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Learning objectives - We are learning that the position of colour adjective is different in Arabic - To describe what class equipments using colour adjectives.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning objectives - We are learning that the position of colour adjective is different in Arabic - To describe what class equipments using colour adjectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning objectives - We are learning that the position of colour adjective is different in Arabic - To describe what class equipments using colour adjectives you have in your pencil case, and this is to achieve Level 3 in writing. WILF: By the end of the lesson I will understand that adjectives follow the noun in Arabic and that every noun is either masculine or feminine. I am looking for everybody to know how to describe class items and where the adjective of colour goes الألوان والأدوات المدرسية Colours and school equipments

2 Starter

3 Decide whether these adjectives are feminine or masculine by ticking the correct column and explain why? ReasonMasculineFeminineAdjectives ________ ________ ________ __________ __________ __________ _________ _________ _________ بُنٍيَ أزْرَق َ وَرْدي أخْضَرْ بُرْتُقالي أحْمَرٌْ

4 المذكر و المؤنث Change these colour adjectives to feminine: FeminineMasculine Adjectives that end with ‘Ya’ FeminineMasculine Adjectives that start with ‘alif and hamza ________________ بُرْتُقالي وَرْدي بُنٍيَ __________ أزْرَق أخْضَرْ أحْمَرٌْ

5 المذكر و المؤنث FeminineMasculine Adjectives that end with ‘Ya’ FeminineMasculine Adjectives that end with ‘alif and hamza بُرْتُقاليةٌ وَرْديةٌ بُنٍيَة بُرْتُقالي وَرْدي بُنٍيَ زَرَقاءٌ خَضْرَاءٌ حَمْراءٌ أزْرَق أخْضَرْ ٌ أحْمَرْ Colour adjective that starts with ‘alif and hamza’, to change it to feminine: knock off the ‘alif and hamza’ and add them at the end Colour adjective that ends with ya, to change it to feminine you add ‘ta marbouta’ at the end before ‘ ya’

6 is it A or B? Remember: A noun in Arabic is either masculine or feminine. How would you know that a noun is feminine ? مِبْراةٌ؟

7 مِبْراةٌبَيْضَاءُ مِبْراةٌ حقيبة

8 ِكتَابٌ أبْيَضٌ مِمْحاَةٌ

9 حقيبة ﺯﺮﻘﺎﺀ مقلمة

10 قَلَمُ رَصَاصٍ َقَلَمُ حِبْرٍ قَلَمُ رَصَاصٍأزْرَقُ

11 Red orange or green ? أحمر٬ برتقالي أو أخضر؟ Learning objectives - We are learning that the position of colour adjective is different in Arabic - To describe what class equipments using colour adjectives you have in your pencil case, and this is to achieve Level 3 in writing.

12 What is it ?

13 ممحاة زرقاء

14 ِكتَابٌ أبْيَضٌ

15 مقلمة وردية

16 قَلَمُ رَصَاصٍ أزْرَقُ

17 Speaking : level 3 Work in pairs : 1 st person: ask question 2 nd person: say which school equipment you have using colour adjective In Arabic ما هذا؟ ما هذه؟ هذا ِكتَابٌ أسْوَدٌ هذه مقلمة وردية

18 Listening

19 a.b.c. d.e.f. Listen and put the right letters next to the right numbers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. df c a eb Listening


21 فِي مقْلمَتي In my pencil case أﻫﻼ٬ إٍسمي هدى ٬ عمري إحدى عَشَرةَََََ َسَنةًًًًًًً. ًًفي مِقْلَمَتِي ُيوجَدُ قَلَمُ رَصَاصٍ أَحْمَر,مِمْحَاةٌ خَضْراء,ومسطَرَةٌ وَرْدِيَةٌ ٠ لاَيُوَجَُد عِنْدِي كِتابْ٠ لَوْنِي المُفَضَل هُوَ الأَ زْرَقْ ٠ Following the example, describe what you have in your pencil case َ Write a paragraph of your own, change the words underlined To achieve Level 3 Write 3 or 4 sentences Use at least one opinion The language you use is understandable

22 فِي مقْلمَتي In my pencil case أﻫﻼ٬ إٍسمي هدى ٬ عمري إحدى عَشَرةَََََ َسَنةًًًًًًً. ًًفي مِقْلَمَتِي ُيوجَدُ قَلَمُ رَصَاصٍ أَحْمَر,مِمْحَاةٌ خَضْراء,ومسطَرَةٌ وَرْدِيَةٌ ٠ لاَيُوَجَُد عِنْدِي كِتابْ٠ لَوْنِي المُفَضَل هُوَ الأَ زْرَقْ ٠ Following the example, describe what you have in your pencil case َ Write a paragraph of your own, change the words underlined To achieve Level 3 Write 3 or 4 sentences Use at least one opinion The language you use is understandable

23 You have 10 seconds to answer every question Reading and responding

24 َقَلَمُ حِبْرٍ بُنٍيٍ 1 h f e ba c h i g d

25 ِكتَابٌ أسْوَدٌ 2 b f e ba c h i g d

26 ِكتَابٌ أبْيَضٌ 3 f f e ba c h i g d

27 مِبْراةٌ بَيْضَاءُ 4 i f e ba c h i g d

28 قَلَمُ رَصَاصٍ أزْرَقُ 5 f e ba c h i g c d

29 َقَلَمُ حِبْرٍ أسْوَدٌ 6 d f e ba c h i g d

30 Red orange or green ? أحمر٬ برتقالي أو أخضر؟ Learning objectives - We are learning that the position of colour adjective is different in Arabic - To describe what class equipments using colour adjectives you have in your pencil case, and this is to achieve Level 3 in writing.


32 1.A black book 2.A white book 3.A pink pencil case 4.A blue eraser 5.A black ruler Match the Arabic to the English 1.A black book 2.A white book 3.A pink pencil case 4.A blue eraser 5.A black ruler E- ِكتَابٌ أسْوَدٌ C- ِكتَابٌ أبْيَضٌ D- مقلمة وردية A- ممحاة زرقاء B- مسطرة سوداء

33 1.A black book 2.A white book 3.A pink pencil case 4.A blue eraser 5.A black ruler Match the Arabic to the English 1.A black book 2.A white book 3.A pink pencil case 4.A blue eraser 5.A black ruler 5- ِكتَابٌ أسْوَدٌ 3- ِكتَابٌ أبْيَضٌ 4- مقلمة وردية 1- ممحاة زرقاء 2- مسطرة سوداء

34 1.A black book 2.A white book 3.A pink pencil case 4.A blue eraser 5.A black ruler Translate the following to English: 1.A black book 2.A white book 3.A pink pencil case 4.A blue eraser 5.A black ruler 5- ِكتَابٌ أسْوَدٌ 3- ِكتَابٌ أبْيَضٌ 4- مقلمة وردية 1- ممحاة زرقاء 2- مسطرة سوداء

35 Masculine words ِكتَابٌ أسْوَدٌ َقَلَمُ حِبْرٍ أزْرَقُ قَلَمُ رَصَاصٍ أزْرَقُ َقَلَمُ حِبْرٍ بُنٍيٍ ِكتَابٌ أبْيَضٌ ماهذا ؟

36 Feminine words مِبْراةٌ بَيْضَاءُ حقيبة زرقاء مسطرة سوداء ممحاة زرقاء مقلمة وردية ماهذه ؟

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