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© 2008 Linda L. Lewis 1.Left click to move through the steps in a slide. 2.Left click to move to the next slide. 3.To back up (depending upon your browser):

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Presentation on theme: "© 2008 Linda L. Lewis 1.Left click to move through the steps in a slide. 2.Left click to move to the next slide. 3.To back up (depending upon your browser):"— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2008 Linda L. Lewis 1.Left click to move through the steps in a slide. 2.Left click to move to the next slide. 3.To back up (depending upon your browser): Use keyboard up and down or left and right arrows. Use the scroll bar. 4.To end the show, press escape or click your BROWSER’S “back” arrow. Estimated Position Capt. Linda Lewis

2 Estimated Position You use a bearing from a SINGLE marker or object to get 'an idea‘ of where you are. After getting your Estimated Position, you may decide you are too close to danger. Then you can change your planned course. Let’s see how it’s done.

3 …but you can’t see any other objects. Your planned course takes you near a marker you can see... 200m 0900 ! NOAA Chart 18440 Hmm… a hole in the fog?

4 First, figure out where you expect to be at 0930. 200m 0900 Your speed is 10K. D = S x T / 60 D = 10x30 /60 D = 5nm D = Distance S = Speed T = Time ! 0930 Distance not to scale

5 At 0930, find the marker you can see and take its bearing. 200m 0900 The bearing to the marker is 262m. So... This is the marker’s line of position (LOP). What do you know so far? ! 0930 You are somewhere along that LOP. Distance not to scale Wouldn’t it be nice to have just a little better idea where?  Est. Position!

6 Almost finished… 200m 0900 Start at the 0930 position. Draw the shortest possible line from the 0930 position to the LOP. Add a square. ! 0930 Put your pencil tip on the 0930 position. That square is your Estimated Position. Maybe the current is pushing you? 0930 262m Distance not to scale Time to make a new course plan!

7 Y ou are finished! To return to the website: Press escape or Click the “back” arrow on your browser. Estimated Position Capt. Linda Lewis © 2008 Linda L. Lewis

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