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Indiana Standards (2014) Instructional Shifts in College and Career Readiness: Strategies that Empower Teaching and Learning Administrator Breakout Session.

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Presentation on theme: "Indiana Standards (2014) Instructional Shifts in College and Career Readiness: Strategies that Empower Teaching and Learning Administrator Breakout Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 Indiana Standards (2014) Instructional Shifts in College and Career Readiness: Strategies that Empower Teaching and Learning Administrator Breakout Session Today’s Meet:

2 GOALS for today Explore leadership responsibilities for successful implementation of the IAS 2014 Build Communities of Practice within the school community Utilize resources to help create time and space for teachers

3 Indiana Standards 2014  The standards are not curriculum  The standards are not instructional practices  The standards do not necessarily address students who are far below or far above grade level  The standards do not cover all aspects of what is necessary for college and career readiness


5 Assessment Items – General Notes… English/Language Arts  Spring 2015 ELA Applied Skills items are based on reading passages. Mathematics  Icons will not appear on the Spring 2015 Math items, as Mathematical Process Standard 5 requires the use of appropriate tools strategically.  The Spring 2015 Math assessment will include items that measure fluency as demonstrated “efficiently” and “accurately” by students.  When creating an expression or equation, students must define the variable.  Gridded-Response items will appear as part of the pencil-and-paper version for Part 2 in grades 4 – 8.

6 Designing the Spring 2015 ISTEP+ (Grades 3-8) ISTEP+ Part 1  March Administration – Applied Skills Items (Online voluntary) Paper/Pencil Testing Window: March 2 - 11, 2015 Online Testing Window: March 2 - 13, 2015 ISTEP+ Part 2  April/May Administration (Online required) Paper/Pencil Testing Window (Requires Pre-Approval): April 27 – May 8, 2015  Multiple-Choice and Gridded-Response Items Online Testing Window: April 27 – May 15, 2015  Multiple-Choice and Technology-Enhanced Items

7 Acuity Assessments: Grades 3-8  English/Language Arts and Mathematics Replace Predictive and Diagnostic paths Aligned to the CCR 2014 Indiana Academic Standards 3 administrations – serve as pretest/diagnostic assessment  Science and Social Studies Program remains unchanged

8 Assessment-focused Professional Development: Grades 3-8  September/October – recorded WebEx Sessions  Focused on: Use of Instructional and Assessment Guidance Sample open-ended items based on new CCR standards Technology-enhanced item types

9 “Experience College- and Career- Ready Assessment” Tool: Grades 3-8  Release October 1; open through spring Technology-enhanced item types Training for students and educators Engaging and interactive Teachers are encouraged to use Experience CCRA as an instructional tool in the classroom!

10 Designing the Spring 2015 ISTEP+ End of Course Assessments (ECAs)  Spring 2015 ECAs will include two components: Graduation examination  Aligned to IAS (2000 Algebra I, 2006 English 10) Accountability assessment  Aligned to CCR IAS (2014 Algebra I and English 10)  Watch for additional ECA updates coming later this fall!

11 . Graduation Examination & Accountability Assessment Implementation YearGrade ECA (IAS 2000 Algebra I, 2006 English 10) ECA (CCR IAS 2014 Algebra I, English 10) Grade 10 Summative Assessment Graduation Examination Accountability Assessment 2014-15 Grade 10 Graduation Examination Accountability Assessment Grade 11Retest Grade 12Retest AdultsRetest 2015-16 Grade 10 Graduation Examination X Grade 11Retest Grade 12Retest AdultsRetest 2016-17 Grade 10 XX Grade 11Retest Grade 12Retest AdultsRetest 2017-18 Grade 10 XX Grade 11 Retest Grade 12Retest AdultsRetest 2018-19 Grade 10 XX Grade 11 Retest Grade 12 Retest AdultsRetest 2019-20 Grade 10 XX Grade 11 Retest Grade 12 Retest Adults Retest

12 Acuity Assessments: ECAs  Acuity for Algebra I and English 10 Continue Predictive forms for the ECAs  Assesses Graduation Examination content NEW CCR-aligned items for use by teachers  Assesses accountability assessment content

13 Assessment-focused Professional Development: ECAs  Late Fall – recorded WebEx Sessions  Focused on: Use of Instructional and Assessment Guidance Sample open-ended items based on new CCR standards Technology-enhanced item types

14 “Experience College- and Career- Ready Assessment” Tool: ECAs Teachers are encouraged to use Experience CCRA as an instructional tool in the classroom!  Release in January Technology-enhanced item types Training for students and educators Engaging and interactive

15 . Future Assessments: Beginning in 2015-16  Assessment Resolution includes: Summative Assessment (Grades 3-10)  Grade 10 ISTEP+ becomes new Graduation Examination  Phase-out ECAs (Algebra I, English 10)  High School Science Assessment based on Biology I IREAD-3 Alternate assessments (Grades 3-10) Formative assessments (Grades K-10) College- and Career-Readiness Exam (Grade 11) Grade 11, 12 assessments (focused on college and career)

16 Resources for Assessment Guidance School Test Coordinator (STC) Corporation Test Coordinator (CTC) Office of Student Assessment  Telephone: (317) 232-9050  Email:  Website:

17  E/LA Vertical Articulations  E/LA Correlation Guides  Content Area Literacy Guides  English/Language Arts Resources


19  Text Complexity  Academic Vocabulary  Text Dependent Questioning English/Language Arts Shifts

20 Media Literacy

21 Video 1: Text Dependent Questioning-8 th Grade Standards: IAS 8 RL 3.1- Compare and contrast the structure of two or more related works of literature IAS 8 RL 3.2- Analyze a particular point of view or cultural experience in a work of literature E/LA Shifts in Action! ELA Shifts in Action

22  What we doing, as leaders, to ensure the shifts are successful for teachers and students?  Share successful teaching strategies that are working in your school.  What are some resources you are using currently…i.e. website, curricular, instructional…etc. to build a community of readers in your school? Discussion

23 Communities of Practice Click here to go to the IDOE Communities of Practice Website!

24  Correlation Guides  Standards Resource Guides  Vertical Articulations  Math Resources

25  Process Standards  Depth of Knowledge  Purposeful Questioning Math Shifts

26  Process Standards K-12:  PS.1: make sense of problems and persevere in solving them  PS.2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively  PS.3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others  PS.4: Model with mathematic  PS.5: Use appropriate tools strategically  PS.6: Attend to precision  PS.7: Look for and make use of structure  PS.8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning Math Standards


28 Purposeful Questioning Examples


30 Video 2: 3 rd grade Mathematics-Finding Perimeter and Measurement IAS MA.3.M7- Find perimeters of polygons given the side length or by finding an unknown side length Mathematics Shifts in Action! Math Shifts in Action

31 Communities of Practice As a leader, what strategies can I use to promote DOK best practices in my school ? How do I create systems to encourage my teachers to regularly check for understanding in their classrooms? How is the language of Math, problem solving and critical thinking spoken in my school?

32  Instructional Shifts found in Content Areas:  Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction  Reading, writing and speaking, grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational  Regular practice with complex text and its academic language Content Area Literacy

33  Integration of content & content area literacy: Content Area Literacy WTI-4 Students interpret technical drawings and documents to perform welding processes to specifications. 11-12.LST.3.1 Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 11-12 texts and topics. Indiana Academic Standard: Welding Technology 1 Content Area Literacy Standard: Science & Technical Subjects

34 Video 3: 12th grade History IAS 11-12 LH 2.1- Cite specific evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources IAS 11-12 LH 3.3- Evaluate authors’ differing perspectives on the same historical event by assessing the authors’ claims and evidence IAS 11-12 LH 4.1- Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information in diverse formats and media Content Literacy Shifts in Action! Content Literacy Shifts in Action

35  What does this mean for you as leaders?  ALL Teachers are LANGUAGE Teachers.  How do I build a culture of literacy within my school?  How do I, as a leader, include parents in this initiative?  What organizations can I partner with to facilitate this effort?  Are these new shifts evident in your school? If no, what changes need to be made in order to effectively ensure implementation? Communities of Practice

36 Going Forward  Action Plan Considerations:  Utilization of IDOE staff for Technical Assistance and Professional Development  Training-Up teachers on new shifts  Embedding Content Literacy  Differentiation  Communities of Practice  Engaging Parents & Partnerships

37 Resources Current Standards can be found at: Online Communities of Practice can be found at: Assessment Resources can be found at: ISTEP+ Resources can be found at: ECA Resources can be found at: Special Populations Resources can be found at: Videos on standards implementation can be found at:

38 Questions? Thanks for participating today! Jenny Berry Michele Walker

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