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“Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come TRUSTED AGENT TRAINING Donna Butte Demand Reduction Program Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "“Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come TRUSTED AGENT TRAINING Donna Butte Demand Reduction Program Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come TRUSTED AGENT TRAINING Donna Butte Demand Reduction Program Manager

2 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come RANDOM DRUG TESTING KEY PERSONNEL 2 Capt Fisher, Legal, 7294 Donna Butte, DDR Program Manager, 5118 Katie Adkins, Drug Testing Program Asst, 5998 Angela Petty, Student Aid, Outreach, 5998 AND

3 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come RANDOM DRUG TESTING KEY PERSONNEL 3 The Most Important person in the Process

4 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come YOU! 4 RANDOM DRUG TESTING KEY PERSONNEL

5 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come DEMAND REDUCTION TRUSTED AGENT (POC) TRAINING Why Are We Here Annual Training Initial for some/refresher for others Identify problem areas Discuss new requirements 5

6 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come TRUSTED AGENT BRIEFING OVERVIEW 6 DDRP Mission, Vision, Core Values Drug Testing Program Observer Detail Trusted Agents & Responsibilities Do’s and Don’ts of Notifications Notification Options Other Types of Testing Maintenance Random Selection Process

7 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come Deter the use and abuse of controlled and illegal substances through a comprehensive program of education, prevention and drug testing; and provide scientifically accurate results that are forensically defensible. 7 DEMAND REDUCTION PROGRAM MISSION

8 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come Provide a drug free Air and Space Force to support global power, reach and vision for the United States 8 DEMAND REDUCTION VISION

9 “America’s Combat Mobility & Expeditionary Training Center of Excellence” 9 Drug testing, education/prevention, treatment and outreach excellence in DoD DEMAND REDUCTION CORE VALUES

10 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come RANDOM SELECTION PROCESS 100 Percent of personnel (including GSU’s) assigned are eligible for every selection Random numbers are generated each testing day Regardless of frequency selected member must test 10

11 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come DRUG TESTING PROGRAM DOD and other services questioned AF drug testing policy HQ USAF requested Management Audit of drug testing programs DOD and AF agreed to increase testing quota from 45% to 65% All E1-E4 and O1-O2 tested at higher rate 100% of all Civilian Drug Testable Positions (DTPs) Increased testing frequency to 8 days a month or daily, minus weekends Weekends/after hours--sweeps 11

12 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come OBSERVER DETAIL First Sergeants requested a streamlined, equitable detail to implement AFI 44-120 Units are responsible for providing credible observers AFI 44-120 para Detail assigned by monthly rotation of all units Notify observers in advance of the week they are scheduled Have a primary and an alternate designated 12

13 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come TRUSTED AGENTS Appointed in writing by Squadron Commander Prior to assigning an individual to serve as a Trusted Agent the commander will review the individual’s PIF or personnel record for civilians Must be an individual possessing unquestionable integrity and trustworthiness, and meets the following criteria: No Unfavorable Information File – UIF Individuals are ineligible to serve as TAs if they have a record of conviction by courts-martial or civilian criminal court If they received non-judicial punishment under Article 15, UCMJ, or a LOR or similar admin action for misconduct involving dishonesty, fraud, or drug abuse 13

14 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come TRUSTED AGENTS Trusted agents will be asked to certify, and will sign a statement certifying, no record of conviction of any offense or history of past misconduct involving dishonesty, fraud, or drug abuse (including use, possession, or distribution) Commanders will receive advice from SJA in situations in which it is unclear as to whether past misconduct is disqualifying

15 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come TRUSTED AGENTS’ RESPONSIBILITIES DDRPM or DTMAPM will notify unit by 0700 on the testing day via e-mail (fax during com-out) Keep list of individuals selected for testing confidential Personally notify members on roster for testing Notify members for testing no earlier than two hours prior to testing time 15

16 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come TRUSTED AGENTS’ RESPONSIBILITIES (cont’d) Annotate on roster members contacted or not contacted Annotate on roster return date for members on leave, TDY, quarters, hospitalization, flying or crew rest ONLY ABOVE ARE EXCUSED ABSENCES Coordinate with drug testing personnel to ensure members who legitimately can’t report during allotted time are scheduled to report to the DRPM or DTPAM WITH an escort (E5 or above, same gender). Unit selects the observer (not the individual) 16

17 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come TRUSTED AGENTS’ RESPONSIBILITIES (cont’d) Return rosters with annotations by e-mail NLT 1430 hrs (Comm Out use Fax) cover sheet not necessary Ensure that all members sign written order and report to testing location with a copy of written order and their military ID card--WITHIN 2 HOURS of their notification, NO EXCEPTION NOTE: If members arrive without their written order and ID card, the UNIT will have to escort the member to retrieve the needed documents 17

18 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come TRUSTED AGENTS’ RESPONSIBILITIES (cont’d) Maintain rosters: double lock (locked office, locked file cabinet) file roster and written order Keep list of persons selected secret and on a need to know basis--especially if TDY or on leave Do not leave testing rosters with anyone that is NOT designated and trained as TA BE PREPARED TO TESTIFY! 18

19 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come NOTIFICATION DOs DOCUMENT the date and time of notification and have member sign Start notifying personnel one hour prior to scheduled testing time Personally notify members on rosters Send members anytime during testing hours IF members are late, have them report immediately to designated testing sight--WITH AN ESCORT! 19

20 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come NOTIFICATION DON’Ts DON’T leave messages on answering machines stating the nature of the call DON’T leave messages with family members, co-workers, supervisors or subordinates stating the nature of the call DON’T notify a member who’s involved in a mission- essential activity that cannot be delayed, because, once notified, the member must report for testing within 2 hours Instead, notify him or her immediately when the duty’s complete 20

21 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come NOTIFICATION DON’Ts (cont’d) DON’T notify them at the beginning of their shift and then let them wait until they get off duty to report to Demand Reduction (violates the two hour notification) DON’T notify a member and tell him that he has until end of testing DON’T notify night shift workers at the beginning of their time to report for testing (violates the two hour notification) DON’T give members a copy of the memo with other members’ info on it (Privacy Act) 21

22 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come NOTIFICATION OPTIONS Coordinate all shift workers and crew rest with Drug Testing Personnel Shift workers will be arranged on a case-by-case basis-- they will NOT be excused if required to report during a regular break (that is, someone who works a Friday- Tuesday shift must still report if chosen on Wednesday) Night shift workers may report to DDR office after arrangements have been made with testing personnel, with proper escort, written order, and military ID card (all others must report for testing as scheduled) 22

23 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come OTHER TYPES OF TESTING Consent (VO) Probable Cause (PO) Mishap Investigation (AO) Rehabilitation (RO) Command Directed (CO) Medical Examination (MO) Inspection (IO) Unit Sweep (IU) 23

24 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come POSITIVE TEST RESULTS Be prepared to testify about procedures you followed when notifying members for testing--procedures should always be the same 24

25 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come 100 percent of personnel assigned available for selection, every test day Selections done daily: Random number generator Member gets new number each day Today, a member’s # may be 10; the next day it may be 600 Regardless of frequency selected, a member must participate each time selected 25 RANDOM SELECTION PROCESS

26 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come E-MAIL NOTIFICATIONS Encrypted or Password Protected 26

27 “Forging Combat Mobility Forces... Deploying Airman Warriors!” The Hour Has Come DEMAND REDUCTION PROGRAM 27 COMMENTS/QUESTIONS

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