors Vendor Withholding (007) The Vendor Withholding Jurisdiction record (VENDOR_WTHD_JUR/Row ID 007) contains the withholding information for each vendor location. There will be one Vendor Withholding Jurisdiction record for each vendor location if the STARS 1099 field is ‘Y’. The following data will be populated in this record during the conversion: Associated to VENDOR_LOC record by SETID, VENDOR_ID. WTHD_ENTITY : This will be defaulted to ‘IRS’. WTHD_TYPE: This will be defaulted to ‘1099’. DEFAULT_CLASS : This will be defaulted to ’07’ (Non Employee Compensation).

18 18 Converted Vendors Vendor Pay (008) The Vendor Pay record (VENDOR_PAY/Row ID 008) contains the payment information for each vendor location. There will be one Vendor Pay record for each location. Associated to VENDOR_LOC record by SETID, VENDOR_ID and VNDR_LOC. PYMNT_METHOD: If bank account information is populated in STARS, the Payment Method will be ‘ACH’ in SMART. If the vendor’s payment method is not ACH, the default value will be System Check when creating a voucher.

19 19 Converted Vendors Vendor Pay (008) – Cont. STARS SMART Vendor Location record SMART Vendor Pay record Vendor #Vendor SuffixAddressCityStateBank Account Information 12345678900100 Topeka Blvd.TopekaKSXXXXXXX 123456789011234 Kansas Ave.TopekaKSXXXXXXX 12345678904999 10th Ave.WichitaKSYYYYYYY 12345678909488 Gage Blvd.LawrenceKS

20 20 Closing How you can communicate with us: Office Hours – Come see us! Monthly Interface and Conversion Meetings – Participate, bring your questions and issues or send them to us in advance Email – Subject “Vendor Conversion” with suggestions, comments or

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