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Tools for Visualization of Learning Video Mini Project Fall 2014.

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1 Tools for Visualization of Learning Video Mini Project Fall 2014

2  Handwriting  Parents of first graders  September  Importance of letter formation  Symbols on handwriting paper  How to hold a pencil properly  Apps to practice handwriting

3  SWBAT practice holding a pencil properly.  SWBAT understand the symbols associated with each line on the handwriting paper. **These videos are to be reviewed at home with parents:  Provide resources for parents to understand the symbols on the lined paper  Handwriting apps for parents to use at home with a child  Teach parents the proper way to grip a pencil

4  YouTube Link to three videos: HUOw79x8heWezW7jWgEBqnzd2yq9 1. Handwriting Symbols 2. How to hold a pencil 3. Apps to Practice Handwriting

5  Conventions of Standard English: ◦ CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.1.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.  CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.1.1.A Print all upper- and lowercase letters properly.

6  8.1.2.A.2 ◦ Use technology terms in daily practice.  8.1.2.C.1 o Digital tools and environments support the learning process  8.2.2.A.1 o Describe how technology products, systems, and resources are useful at school, home, and work.

7 Anthony Gregorc Mind Styles:  Perception Style – Concrete: A learner who is concrete in perceiving new information through the senses (sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste). This kind of learner deals with the tangible lessons. They would benefit from reviewing the videos (sight) and using the apps to practice (touch).  Concrete Sequential: these students will enjoy the order and structure of certain apps and the step by step directions.

8  Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (Body Smart): They will be using an iPad which require kinesthetic movement. Also, the practice of holding a pencil properly and getting their body ready to write.  Spatial Intelligence (Picture Smart): deals with the ability to perceive images. These students will be engaged when viewing these videos for added practice. Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences:

9 ReferencesClipart retrieved from:  Common Core State Standards (2014). Retrieved December 5, 2014, from  eHow Contributor. (2013). Gregorc learning style. Retrieved from 03_gregorc-learning-style.html. 03_gregorc-learning-style.html  New Jersey State Academic Standards. (2010). Retrieved December 5, 2014, from ndards/8/  Sousa, D. (2005). How the brain learns. a classroom teacher’s guide. (4th ed.).Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc.  Wilson, L. (2005). Newer views of learning: Multiple intelligences – special intelligence indicators. Retrieved from al-learning/multiple-intelligence- indicators al-learning/multiple-intelligence- indicators  Kid’s Brain:  Handwriting lines: 011/08/handwriting-with- fundations.html 011/08/handwriting-with- fundations.html  Letter formation: Retrieved from Fundations Manual Resources  Kinesthetic and Spatial Picture: intelligences/ intelligences/

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