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American Diploma Project: Algebra II End-of-Course Exam ADP Leadership Meeting June 4-5, 2007.

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1 American Diploma Project: Algebra II End-of-Course Exam ADP Leadership Meeting June 4-5, 2007

2 2 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK ADP Policy Agenda Align high school standards with college and work expectations. Require all students to take curriculum aligned with standards. Include “ college-ready ” test, aligned with state standards, in high school assessment system. Hold high schools accountable for graduating students college- and work-ready, and hold postsecondary institutions accountable for student success.

3 3 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK ADP Algebra II End-of-Course Exam In 2005, ADP states began to explore possibility of collaborating on common assessment. Goals: n To ensure consistent content and rigor in Algebra II courses within and among states n To enable comparisons in performance among the states n To be used for postsecondary placement purposes n To cut costs by working together

4 4 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK ADP Algebra II End-of-Course Exam In summer 2006, nine states issued RFP for development of Algebra II: n Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island n Ohio acted as “lead state” in unprecedented multi-state procurement arrangement

5 5 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK ADP Algebra II End-of-Course Exam In early 2007, the contract was awarded to Pearson, which will be developing the test at no cost to states n States worked together to agree on test content and design specifications n Content aligned with ADP math benchmarks, which represent what students should know to be prepared for postsecondary success n Performance levels will be common across states

6 6 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK Algebra II Exam: Core Test Content: l Operations & Expressions l Linear and Nonlinear Equations & Inequalities l Quadratic, Polynomial, and Rational Functions l Exponential Functions l Math reasoning skills l Logic and problem solving Design: l 60 items l Two 45-50 minute sessions l One with calculator/one without l Multiple choice, short answer & extended response items l 30% of points from non- multiple choice items l Paper & Pencil/Online format

7 7 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK Algebra II Exam: Modules Content: l Data & Statistics l Probability l Trigonometry l Logarithms l Matrices l Conics l Iterative Processes Design: l 8 items each l 20-25 minute session l With calculator l Multiple choice, short answer & extended response items l 30% of points from non- multiple choice items l Paper & Pencil/Online format

8 8 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK Algebra II Exam: Timeline n Field Test: October 2007 n First Operational Pencil & Paper: Spring 2008 n First Operational Online: Fall/Winter 2008/09

9 9 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK How Will States Use the Exam? n Some states will require all students who take Algebra II to take Exam n At least one will require Exam for graduation n Some will make Exam optional, allowing students to decide whether to take it n Some will allow districts to make decisions about whether to require Exam

10 10 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK Algebra II Initiative: Purposes n To improve curriculum and instruction n To help colleges determine if students are ready to do credit-bearing work n To compare performance and progress towards common expectations

11 11 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK Algebra II Exam: Future Work/Challenges Ahead To improve curriculum and instruction n Supports for students n Aligned tools and materials: l Formative assessments l Model Curriculum l Sample Lessons and Assignments l Professional Development l Supports for Students

12 12 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK Algebra II Exam: Future Work/Challenges Ahead To help colleges determine if students are ready to do credit-bearing work n Working to secure postsecondary buy-in and use n Involving higher education faculty in development of Exam

13 13 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK Algebra II Exam: Future Work/Challenges Ahead To compare performance and progress towards common expectations n Cross-state reporting n Additional tests: l Algebra I l Geometry l Trigonometry l Other?

14 14 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK Algebra II Exam: Additional States May Join Now Benefits of partnership: n Working with like-minded states on common goal n Sharing data in cross state partnership n Potential additional tool development Interested? Contact Achieve: Laura Slover

15 American Diploma Project: Algebra II End-of-Course Exam ADP Leadership Meeting June 4-5, 2007

16 16 AMERICAN DIPLOMA PROJECT NETWORK For more information, please visit Achieve, Inc., on the Web at

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