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Elicia Frazier Artist Portfolio. “Portrait and Still Life” Studies “Primarily Red,” oil paint, 12X18”, HCC Gallery Exhibit 2001 “Little Girl,” charcoal,

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Presentation on theme: "Elicia Frazier Artist Portfolio. “Portrait and Still Life” Studies “Primarily Red,” oil paint, 12X18”, HCC Gallery Exhibit 2001 “Little Girl,” charcoal,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Elicia Frazier Artist Portfolio

2 “Portrait and Still Life” Studies “Primarily Red,” oil paint, 12X18”, HCC Gallery Exhibit 2001 “Little Girl,” charcoal, 18X24”, 2004 (Sold)

3 “Landscape” Studies (2-3 hour) (Size: 5”X 10,” Media: oil paint, Date: 2004) Size: 5”X20” (Sold)

4 “Infatuation” (Under Graduate Exhibit at MICA 2001) (Size: 18”X 24,” Media: Charcoal, Date: 2001) (Sold)

5 Fall Series (Size: 18” X 24,” Media: mixed media, Date: 2003)

6 Title: Looking Through

7 Title: Autumn’s Glow

8 Title: Cold Rapid Waters

9 Title: Harvesting (Sold)

10 Title: Witherings

11 Lakes in Columbia Series (Size: 18 X 36”, Media: oil paint, Date: 2004)



14 Seasons Series (Size: 48”X 48,” Media: oil paint, Date: 2005)


16 Charcoal Still Life 2010

17 Pencil Drawings 2011:

18 3 Hour Painting Studies of 2010:

19 More 3 Hour Studies:

20 Tree Series (2010):

21 Recent Plein Air Paintings of 2010:

22 Caribbean Series 2011 (Most Recent Artwork)

23 Long Landscapes:

24 Large 4 foot by 5 foot paintings

25 Small Paintings:

26 Commissioned Landscapes

27 M&T Bank, Baltimore, MD (Size: 24”X 36,” Media: oil paint, Date: 2006) (Sold)

28 Rein & Fielding, Law Firm in Washington, DC. (Size: 42”X 60,” Media: oil paint, Date: 2007) (Sold)

29 Rein & Fielding, Law Firm in Washington, DC. *Close up of detailed painting.*

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