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comparative adjectives 

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1 comparative adjectives 
Book 4 Lesson Five comparison  comparative adjectives  We normally use comparative when comparing two things or people to indicate that one has more or less of a quality than the other. Ex: a pencil ($10)/ a pen ($15) A pencil is cheaper than a pen.

2 ★ We can find : inflecting 'er' at the end of the adjective.
Comparative adjective is spelt by inflecting 'er' at the end of the adjective. Comparative adjective is normally used with 'than' when both the subject and the object of the comparison are present in the sentence. 

3 Forms Table for common adjectives
Base form Comparative form cold colder fast faster long longer tall taller cheap cheaper short shorter young younger

4 Example: Common structures for Comparative
 A + Verb + comparative + than+ B  The red pencil is shorter than the white pencil. A B The white pencil is longer than the red pencil.

5  A + Verb + comparative + than+ B 
Mary's hair is longer than Tina's hair. Tina’s hair is shorter than Mary’s hair. The church is taller than the school.

6  A + Verb + comparative + than+ B 
New York is colder than Taipei in winter The bus is faster than the bicycle

7 However …… late later nice nicer Those examples are only true for most
one and some two syllables adjectives. If the adjective ends with 'e', remove the 'e' before inflecting. large larger late later nice nicer

8 More…… ★ If it ends with one vowel followed
by a consonant (except for 'w'), double the consonant before inflecting.         Base form Comparative form big bigger hot hotter thin thinner wet wetter

9 Practice….. Peter is thinner than Tom. The dog is bigger than the cat.

10 Attention! ★ easy easier expensive more expensive
Most gradable one and two syllables adjectives that end in 'Y‘ take 'er' to form their comparatives. The letter 'y' at the end should be replaced with 'i' before inflecting the 'er' . For gradable adjective with more than one syllable, use 'more' in front of the adjective to form the comparative . easy easier expensive more expensive

11 Practice: Test 1 is easier than Test 2.
Test 2 is more difficult than Test 1. Soccer is more exciting than basketball.

12 Practice: Soccer is more exciting than basketball.
My old shoes are more comfortable than my new shoes.

13 Something more important:
Some irregular form of comparative adjectives: Base form Comparative form good better bad worse many/much more

14 Exercise1: Choose the correct one
The basketball is bigger than the baseball. The baseball is bigger than the basketball. Lisa is more thinner than Susan. Lisa is thinner than Susan.

15 Exercise1: Choose the correct one
Sue is more tall than Jane. Jane is shorter than Sue. Nancy’s hair is longer than Helen’s hair. Helen’s hair is longer than Nancy’s hair

16 Exercise2: Choose the correct one
1 A dog is than a cat. A) heavier B) heavy C) more heavy 2 A bicycle is than a car. A) cheap B) cheaper C) more cheaper 3 Peter’s English is than math. A) good B) better C) well 4 My watch is than Jane’s watch. A) expensive B) more cheap C) more expensive 5 The comparative of “bad” is A) worse B) well C) worst

17 *文法參考 :
That’s all for today. 製作: 朱慧雯老師 科目: 英語 Reference: *國中英語課本第四冊 *文法參考 : *圖片參考: Maggy的網頁圖片收集簿

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