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EEMUA 191 Overview & CAMS for HIS

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1 EEMUA 191 Overview & CAMS for HIS
AGENDA 1. EEMUA 191 Partial Review 2. What is CAMS for HIS? 3. Demo * EEMUA 191 is copyrighted material and will not be distributed. Terry A. Nelson Engineering Mgr. – Power Group 12530 W. Airport Blvd. Sugar Land, TX 77478 Phone: (281)

2 EEMUA 191 Overview EEMUA 191 – Edition 2 (2007)
Alarm Systems A guide to Design, Management and Procurement Members Abnormal Situation Management Consortium (ASM) endorsement Key Design Principles Alarms Useful and Relevant Adequate Time for Operator Response Characteristics of a good alarm Safety Related Alarms Reliability Claims

3 EEMUA 191 Overview – Cont. Signals that should not be alarmed
Alarm Priority Bands Alarm Settings Written Rules 1 Alarm every 2 minutes – 50% utilization Elimination of Overload Color coding Priority Band Guidelines Alarm system size Standing and Shelved Alarms Performance Level 5 (Predictive) Cost of poor alarm performance

4 CAMS DEMO 1. Display Filtering
2. Dynamic Filter – Operator / Engineer Built 3. Eclipsing 4. Shelving / Continuous 5. Shelving / One-Shot 6. Shelving / Auto 7. Suppression 8. Load Shedding

5 1. What is CAMS for HIS (Human Interface Station)?
Stands for Consolidated Alarm Management System Consolidation of real-time alarms Acquired from DCS(CS 3000), SIS(ProSafe-RS), AMS(PRM), NCS/PLC(STARDOM ) Consolidation of historical alarms and events A&E and SOE Consolidation of alarm-related applications Alarm design Real-time monitor Historical viewer Change management Statistical analysis and report To deliver the necessary alarms to the right person at the right time Self explanatory slide. Intentionally deleted EEMUA (to avoid unnecessary discussion at this stage) EEMUA shall be referred to in Day 2 when explaining CAMS in detail.

6 2. CAMS for HIS Functional Flowchart
Maintenance Technician System Engineer Chief Operator Operator System Engineer Plant Manager Load Shedding Load Shedding Load Shedding Load Shedding Shelving Shelving Shelving Shelving Eclipsing Eclipsing Eclipsing Eclipsing Sorting Sorting Sorting Sorting Alarm Design Operation Analysis Filtering Filtering Filtering Filtering Suppression Suppression Suppression Suppression Grouping Grouping Grouping Grouping Real-time A&E on memory Alarm Master DB Attribute Addition Historical A&E HDD Re-classification Explain from bottom up briefly since this will be explained in more detail in DAY2 of the L&L. Stress the following: Data from many sources Briefly explain what’s happing in the blue box The right information to the right persons. Re-classification Re-classification Re-classification Normalization Normalization Normalization Normalization Acquisition Acquisition Acquisition Acquisition DCS (CS3000) SIS (ProSafe-RS) Asset Mngmt. System (PRM) NCS/PLC (STARDOM)

7 3. Feature functions of CAMS for HIS
Acquisition: Acquiring all available A&E online real-time Normalization: Removing dialect or mismatch of information Re-classification: Re-classifying alarms or events Alarm prioritization: Prioritizing alarms based on purpose & consequence Attribute addition: Adding identifiers and value-added information Grouping: Unifying redundant alarms Suppression: Suppressing nuisance alarms Filtering: Extracting necessary alarms Sorting: Sorting alarms based on urgency or importance Eclipsing: Integrating repeated alarm in a single line Shelving: Shelving unnecessary alarms temporarily Load shedding: Activating predefined filter automatically in case of alarm flooding Please explain each of following functions. Please also mention that the functions in the box will be also mention in the Event analysis presentation following this one using Ehra FPSO data.

8 Acquisition Acquisition: Acquiring various types of alarms and events from sub-systems Types of alarms DCS (Process alarms, System alarms, etc..) SIS (Safety related alarms) Asset management system (Field device alarms) Network Control System (Process alarms) Types of interfaces Proprietary control bus interface OPC A&E Serial port logger (under consideration) FTP (under consideration), etc.

9 Normalization & Re-classification
Normalization: Removing dialect or mismatch of information Data arrangement Standardizing terminology (e.g. High, HI, H+) Level of alarm priority Level of plant hierarchy, etc. Re-classification: Re-classifying alarms or events Examples Correct events that were incorrectly classified as alarms Vice versa

10 Attribute Addition Attribute addition: Adding identifiers and value-added information Identifiers Purpose: safety, environmental, financial Consequence: very large, large, medium, small Time to respond: urgent, quick, routine Plant hierarchy: plant, area, unit, line Alarm priority: critical, high, medium, low, logging Type of user: operator, maintenance, production staff Value-added information Reason of alarm occurrence Role-based action to be taken Past action

11 Eclipsing Eclipsing: Integrating repeated alarm in a single line
Chattering alarms can be visually hidden. Alarm shown after Eclipsing will be the one with the highest priority and latest time stamp.

12 Grouping & Suppression
Grouping: Unifying redundant alarms Same alarms acquired from different sub-systems Suppression: Suppressing nuisance alarms Suppressing obvious alarms statically (e.g. alarms generated by stopping plant)

13 Filtering & Sorting Filtering: Extracting necessary alarms
By timestamp, plant hierarchy, alarm priority, user name, purpose, consequence, etc. Sorting: Sorting alarms based on urgency or importance By timestamp, alarm priority, time to respond, etc.

14 Examples of Filters SIS: Alarms from SIS
Field devices: Alarms from PRM Stardom: Alarms from Stardom System: DCS system alarms Process: DCS process alarms Plant A: Alarms in plant hierarchy Alarm Priority: High/Medium/Low Time to Respond: Urgent/Quick/Routine Purpose: Safety/Environmental/Financial Operating Shifts: Alarms in each shift Start Up: Important/Unimportant Combination filter also can be created. If you have a time, please demonstrate dynamic filter function (Combination filter).

15 Shelving Shelving: Moving unnecessary alarms to the shelf temporarily
Examples of shelving functions One-shot: Moving unimportant alarm into a shelf one by one. Continuous: Moving unimportant alarms into a shelf once, then repeated alarms are automatically moved for certain periods or by certain clock time. Automatic: Assigning one of existing filters as a condition of shelving, then relevant alarms are automatically moved for certain periods or by certain clock time.

16 Load Shedding Load shedding: Activating predefined filter automatically in case of alarm flooding If 100 alarms has happened within 60 sec, then automatically select high priority filter. (This is the default setting and can be configured per customer preference.)

17 A&E Browser Pane (Read only) (can be linked to related information)
Display of CAMS for HIS Ack Button A&E Browser Pane (Read only) A&E Message Pane Shelf Pane Sort Bar Filter Pane Detailed Message Pane (can be linked to related information) Dynamic Alarm KPI Bar

18 Thank you

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