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1 st 6 weeks ART I. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Perception Creative Expression/Performance Historical /Cultural Heritage Evaluation/Response.

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Presentation on theme: "1 st 6 weeks ART I. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Perception Creative Expression/Performance Historical /Cultural Heritage Evaluation/Response."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 st 6 weeks ART I

2 Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Perception Creative Expression/Performance Historical /Cultural Heritage Evaluation/Response


4 1 st 6 weeks Overview The student will have an understanding of the elements of art and principles of design. The students will learn about artists, their style and the historical happenings of their time. The student will learning pencil, ink, colored pencil, and charcoal techniques. The student will learn to draw what they see not what they know is there. The student will have an understanding of the critique process and be able to evaluate themselves and their peers.

5 Schedule Week 1 Tuesday: –Parent White packet goes home today –Art I Survey –School policies and procedures Wednesday: –Continued Policies and Procedures –Attendance, seating, expectations –Review Syllabus –What is Art? –Pre-Draw Hand holding craft stick –Heading –How to do a border Thursday: –Pre-Draw a student in this classroom –Art Kits go on sale: Basic Kit without colored pencils $27.50 Basic Kit + Crayola colored pencils #31.50 Basic Kit + Prismacolor collored pencils $ 52.50 Friday: –Pre-Draw corner of the room –Pig Personality Drawing –Guidelines of Composition

6 Guidelines of Composition Place your focal point in the approximate center Rule of Thirds Don’t ever float, give it a location and ground Break the border on 3-4 sides Be aware of negative space Come in close-zoom in Plan, Plan, Plan: Thumbnail sketches

7 Schedule Week 2 Monday: –Start Art Sparks (warm ups) –Composition exercise (circle, square, triangle) Tuesday: –upside down name –Artists’ marks and your own lines Wednesday: –Upside Down Mona Lisa (exercise to focus your right brain) –New seating chart Thursday: Artist Talk=Leonardo Da Vinci –Upside Down Mona Lisa Friday: –Quiz on policies, procedures & Leonardo Da Vinci –Upside down Mona Lisa –Introduce Shading Techniques (Value through the use of line)

8 Composition Exercise Draw 9 different compositions, using these 3 shapes, use each 3 times in each composition. let some shapes go off the edge of the drawing let some shapes point to other shapes overlap shapes use the rule of thirds

9 Leonardo Da Vinci He was right brained and was a creative inventor He was ADD He created the Last Supper and the Mona Lisa and used his self portrait as a guide The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows-Do you remember why?

10 Schedule Week 3 Monday: Shaded Boxes Tuesday: –Studio for Shaded Boxes –Introduce Pen and Ink Line Design Wednesday: –Studio Pen and Ink Design –Discuss Journal reflection using Chunk Writing Thursday: Studio Pen and Ink Design –Colored Pencil Techniques Friday: Studio Pen and Ink Design

11 Shaded Box exercise

12 Colored Pencil Techniques

13 Pen and Ink

14 Chunk Writing (Davis) Answer the Question Tell why the answer is correct Prove it-example Prove it-explain (Baggs to begin this writing in Second 6 Weeks period)

15 Schedule Week 4 Monday: –Elements of Art Notes –Studio Pen and Ink Design and Elements of Art activity Tuesday: Elements of Art Notes and studio time Wednesday: Elements of Art Notes and studio time Thursday: Principles of Design Notes and studio time Friday: –Quiz: elements and principles –Elements of Art Packet due with activities done

16 Elements of Art Line Shape Value Texture Color Form Space

17 Principles of Design Emphasis Proportion Balance Movement Rhythm Variety Unity

18 Schedule Week 5 Monday: –Introduce Contour / Pattern Radial Design (Draw outlines of 3 simple contours & 2 human forms) and Rubric Evaluation Process –Work on Principles Packet activities Tuesday: –Contour / Pattern Radial Design Studio Time (Draw 1”border, find the center of a square, cut out 4-6 copies of the simple contours) –Work on Principles Packet activities Wednesday: –Reteach / review Elements of Art and Principles of Design by creating Octahedron Forms with examples of each –Contour / Pattern Radial Design Studio Time Thursday: –Discuss M.C. Escher ( use –Discuss copyright laws –Studio time: Contour/Pattern Radial design, Principles Packet, Octahedron review/reteach Friday: Studio time & finish missing assignments

19 Contour / Pattern Radial Design Objective: You are going to create a radial design using simple contours. PERCEPTION, CREATIVE EXPRESSION/ PERFORMANCE, EVALUATION/RESPONSE. Procedure: Create a simple contour for 2 human figures in action and 3 simple objects. Cut out 4-6 copies of of the simple contours. On your final paper add a 1” border and find the center of the 8”x8” frame. Now repeating the shapes at least 4 times each trace the simple contours in a planned design. Get teacher OK. Sharpie design. Incorporate signature in the radial design. Use thick and thin lines. Add 10 patterns minimum in a radial fashion. Add a maximum of 3 colors. Put heading on back. Evaluation: 4 large human in actions 4 small human in action 4 simple objects Uses radial balance well Space between contours are even No more than 3 colors Colors are neat and clean Lines vary in thickness 10 textured patterns minimum Ink lines neat and clean No pencil lines showing Signed Correctly

20 Octahedron Create an 8 sided form that shows the examples of elements of art Create an 8 sided form that shows the examples of the principles of design

21 MC Escher Traveled to Spain, Italy, and Switzerland During World War II he used sketchbooks from his travels to create prints Messotinting is a printmaking process he used that is also used to create money He attended the School of Architecture after not doing well on his high school exams but after one week switched to Graphic Arts He is known for tesselations, drawing impossible structures, being a geometrist, and pieces like “Ascending and Descending”, “Reptiles”, “Metamorphosis I”, and “Sky and Water”

22 Copyright Always ask permission to use someone else’s work To be considered original you must modify at least 85% of the work

23 Schedule Week 6 Monday: –Studio Time –Quiz: M.C. Escher, Copyright, Elements of Art, & Principles of Design –Missing Assignments Reviewed –Hang Octahedrons –Start Wrinkled Paper Drawing Tuesday: –Missing assignments Studio time –Review for 1 st 6 weeks test –Studio Time: Wrinkled Paper Charcoal/Pencil Drawing Wednesday: –1 st 6 weeks test –All missing assignments are due for this 6 weeks –Charcoal Manikin exercise [Charcoal Techniques/Value/basic human form and proportions] –Studio Time: Wrinkled Paper Charcoal/Pencil Drawing Thursday: –Studio Time: Wrinkled Paper Charcoal/Pencil Drawing –Artist Focus: Michelangelo (if we have time) –Individual Critique Process using Cornell Notes Friday: –Studio Time: Wrinkled Paper Charcoal/Pencil Drawing due Monday EOC –Do a critique of a Michelangelo art work due Tuesday (If we have time) –End of the grading period

24 Critique Process Describe-Title, Media, Artist, and Elements of art Interpret-Principles of Design Analyze-Mood /Feeling or Artist Intent Evaluate-Like/Dislike, Why, Style, Theory, compare to other works

25 Michelangelo Painter of the Sistine Chapel Known for religious art work like La Pieta Kimball Museum has The Torment of Saint Anthony (1 st acquired in Western Hemisphere of the World)-he was 12 when he created it

26 Wrinkled Paper Drawing Objective: The student will be able to draw what they see with a focus on the element of value. The student will show an understanding of chiaroscuro in the proper usage of charcoal, ebony or 6H pencil. PERCEPTION, PERFORMANCE/CREATIVE EXPRESSION, EVALUATION/RESPONSE. Procedure: 1.Take a 8.5 “ x 11” piece of paper and crumble it up, then undo some or all of it. 2.On your drawing paper, create a 1 inch border. 3.Now based on observation, draw what you see paying close attention to the lighting. Evaluation Criteria: 1. 1 light source present minimum 2. proper use of medium 3.accuracy of drawing what is seen 4.filled the page/composition follows guidelines 5. craftsmanship/quality 6. proper heading

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