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1 Presentation 1 INTRODUCTION. 2 Learning Outcomes By the end of this meeting, student will be expected to be able to : explaining regarding genesis and.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Presentation 1 INTRODUCTION. 2 Learning Outcomes By the end of this meeting, student will be expected to be able to : explaining regarding genesis and."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Presentation 1 INTRODUCTION

2 2 Learning Outcomes By the end of this meeting, student will be expected to be able to : explaining regarding genesis and drawing technique and also the peripheral to drawing.

3 3 Outline Materi INTRODUCTION Utilize to submit an idea, mind or feeling of people at our opponent talking, hence needed an way of so that can communicate, way of communicating which is meant can be conducted with all kinds of way of from way of simplest come up with the way of most complicated.

4 4 One of the example the way of communicating simplest is with moving legs and hands / body ( for example hand, mouth, face mimics and others ). Other the things of when to be submitted that have is complicated its meaning do not modestly again, hence is here needed an way of more sophisticated for example with an picture and or article ( writing = drawing letter).

5 5 Human being in everyday life need an place to shelter, hence to make / to developing meant place, before executed require to be planned in advance. If that idea or plan still modestly can be submitted with words or article, but this matter will be difficult if that idea have growing added complicated again represent merger from some people, hence to submitting it needed an method and method the meant is : “ Picture Method ”

6 6 Picture Method Method Draw this in fact have old met that is since ancient Egyptian era ( 4400 – 2466 SM ). Pictures met that epoch is ichnographic picture, visible which made at Kings mausoleum wall and is generally drawn by above stone of papyrus or limestone.

7 7 Method draw this hereinafter developed in Babylonia and of Assyria where picture the met is picture of landscape building and as a whole but still above earthen printing;mould. Then this modern epoch can be drawn on paper utilize to yield information as complete as possible so that well-held of planning process / making an building.

8 8 Draw Equipment Drawing Desk Drawing desk is desk able to be arranged by inclination and high lower him according to desire of its user so that earning free to make a move so that can yield maximal and good picture. Drawing Machine By using this drawing machine, all equipments of other picture like ruler, right triangle, bow degree of have do not be used again ( Because this equipments there in it ).

9 9 There is 2 kinds type of drawing machine : 1.Drawing Machine, REL system 2.Drawing Machine, ARM system.

10 10 International Standard of drawing paper size measure : 2xA 0 = 1189 x 1682 m/m A 0 = 841 x 1189 m/m A 1 = 594 x 841 m/m A 2 = 420 x 594 m/m A 3 = 297 x 420 m/m A 4 = 210 x 297 m/m A 5 = 148 x 210 m/m A 6 = 105 x 148 m/m

11 11 Such with this drawing paper is famous paper in commerce is white color manila paper, besides also there is named paper is paper trace, attenuate and sensitive very light so that facilitate to multiply special picture by means of and named blue print because blue chromatic.

12 12 Appliance to put down drawing paper at desk board draw motion less so that can be used by mushroom nail;axis, or with ribbon of coherent steel at desk caused by magnet.

13 13 RAPIDO Last some years people draw with ink use axle pin / terkpen having blade and can be arranged to get all kinds of thick size measure line. But at this modern century the appliance have under developed, now weared appliance of named rapido ( word of rapidograph ) and direct have certain thick as according to sign found on neck or its cover.

14 14 PENCIL There is two kinds of pencil to, habit and pencil of mechanic. This mechanic pencil its for modestly consist of pen bar and filler. Its idiosyncrasy to have thickly its certain line, there which have diameter to 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.8, 2.0 and even there is which until 3.0 mm. Filler of pencil of this mechanic is named minem.

15 15 Division of its hardness size measure : Stringent pencil : 9H, 8H, 7H Hard pencil : 6H, 5H, 4H, 3H, H Medium pencil : F, HB, 2B Soft pencil : 3B, 4B, 5B Very soft pencil : 6B, 7B, 8B

16 16 Others equipment : Meter to make circle. Tortous ruler to make line outside circle there two type : 1. Permanent 2. Flexible Sablon, created for short time draw : 1. Letter sablon. 2. Circle sablon. 3. Elliptical Sablon. 4. Box Sablon, rectangle, five. 5. Sanitary fixture sablon.

17 17 It is important to know that to each;every technique branch, each having special sablon which different each other.

18 18 Iiquidator Sablon draw with pencil. elliptical Maker Sablon. Flexible Circle sablon, rectangle

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