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Published byDebra Lang Modified over 9 years ago
October 13, 2014 SCPCSD District Office Training Room
o Introductions o Overview of all State Tests o Calendar/Planning o Test Security o Materials and Ordering o Requirements and Responsibilities o Accountability o Lunch 11:30 – 12:30 o Recap of Morning Session o Updates for 2014-15 o Test Security o Students with Disabilities o Precode o PowerSchool Data Extractions o CogAt and Iowa Test Training: 3:00 – 4:00
Please tell us: o Your name o Your school o What else you do besides testing
Your FIRST resource!! The Bookshelf o Will include for each test: o Important dates o Ordering instructions o Training o Other resources o Also includes: o Assessment Calendar o This PowerPoint o STC Handbook o Links to eDirect, Enrich and SCDE websites
CIRCLE (paper-based) and mCLASS: CIRCLE (electronic) are two versions of a 4K and 5K Readiness Assessment. CIRCLE is administered during first 45 days of the school year. Required subtests include: o Letter Naming o Vocabulary o Phonemic Awareness o Book and Print Awareness o Early Writing o Social and Emotional Development CIRCLE is a formative assessment but it is REQUIRED.
o Name: Cognitive Abilities Test & Iowa Assessment o Grades: 2 nd o Subject Areas: Aptitude (verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal), reading, and math o Test Dates: October 22– November 13 o Format: Paper-and-pencil Who is tested? The norm-referenced tests (aptitude and achievement) for gifted and talented screening are administered in the fall of each year to students in grade 2. The information from the administration of the norm-referenced tests is entered into the GIFT software program, which identifies students who qualify for the program. Based on the results from the norm- referenced tests, a secondary screening using a performance assessment may be required for possible candidates.
o Name: SC Performance Tasks Assessment o Grades: Typically 2 nd, but may include others o Subject Areas: Verbal and nonverbal o Test Dates: February – March o Format: Paper-and-pencil with preteaching and manipulatives Who is tested? Students who partially qualify as Gifted and Talented in either Dimension A or Dimension B, but not both, based on CogAT/ITBS scores, may be given the Performance Tasks Assessment. This assessment provides a second opportunity to become identified as Gifted and Talented.
o Name: SC Palmetto Assessment of State Standards o Grades: 4-8 o Subject Areas: Science and Social studies o Test Dates: May o Format: Paper-and-pencil or online Who is tested? All students in grades 4-8 take both science and social studies.
This assessment is To Be Determined. The procurement Process has been delayed due to a protest challenging the award of the contract to ACT. The intent to award to ACT is under administrative review by the Chief Procurement Officer.
South Carolina Alternate Assessment (SC-ALT) and National Center and State Collaborative (NCSC) Grades: 3-8 and 11 (typically) o NCSC – ELA and Math o SC-ALT – Science and Social Studies o Test Dates: March – April o Format: Paper-and-pencil Who is tested? Alternate assessment is for students with significant cognitive disabilities who are unable to participate in the general assessment program even with accommodations. Students must meet the participation guidelines for alternate assessment.
o ACCESS (Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners) through WIDA (World Class Instructional Design and Assessment) replaces ELDA. o Grades: K-12 o Subject Areas: Reading, writing, listening, and speaking o Test Dates: February – March o Format: Paper-and-pencil Who is tested? All students in grades K-12 who are determined to have limited English proficiency - based upon the completion of a Home Language Survey and the initial assessment of their English proficiency - must take ACCESS. This includes those students whose parents have waived direct ESOL services. Participation is expected to be 100%, verified by the SCDE Title III office.
o Name: End-of-Course Examination Program o Grades: 7-12 o Subject Areas: Algebra 1, English 1, US History, and Biology o Test Dates: January, May, July o Format: Paper-and-pencil or Online Who is tested? All public middle school, high school, alternative school, virtual school, adult education, and home school students who are enrolled in courses in which the academic standards corresponding to the EOCEP tests are taught must take the appropriate tests. The examinations count 20 percent of the students’ final grade in each course.
All students entering the eleventh grade for the first time in the year 2014 and subsequent years must be administered a college and career readiness assessment and the WorkKeys Assessment. The College and Career Readiness Assessment is still TO BE DETERMINED.
What Is WorkKeys? A job skills assessment published by ACT. Format: Internet based or paper/pencil WorkKeys Skill Level Descriptions Applied Mathematics Applied Technology Business Writing Fit Listening for Understanding Locating Information Performance Reading for information Talent Teamwork Workplace Observation
NAEP Formative Assessments PSAT AP
o Name: National Assessment of Educational Progress o Grades: 4, 8, and 12 o Subject Areas: math, reading, science, and writing o Test Dates: January – March o Format: Paper-and-pencil; pilot testing of tablets in 2015 Who is tested? NAEP statisticians carefully select a sample of students to represent the entire student population. Main NAEP is administered to students in grades four, eight, and twelve; however, samples for long-term trend are based on age (9, 13, and 17) rather than grade. Test scores and questionnaire responses are always kept confidential. Results are never reported for individual students or schools. For the 2014-15 school year, 8 schools in our district were selected to participate in NAEP.
The following assessments have been approved by the State Board of Education: o Blending Assessment with Instruction Program (BAIP-Math) o STAR Reading and STAR Mathematics o Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) o Istation Funding Process Each year, schools complete a survey to indicate the number of students tested and submit an invoice showing funds spent. The state collects this information from all districts and allocates funds based on the number of students tested statewide. Reimbursement varies each year and is not expected to be 100%.
o The PSAT can be administered by Schools with a Level II code from the College Board. o Schools without a Level II code should refer students to their districts of residence to take the PSAT o The SCDE Office of Assessment will pay the College Board for all students who take the PSAT in grade 10 in 2014-15. o Test Date: October 15, 2014
o Name: Advanced Placement o Grades: Typically 11 & 12 o Subject Areas: 31 subjects including Calculus, Biology, & English Lit o Test Dates: May o Format: Paper-and-pencil Who is tested? The state will pay for students enrolled in approved Advanced Placement courses to take the exam (students may pay a small administrative fee). Any student may take any exam for $89. Schools must apply to the College Board for a level II code in order to administer AP exams. Students may make arrangements with their local high school.
o Summary in STC Handbook o Specific Dates will be posted to SharePoint. Districts are often required to select dates within the state window. o Data Collections – whole school responsibility o “Multiple Hat Syndrome” – plan wisely
o State Law and Regulations: o Pages 11-14 in Handbook o Available in every TAM o Everyone involved in State Testing must read and understand o Pages 13-14: Read X. A-U o Lost Materials o Test Security Agreement Forms o Must be submitted to the District Office each year o Any suspected violation must be reported to the DTC
Test Security – Case 2 24 Several months before the test, Mr. Bright was given worksheets by another teacher. The teacher told Mr. Bright that the materials would help his students prepare for the HSAP mathematics test. Mr. Bright copied the worksheets and gave them to his students. During the test administration, students finished the test quickly and reported to a teacher that they had previously worked most of the test problems on a worksheet during class.
Test Security – Case 6 Ms. Douglas was a compassionate teacher. She wanted all of her students to do well on the HSAP mathematics test. She walked up and down the aisles during testing to check student progress and give them a “pat” of encouragement. At one point, she saw that Sheila was only on number 15 and noticed that the student was not feeling well. She asked the student, “Is your arm hurting you?” Sheila said yes, so Ms. Douglas picked up her test materials and took Sheila to the office. She left her monitor in charge of the class.
These violations occurred in the district in 2012-13: o A student took the PASS Social Studies test on the Science day. o A student was not provided the loose-leaf test booklet as required by his 504 plan. o A student was tested with the regular group (about 20 students) when her IEP called for small-group testing. o A student who transferred in with an IEP but did not have one at the school was not allowed any accommodations on testing. o A teacher read through her students’ responses to see how well they had done. o A school test coordinator allowed teachers to have unsupervised access to secure test materials. In two of these instances, the responsible person was asked not to return to the school this year, for this violation and other reasons.
eDirect is the website for the test contractor Data Recognition Corporation (DRC). DRC provides the SC PASS Assessments (social studies and science) and EOCEP Assessments for our state. Each STC is provided with an account on eDirect ( Contact the DTC for assistance logging in or using eDirect. This account is used to: o Order test materials o View and download documents such as the TAM o Access online software downloads and training tools for online assessments o View reports after testing is completed
o Know your deadlines o eDirect vs. PowerSchool o Communicate with your PowerSchool person about: o Sorting materials o Customized materials o Paper vs. online administration
o Available Online: o EOCEP o SCPASS o CIRCLE o WorkKeys o NOT Available Online: o ACCESS for ELLs o CogAt/IA o SC Performance Tasks
o Student is enrolled in a section with the proper course code o 4111 Algebra 1 o 3142 Math Tech 2 o 4117 Intermediate Alg o 4114 Common Core Alg 1 o 3011 English 1 o 3024 Common Core Eng 1 o 3221 Biology 1 o 3227 Applied Biology 2 o 3320 US History o 3372 AP US History o 336D IB History of the Americas o 3322 Dual Enroll. American Hist. o Will the student test online or on paper?
o As of October 2014, the Sort ID fields affect ONLY SCPASS o AWS – Alphabetically Within School (no longer valid) o AWG – Alphabetically Within Grade o Any alphanumeric entry up to 9 characters o If Sort ID is blank, materials will be sorted by Home Room. o If Sort ID & Home Room are blank, materials will be sorted AWG.
o Use security checklists provided by test contractors o Test Administrators sign out tests and sign them back in o Know exactly how many documents each TA is responsible for o COUNT, COUNT, COUNT every time documents change hands o Identify which student used which document o Conduct a final inventory, sign security checklist o Double-check all labeling o Separate scorable from non-scorable o Keep a count of scorable documents o Follow diagrams in the TAM for packaging order o Complete Header Sheets if required o Return materials by the stated deadline
STC Handbook Pages 20-22 o School Test Coordinator o Test Administrator o Monitor o Selection o Training
Test ParticipationTest Performance o If a student is enrolled on the first day of testing, he or she MUST take the test o The goal is 95% participation overall and in every subgroup (gender, ethnicity, SES, etc.) o Applies to the new assessments in ELA & Math o New Assessments (ELA/Math): Students’ scores only count if they are enrolled continuously from the 45 th day through the first day of testing o EOC (Bio & USH): Every score counts
95% participation requirement is based on: o First day of testing (FDT) data o Students not tested (SNT) data o Medically unable to attend school or receive instruction o Homebound and physically or mentally unable to test o Expulsion o Withdrawal o Death of the student or a family member **All students not tested must have a reason entered in PowerSchool, even if the reason does not qualify for an exclusion. For example, parent or student refusal to test. o Every subgroup of at least 30 students
October 13, 2014 SCPCSD District Office Conference Room
o Recap of Morning Session for New STCs o Updates for 2014-15 o Test Security o Students with Disabilities o Precode o PowerSchool Data Extractions o 3:00 – 4:00 CogAt/Iowa Assessment Training
o Introduction to SharePoint-now the Bookshelf o Details of each test (CIRCLE, CogAt/IA, SC Performance Tasks, SCPASS, SC-ALT & NCSC, ACCESS, EOCEP, NAEP, AP, PSAT, Formative Assessments) o Calendar & Planning o Test Security o eDirect (for EOCEP and SCPASS) o Materials & Ordering o Requirements & Responsibilities (STCs, TAs, and Monitors) o Accountability
o New Assessments! o 31 Schools o More online availability o Still unknown! o gr. 3-8 ELA and math test, o gr. 11 college and career readiness assessment
2014-15 Replacement for SCPASS (ELA & Math) SCPASS (Sci & SS all students in gr. 4-8) NCSC Replaces SC-Alt (ELA & Math) SC-Alt (Sci & SS – new age requirements) Replacement for HSAP (Grade 11) CogAT/IA AP (Virtual schools request Level II code) Added This Year CIRCLE WorkKeys 2013-14 SCPASS (ELA & Math) SCPASS (Sci & SS random assign gr. 3-8) SC-Alt (ELA & Math) SC-Alt (Sci & SS) HSAP (Grade 10 & beyond) CogAT/ITBS AP (Virtual student testing at district office) Not Changing EOCEP NAEP Performance Tasks
ELA/Math o 2014-15: Common Core standards taught & assessed o 2015-16: New standards are being written now Science o 2014-15: Begin phase-in of 2014 standards o 2016-17: New standards will be assessed Social Studies o 2014-15: Teach & assess 2011 standards
o All STCs, TAs, and Monitors must sign after receiving training o In every TAM o Return to district office (scan or return paper copies)
These are actual violations that occurred in our district in 2013-14: o A test Administrator was using a cell phone during a small group administration of a high school test. o A student did not receive a test in a small group even though small group administration was included in his IEP. o A student was not allowed to type responses although his IEP specified that he should be allowed to do so. o A student received an oral administration accommodation of the SC PASS test but the student did not have an IEP or 504 plan. o A student was allowed to type responses even though typing responses was not an accommodation for that student. o Student was allowed to use a calculator (not in IEP). o A teacher administered the entire CogAt test on one day even though the Test Administration Manual specified that specific subtests be given on specific days.. o A test booklet and answer document were not returned on time.
State Board Regulation 43-100, X, C: “Failing to proctor the test to ensure that examinees are engaged in appropriate test-taking activities” is considered a security violation. o Active Monitoring – what does it look like? o What should Test Administrators do? o What should Test Administrators not do? o Writing assessment – rough/final draft o Circling in test booklet/bubbling on answer document o Rescoring at school’s expense, if even possible
Student: o Invalidation of test scores Teacher: o Report to SLED for information or investigation o Suspended/Revoked Certificate School: o Letter of Caution o Probation o Revocation Remember that failing to report a violation is also a violation!
o Must participate in State Testing o All of the following accommodations must correlate: o Stated in IEP or 504 (Excent) o Received during regular instruction o Received during testing o Coded on answer document o Coded in PowerSchool o Standard vs. non-standard (team decision) o Only route to accommodations is IEP or 504 o Exception: temporary conditions o Violation requires review by IEP or 504 team
True Grade o Make sure the True Grade Field is BLANK for all students! Effect on Accountability o Students are expected to test based on their true grade. o There are consequences for incorrectly coding this field, including reduced participation rates or incorrect performance rates if students take the incorrect grade-level assessment, or reduced graduation rates if a high school student’s 9GR conflicts with the true grade.
o In previous years, the “students with disabilities” subgroup was determined by the EFA fields in PowerSchool. o Finance codes o Eliminated some students who receive limited services o New last year: Students will be classified by the Instructional Setting field in PowerSchool o Will include more students o Some schools may now have a large enough subgroup to count
o The Precode process collects data from PowerSchool: o Student information (name, ID#, demographics, etc.) o Course information (EOCEP and 4K/5K) o How to sort materials o Customized materials (large print, braille, etc.) o Online vs. paper/pencil administration o Training videos are available on the Bookshelf
o Precode Data Collections: o CogAT: September o Fall EOC: October 24 o Spring Print Phase: January o Spring Update Phase: March o Communicate with your PowerSchool administrator!! o Communicate with your Special Ed coordinator!! o Pay attention to Precode vs. other ordering instructions
Oral/Signed Administration o Teacher-level materials (Script and/or CD-Rom) o Must be ordered via eDirect for SCPASS & EOCEP o Student-level materials (Test booklet) o Must be ordered via eDirect for paper/pencil EOCEP o Must be coded in PS for SCPASS o Must be coded in PS for online EOCEP For paper/pencil Oral Administrations, MAKE SURE the student booklet is the correct form to match the script.
o Data will be extracted on or about the first day of each test o Student enrollment must be up-to-date o Accountability implications
If a student misses any portion of PASS, NCSC, SC-Alt or the new accountability exams that he or she was supposed to take, you must complete the SNT fields on the Precode page.
o If a student withdraws MORE THAN one week prior to testing, he must be properly withdrawn in PowerSchool before the first day of testing. o If a student withdraws LESS THAN one week prior to testing, and you properly withdraw him in PowerSchool before the first day of testing, there is nothing else you need to do. o If a student withdraws LESS THAN one week prior to testing, and you do NOT withdraw him in PowerSchool before the first day of testing, then you must complete the SNT fields for that student.
Jean Epps o o 803-734-0117 o Test administration o Test security/violations Courtney Mills o o 803-734-0525 o Precode o FDT/SNT
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