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Presentation on theme: "GAINING EFFICIENCY UTILIZING “NEW” ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGIES Dave Johnson – Laboratory Supervisor Muskegon County."— Presentation transcript:



3 The Hach LDO Meter LDO = Luminescent Dissolved Oxygen

4 Measuring DO - Current Techniques  Electrode Membrane DO Meter (EPA 360.1)  Winkler Titration (EPA 360.2)

5 Winkler Titration  Interferences, positive and negative  Not a field technique  Short holding time (8 hours)

6 Electrode Membrane DO Meter  The membrane cap filled with electrolyte solution must be fitted "just right"  Membrane can become fouled  Hydrogen Sulfide gas reduces electrode sensitivity  Sample agitation (flowing water or stirring) must accompany measurement to overcome erratic responses

7 LDO Meter Theory (1 of 2)  Polymer tip permeable to oxygen.  Embedded in the polymer are molecules of luminescent dye (luminophores)  LED in the probe releases a pulse of blue light  Luminophores absorb the blue light & are energized  Return to normal energy level produces red light (fluorescence).

8 LDO Meter Theory (2 of 2)  When the blue light stops, the red fluorescence fades  If oxygen permeates into the polymer and collides with an energized luminophore, the luminophore transfers its extra energy to the oxygen molecule without fluorescing (known as “quenching”)  Quenching decreases overall fluorescence and light will fade faster than its natural decay rate.  The concentration of oxygen in the sample is inversely proportional to the length of time of the fluorescence.

9 Illustration used by permission of Dr. Cary B. Jackson of Hach Company

10 Advantages of the LDO  No more membrane caps and electrolyte solution to replace!!  No interferences  No stirring or flow necessary  No warm up time  Better precision than other techniques

11 The Good News and the Bad News...

12 The Good News  USEPA Recommends the LDO meter for NPDES compliance monitoring  The next time the list of NPDES-approved methods is updated, the LDO method will be on the list for DO and BOD.  Each USEPA region may grant blanket approval for use of the LDO method for NPDES compliance reporting

13 The Bad News  Region 5 has not given blanket approval!

14 The Bottom Line  To use the LDO meter for NPDES compliance reporting, you have to jump through the hoops of a formal Alternative Test Procedure request (ATP).

15 Region 5 ATP Request Requirements  A letter of request  Documentation of your Initial Demonstration of Laboratory Capability  A copy of your SOP  Your NPDES Permit Number (or the NPDES Permit Numbers for All Your Clients that would be affected)

16 ATP Request Requirements  Send an ATP request to: Kenneth Gunter ATP Program Coordinator USEPA Region 5 77 W. Jackson Blvd., WC-15J Chicago, IL 60604 (312) 353-9076

17 Method Information  Hach Method 10360 (it was almost EPA 360.3)  ASTM D888-05, Method C  Caveat: ASTM D888-92 ≠ ASTM D888-05

18 Additional Disadvantages  Cost is $1100 - $1250, comparable to a high-end electrode membrane meter.  Hach Method 10360 has more stringent QC. Check standards must be analyzed before and after a run which ties this method more closely to the lab.

19 Preweighed Filters For Solids

20 Old vs. New

21 Advantages / Disadvantages  Advantages of pre-weighed Filters  No prep time for filters  Elimination of the large background mass of the gooch crucible  4.7 cm filters have 4 times more surface area than 2.4 cm filters (more surface area = faster filtrations)  Disadvantage  Costs approximately 3-4 times more than a 2.4 cm filter

22 Discrete Analyzers Automating Colorimetric Tests  Manufacturers  Lachat  OI Analytical  Seal Analytical  Systea Scientific  Thermo Scientific  Westco  et al.

23 Continuous Flow Analyzers (Old School)  2007: 50th Anniversary of the Invention of Continuous Flow Analyzers (1957 - The continuous flow analyzer developed by Technicon)  Problems with Continuous Flow Analyzers  Plumbing problems  High concentration samples cause carry-over  Difficult to do a color blank

24 Discrete Analyzers (New School)  Faster than continuous flow analyzers  Color blanks are no problem  The potential for carry-over is greatly reduced  Plumbing problems vanish

25 Discrete Analyzers  “Wave of the Future” for colorimetric analyses  Potential Problems/Issues  Software – you have to use what you get, not always user friendly  Purchased reagents are not always reliable  Random air bubbles can cause false positives or high bias  The high cost of consumables  Achieving acceptable detection limits  Methods can be difficult to develop  Analyzers may not analyze nitrate-nitrite by cadmium reduction. BOTTOM LINE – KNOW WHAT YOU ARE BUYING

26 Discrete Analyzers Questions to Ask your Sales Representative  What are the prices of consumables?  What are your guaranteed detection limits?  What methods can you have developed during installation before you leave?  What happens if your guarantees cannot be met?  What references can you give me? BOTTOM LINE – BE VERY THOUROUGH WHEN WRITING INSTRUMENT SPECIFICATIONS

27 Discrete Analyzers Questions to Ask Your References  Are all methods working? How long did it take to develop them?  Have any methods/analyses given you trouble?  Do you have problems with reproducibility?  Did you purchase your discrete analyzer to replace a continuous flow analyzer? Has it?  Is the software user friendly? What features do you like / dislike?  Does your instrument meet the detection limits required for your applications?  Are reagents purchased from the manufacturer reliable?  Is tech support helpful and responsive?

28 Discrete Analyzer Nitrate-Nitrite Analysis Tips  Hydrazine Reduction (SM 4500-NO 3 - H)  Approved for NPDES  Not approved for drinking water  Nitrate Reductase Method  Uses an enzyme for reducing nitrate to nitrite  Equal in performance to cadmium reduction  Method developed using Discrete Analyzers  Eliminates exposure to hydrazine sulfate and cadmium  Learn more at  Not approved for NPDES or Drinking Water (ATP necessary)

29 ATPs For Drinking Water  ATPs are possible for drinking water. Send these ATP requests to: Patrick Churilla Quality Assurance/Laboratory Certification USEPA Region 5 77 W. Jackson Blvd., WG-15J Chicago, IL 60604 (312) 353-6175

30 Digestion Blocks with Disposable Plasticware

31 Just Say No

32 Digestion Blocks Advantages / Disadvantages  Advantages  Cleaner digestions  Uniform heating  Time saved in cleaning glassware  The vessels are calibrated for volume so that aliquots can be measured directly in the vessels.  No transfer of digestates to a new vessel after digestion  Any digestion performed on a hot plate or in a water bath can be adapted for the digestion block.  Disadvantages  Initial Cost of Digestion Block ≤ $4000  Cost of consumables, approximately 35¢ - 40¢ per digestion

33 Distillation Blocks with Disposable Plasticware

34 Micro Dist ® Apparatus  Appartus Description  A heating block that can distill Total Cyanide, Ammonia, Total Sulfide, and Total Phenolics with disposable plastic- ware.  Requires only 6 ml of sample for distillation and a proportionate amount of distillation reagents.  The sample is sealed in the bottom of the tube. A trapping solution is in the upper part of the tube. A hydrophobic membrane separates the trapping solution from the sample. The Cyanide passes through the membrane and into the trapping solution.  The Cyanide passes through the membrane and into the trapping solution but the water matrix does not.  Initial Cost ≤ $4000

35 Micro Dist ® Advantages  Less reagents used. The amount of reagent to distill one sample with a regular distillation unit will do 8 samples on the MICRO DIST ®.  No purge gas flow rate to optimize each time.  Set-up time and distillation time are markedly less. (30 minute distillation for Cyanide, Ammonia, and Sulfide. Phenolics require 90 minutes.)  Able to distill 21 samples at a time.  No fragile glassware to clean up.  Very accurate and repeatable.

36 Micro Dist ® Disadvantages  The consumables are a major expense: Approximately $6 to $7 dollars per distillation tube = ~$140 in plastic consumables every time you distill a full load of 21 samples.  Samples containing organics may cause the membrane to blow out. The only recourse is to distill at a dilution (elevated detection limit).  Total CN is being replaced by available CN, which requires different instrumentation.  Limited amount of distillate means you’ll need a Discrete Analyzer or Continuous Flow Analyzer for the analysis.

37 Good News / Bad News The Micro Dist ® is approved for NPDES and Drinking Water monitoring of Total Cyanide. (QuikChem Method 10-204-00-1-X) It is NOT approved for monitoring of Total Phenolics or Ammonia

38 In Closing…  Don’t be afraid of seeking an Alternative Test Procedure (ATP)!  Don’t be afraid of trying something new (but check your references!!)  Don’t be afraid of asking for help.

39 Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP)  Don't assume everyone's got one.  Don't assume everyone knows what one is.  Don't assume that those who have them are utilizing them to fullest.

40 ICP Overview (1 of 2)  An ICP is an Atomic Emission Spectrometer (The reverse principal of AA)  For the analysis of metals (and Phosphorus, Sulfur, Halogens)  A digested sample is nebulized (turned into a fine mist) and introduced into an argon plasma (Temperature ~10,000°C), where each metal species emits light at its own characteristic wavelengths. The intensity of the emission is proportional to the concentration of the element in the sample.  ICP has the ability to analyze for multiple elements at the same time.

41 ICP Overview (2 of 2)  Gain efficiency by transferring some analyses from your Wet Chem Section to your Metals Section  Total Phosphorus (by SW-846 6010 or 200.7) ATP Required  Hardness (by SM 2340 B)  Maintaining standards and reagents for 3 techniques vs. 1 technique

42 Analysis of Phosphorous and Hardness Advantages / Disadvantages  Advantages  Go from 2 digestions and 2 analyses to 1 digestion, 1 analysis.  Phosphorus by 200.7 has a greater linear range (fewer dilutions).  Wet Chem staff freed up for other duties.  Disadvantage  ICP does not distinguish between the different forms of phosphorus

43 ICP Hardness Analysis  Analyze the sample for Calcium and Magnesium.  Multiply the Calcium concentration by 2.497 and the Magnesium concentration by 4.118. Add them together to obtain the Hardness result.  Hardness = (2.497 x [Ca] 2+ ) + (4.118 x [Mg] 2+ )  And no ATP necessary!

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