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1 888 2 DONATE. What is Partners for Life? Donating blood as a team saves more lives – it’s that simple Joining Partners for Life helps teams like ours.

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Presentation on theme: "1 888 2 DONATE. What is Partners for Life? Donating blood as a team saves more lives – it’s that simple Joining Partners for Life helps teams like ours."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 888 2 DONATE

2 What is Partners for Life? Donating blood as a team saves more lives – it’s that simple Joining Partners for Life helps teams like ours get together and make a difference Your participation is an essential piece of the puzzle

3 1 888 2 DONATE Together we can help save the lives of real people. Meet Nicholas, who is alive today thanks to people who give blood Born prematurely, he required a blood transfusion when his hemoglobin levels dipped dangerously low “We are forever grateful to blood donors” – Nicholas’ parents

4 1 888 2 DONATE We can save more lives together. We have the power to make a difference together. Help us meet our goal: XX donations by [Date] That’s enough to help X patients undergoing leukemia treatment, X people needing heart surgery, and/or X car accident victims Please take a minute and register right away at

5 1 888 2 DONATE A message from At we achieve incredible things every day. Now, with your help, we can add saving lives to that list. Together we have what it takes to accomplish that goal. In fact, we can save XX lives by if we put our minds to it. (Option 1) And to make giving blood as convenient as possible, a Life Bus shuttle will provide group transportation. (Option 2) And to make giving blood as convenient as possible, blood donor clinics will be held right here in our lobby. (Option 3) And to make giving blood as convenient as possible, you’re free to walk with a coworker to the clinic at.> (Copy resumes) Please support this cause and register at I already have. Thank you. PHOTO INSTRUCTIONS: Insert photo of CEO or champion Send the photo to the back Delete this copy block COPY INSTRUCTIONS: Choose appropriate clinic selection Delete other copy options Delete this copy block

6 1 888 2 DONATE Please register today and give blood. Thank you. Talk to your supervisor or contact []

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