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Science Lab 1.Listen to manager read this task list. 2.In your Science book go to page 60. 3.You will find all supplies in the Station Tub. 4.In your group.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Lab 1.Listen to manager read this task list. 2.In your Science book go to page 60. 3.You will find all supplies in the Station Tub. 4.In your group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Lab 1.Listen to manager read this task list. 2.In your Science book go to page 60. 3.You will find all supplies in the Station Tub. 4.In your group each student should create an arm or a leg using the same process listed on the page. 5.Once all limbs have been created attach them to the body box. 6.Add a paper plate head and name your robot. 7.Answer the questions as you go. 8.Clean up your area and place robot in designated area. Extension Activity: Go to Mrs. Brill’s Website and watch video link. SCI.5.4.1 2010 Investigate technologies that mimic human or animal musculoskeletal systems in order to meet a need. SCI.5.4.2 2010 Investigate the purpose of prototypes and models when designing a solution to a problem and how limitations in cost and design features might affect their construction. Noise Level 1-2 Project Connection Columbus Prosthetics connection Project Connection Columbus Prosthetics connection Material Needs Science Text Card board String Pencil Laptop for extension Material Needs Science Text Card board String Pencil Laptop for extension

2 1.Listen to leader read all the tasks listed on this sheet. 2.Go to Mrs. Brills website and click on link titled, Week 23 Information. 3.Click on Time Elapsed Activity 4.Login to Brain Pop using information below. Username:lincolnbp Password: brainpop 5.Watch the video and take the quiz. 6.Print finished quiz and put in station bin. Elapsed Time Noise Level 0 Materials Needed Laptop and Pencil Students will need to have understanding of elapsed time for Prosthetic Project MA.6.5.1 2000 Select and apply appropriate standard units and tools to measure length, area, volume, weight, time, temperature, and the size of angles. Extension Activity: Look up definitions for word list related to time.

3 1.Gather all materials. 2.Go to website and click on Acuity 3.Log in and click practice. 4.As you are going through the questions write down any skills you are struggling with. Record those skills on the records sheet. 5.3 Minutes prior to the end of rotations completely fill out the records sheet and turn in. Extension Activity: If you complete all your practice list go to website and play the Student Choice Acuity games. Skills needed based on last Acuity Test Noise level 0 Acuity Action Materials Laptop, pencil, and record sheet Project Connection Not connected

4 Acuity Records Sheet Date: _______________________ Name: ______________________ Skill(s) you completed _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ List one skill you think you need the most help with? _______________________________ Date: _______________________ Name: ______________________ Skill(s) you completed ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ List one skill you think you need the most help with? ______________________________

5 INTERACTIVE SCIENCE PBL Connection: Columbus Prosthetics SCI.5.4.1 2010 Investigate technologies that mimic human or animal musculoskeletal systems in order to meet a need. SCI.5.4.2 2010 Investigate the purpose of prototypes and models when designing a solution to a problem and how limitations in cost and design features might affect their construction. Directions: 1.Listen to the manager read the task sheet. 2.In your Science book, go to page 70. Complete the “Apply” Question at the bottom of this page. 3.With a partner, complete the Vocabulary Smart Card activity. When you are done, put your cards in an envelope & label it with your name. 4.Complete the Chapter Review questions on pages 74 & 75. Extension Activity: Go to Mrs. Spear’s website and choose the “Prosthetics & Prototype PBL.” Go to the bottom of the page and choose the links under “Muscular System” to learn more about how our bodies work. There are some fun interactive games & some REALLY challenging ones too! Material s Science Text Pencil Scissors Envelope Laptop for extension Material s Science Text Pencil Scissors Envelope Laptop for extension NOISE LEVEL 1

6 Brag About It! PBL Connection: Treasures Writing-Author’s Night Now that you are a published author, you need to get your book on the market! Directions: 1.Listen to the leader read the task sheet. 2.Write a synopsis for your Treasures story. Remember to make it interesting! Your goal is to catch your customers’ attention. 3.Your published book, your synopsis, and other props of your choice will sit on top of your cardboard display. 4.Print off your synopsis and glue it to a piece of colored tag board. It should be prominently displayed! 5.Cut a 12’x12’ piece of cardboard for your display space. 6.Cover the cardboard with a piece of colored construction paper of your choice. 7.Decorate your display space with materials that relate to your book. Secure your props! 8.Set your display in the designated “safe” space. Standards E. 5.5.7 Write summaries that contain the main ideas of the reading selection and the most significant details. E.L. 5.5.6 Write for different purposes (persuasion) and to a specific audience or person adjusting tone and style as appropriate. Materials Markers Pencil Book Synopsis Colored Tag Board Construction paper 12’x12’ piece of cardboard Miscellaneous Materials

7 Brag About It!-Phase II Materials Markers Pencil Book Synopsis Colored Tag Board Construction paper Glue Stick Scissors 12’x12’ piece of cardboard Miscellaneous Materials Standards E. 5.5.7 Write summaries that contain the main ideas of the reading selection and the most significant details. E.L. 5.5.6 Write for different purposes (persuasion) and to a specific audience or person adjusting tone and style as appropriate. PBL Connection: Treasures Writing-Author’s Night Directions: PHASE I Start where you left off! 1.Listen to the leader read the task sheet. 2.Write a synopsis for your Treasures story. Remember to make it interesting! Your goal is to catch your customers’ attention. 3.Your published book, your synopsis, and other props of your choice will sit on top of your cardboard display. 4.Print off your synopsis and glue it to a piece of colored tag board. It should be prominently displayed! 5.Cut a 12’x12’ piece of cardboard for your display space. 6.Cover the cardboard with a piece of colored construction paper of your choice. 7.Decorate your display space with materials that relate to your book. Secure your props! 8.Set your display in the designated “safe” space. PHASE II 1.Write a short script you will use at Author’s Night to greet your guests. Include your name, a little bit about you (the author), and what you would like to say about the writing process and creating your first book.

8 Content Comprehension NOISE LEVEL 1 Standard 5.R.I.2 Determine two or more main ideas in text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text. Directions: 1.Listen to the leader read the task sheet. 2.Work collaboratively with your rotation to read pages 2-5 in Understanding Design and Function. 3.While reading, group the main idea cards with their supporting details cards. 4.When you are done reading pages 2-5, have the teacher check your cards. 5.Read pages 6-9 and state the main idea for each paragraph on the worksheet. 6.Read pages 10-15 and summarize each step of the design process. 7.Turn your work into the rotation basket when done. PBL Connection: Columbus Prosthetics Materials Main Idea & Supporting Details Cards Understanding Design and Function reader Worksheet Pencil Extension Activity: Complete the “Find the Average” activity located in the front inside cover for “extra credit” in Math! Use the handout provided to show your work.

9 We invent devices to solve our problems. A wheeled cart makes it easier to move some heavy books. A zipper holds your jacket closed and helps you stay warm.

10 A bus or car with a thousand moving parts takes you to school. People who design new technology are called engineers. Engineers all over the world develop technology that we use in our homes, schools, and offices.

11 They use a set of steps called the design process to develop products and processes that solve problems. Engineers find solutions that improve communication, transportation, entertainment, and healthful living. People use technology to help them live long, healthy lives.

12 Medical technology includes vaccines and drugs, tools and equipment, and procedures. Today, vaccines help prevent people from getting many illnesses in the first place. Devices such as X-ray machines help doctors to look for problems inside patients’ bodies.

13 Surgical procedures enable doctors to fix many problems inside the body. Technology also can cause problems. A medicine that cures one illness might cause another. X-ray machines expose patients to radiation that can be harmful.

14 Surgical procedures can weaken the body and expose patients to the risk of infection.

15 Understanding Design and Function Content Comprehension-Main Idea & Details Name _________________________ State the main idea for each section. Information Technology Paragraph #1: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Paragraph #2: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Robots Paragraph ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Prosthetics Paragraph ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

16 Design Process Paragraph _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Summarize each step of the design process. You will be using the same process to design your prototype. Identify the problem.. Identify the problem.. Do research. Develop possible solutions. Choose one solution. Design and construct a prototype. Test the prototype. Communicate results. Evaluate and redesign.







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