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Integrating Operations into a Metropolitan Transportation Plan AMPO Operations Working Group Meeting Boston, MA 2010.

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1 Integrating Operations into a Metropolitan Transportation Plan AMPO Operations Working Group Meeting Boston, MA 2010


3 M&O Subcommittee Traffic engineers $4 million - Surface Transportation Program Criteria for projects M&O Strategic Plan

4 Accomplishments Student driver education/training Community Traffic Safety Teams (CTST) Field Audits Peer Exchange

5 Accomplishments (cont’) Web-base regional crash database Advanced ITS projects Safety Conscious Plan Travel Time and Delay Studies


7 FY 08 Status Report


9 BENEFITS AM Peak Hour Savings: $ 21,091 PM Peak Hour Savings: $ 40,110 Overall Project Cost: $ 816,000 Value to community received after 27 Peak Hours FY 08 Status Report

10 FY 09 Signal Retiming B-C Analysis Calculations SR 434 from Tollgate Trail to Wayman StSummary of Measures of Effectiveness & Benefit Cost Analysis AM PEAK HOURPM PEAK HOUR MOE'sBeforeAfterBeforeAfter Total Travel Time (vehicle - hrs)268.46216.75375.46257.36 Total Fuel Consumption (gallons)240.74232.83267.26262.71 AM PEAK HOURPM PEAK HOUR BENEFITS User Benefit Per Day$897.59$2,009.47 Annual User Benefit$269,276.83$602,841.66 Total Annual User Benefit$872,118.48 Total Signal Retiming Annual Cost$11,926.92 User Benefit / Cost Ratio73.12

11 B/C Ratio Summary – Seminole County S No.StreetFromTo Annual User Benefit Annual CostB/C Ratio 1US 17/92SR 46 (1st St)3rd St$91,803.70$3,905.78 23.50 2SR 434Sand Lake RdJamestown Blvd$97,494.71$3,861.20 25.25 3SR 434Tollgate TrailWayman St$872,118.48$11,926.92 73.12 4SR 434Mitchell Hammock RdPalm Valley Dr$482,533.47$9,678.71 49.86 5SR 436Wilshire DrCasselton Dr$933,847.95$17,509.32 53.33 6SR 46Park DrSanford Ave$115,608.62$3,905.78 29.60 7CR 46ASR 417 NB RampSR 417 SB Ramp$50,435.76$3,861.20 13.06 8SR 426Old Howell Branch RdDean Rd$380,396.32$13,717.86 27.73 9Red Bug Lake RdSR 417 EBSR 417 WB$160,113.12$3,861.20 41.47

12 B/C Ratio Summary – Orange County S No.StreetFromTo Annual User Benefit Annual CostB/C Ratio 1Alafaya Tl (SR 434)Challenger Pkwy$513,383.90$1,566.12 327.81 2Aloma Ave (SR 426)Phelps AvePalmetto Ave$953,161.33$12,879.55 74.01 3Colonial Dr E. (SR 50)Murdock BlvdAvalon Park Blvd$1,490,036.19$17,219.72 86.53 4Conway Rd (SR 15)Michigan StHoffner Ave$494,870.99$10,402.71 47.57 5 Goldenrod Rd (SR 551) Lake Underhill RdCharlin Pkwy$599,118.16$15,889.85 37.70 6Orange Ave (SR 527)Drennan StNela Ave$1,132,333.09$16,309.01 69.43 7 Semoran Blvd (SR 436) Aloma AveBaldwin Park St$605,321.47$8,345.03 72.54

13 B/C Ratio Summary – City of Orlando S No.StreetFromTo Annual User Benefit Annual CostB/C Ratio 1Curry Ford Rd (SR 552)Conway RdWoodgate Blvd$758,784.55$10,402.71 72.94 2Semoran Blvd (SR 436)DahliaT.G. Lee Blvd$1,609,694.32$29,036.14 55.44 3Colonial Dr (SR 50)Mills AveOld Cheney Hwy$917,396.80$21,948.58 41.8 4 Hoffner Ave/Narcoossee Rd Goldenrod RdLee Vista Blvd Under Construction 5 Mills Ave (SR 15/600)Marks StRollins St Under Construction 6 Central BlvdBrown AveMills Ave Under Construction

14 B/C Ratio Summary - Osceola S No.StreetFromTo Annual User Benefit Annual CostB/C Ratio 1US 17/92 - US 441Osceola PkwyColumbia Ave$277,945.12$6,439.77 43.16 2US 192 - US 441Denn John Ln Turnpike NB Ramp $392,859.77$11,660.18 33.69

15 Annual Time & Fuel Savings Roadway NameLimits Annual Time Savings (vehicle hours) Annual Fuel Savings (gallons) Alafaya TrailChallenger Pkwy29,7473,580 Aloma AveBalfour Dr to Palmetto Ave55,6953,997 Conway RdMichigan Ave to Hoffner Ave28,9002,168 CR 46ASR 417 NB Ramp to SR 417 SB Ramp2,941248 Curry Ford RdConway Rd to Woodgate Blvd44,5372,048 Goldenrod RdBates Rd to Charlin Pkwy33,46411,266 Orange AveDrennan St to Nela Ave66,6601,937 Red Bug Lake RdSR 417 EB to SR 417 WB9,425279 SR 426Old Howell Branch Rd to Dean Rd22,0502,603 SR 434 Part ASand Lake Rd to Jamestown Blvd5,627804 SR 434 Part BTollgate Trail to Wayman St50,9453,740

16 Annual Time & Fuel Savings (continued) Roadway NameLimits Annual Time Savings (vehicle hours) Annual Fuel Savings (gallons) SR 434 Part CMitchell Hammock Rd to Palm Valley Dr28,5671,087 SR 436Aloma Ave to Baldwin Park St35,1513,781 SR 436Wilshire Dr to Casselton Dr54,1986,009 SR 436Dahlia Dr to T.G. Lee Blvd94,3724,971 SR 46Park Dr to Sanford Ave6,811170 SR 50Mills Ave to Old Cheney Hwy53,5604,106 SR 50Murdock Blvd to Avalon Park Blvd86,4499,749 US 17-92SR 46 (1st St) to 3rd St5,385266 US 17-92Osceola Pkwy to Columbia Ave15,9822,634 US 192Denn John Ln to Turnpike NB Ramp23,0561,079 Total Savings753,52266,521

17 LOS “F” (failing) Miles Comparison: Before and After Direction-Peak Hour BEFORE %(Miles) AFTER %(Miles) NB/EB –AM3.3% (1.7)1.77% (1.0) NB/EB – PM10.62% (5.6)4.1% (2.2) SB/WB – AM8.41% (4.4)3.84% (2.0) SB/WB – PM12.29% (6.5)4.88% (2.6) Total18.3 (35%)7.7(15%)

18 Long Range Transportation Plan

19 Alternative Land-Use Smart Growth Regional Goals/Measures –Integrated Regional System –Balanced Multi-Modal System –System Safety –Efficient & Cost-Effective System –Quality of Life/Community Compatibility –Environmental Sensitivity

20 Congestion Management Planning (CMP) Process 1.Select performance measures 2.Collect data 3.Evaluate alternatives 4.Select projects 5.Monitor improvements

21 Planning Process: Performance Measures Daily congestion level Percent of speed limit Bicycle/pedestrian user satisfaction Transit ridership High crash locations Crash rate Incident severity

22 Planning Process: Collect Data Current activities: Tracking the Trends Travel time and delay Transportation survey Upcoming activities: Constrained Roadways Regional Crash Database Safety studies

23 Planning Process: Evaluate Alternatives Transportation demand management Traffic operational improvements Bicycle/pedestrian connections Transit Technology

24 Planning Process: Select Projects Rank and prioritize strategies: Consider cost, funding, benefits Don’t just move a bottleneck Coordinate improvements

25 Planning Process: Monitor Improvement Report on performance measures New data collection and evaluation strategies

26 Additional Considerations Champion(s) “Low hanging fruit” ITS Architecture Partners


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