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US Military Policy, 1865-1898 Naval Policy –The Post-Civil War Naval Doldrums –1880s revival: internal and external causes Naval strategy, construction,

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Presentation on theme: "US Military Policy, 1865-1898 Naval Policy –The Post-Civil War Naval Doldrums –1880s revival: internal and external causes Naval strategy, construction,"— Presentation transcript:

1 US Military Policy, 1865-1898 Naval Policy –The Post-Civil War Naval Doldrums –1880s revival: internal and external causes Naval strategy, construction, a new mission Military Policy –Post-Civil War Dark Ages Frontier Warfare Harbor Defense –Emory Upton

2 Spanish-American War, 1898 Mobilization, 1898 Operations –Philippines Battle of Manila Bay, 1 May 1898 US Army expedition and Battle of Manila –Cuba Naval Operations and Guantanamo landing Shafter’s V Corps and Santiago Campaign –Battle San Juan Heights, 1 July 1898 Naval Battle of Santiago, 3 July 1898 Problems of victory –Scandal, peace with Spain, Philippines

3 Philippine War, 1899-1902 Benevolent Assimilation, Military government Emilio Aguinaldo and Philippine Republic Conventional War, February-December 1899 – Battle of Manila, February –Operations in Central Luzon Guerrilla War, January 1900-July 1902 –Regional guerrilla war –US counterinsurgency Military government, repression, Filipino allies, civil government

4 Military Policy, 1898-1917 Great Power Military Problems –Defense of empire, European threats War Department reforms (Root reforms) –Professional education, reorganization, Chief of Staff and General Staff –Weapons, tactics, and Modern War Navy Department Reforms –General Board and overseas bases –Warship Construction

5 World War 1 Preparation for War –Preparedness Movement and National Defense Act, 1916 –US Army in 1917 John J. Pershing and the AEF –Missions –Doctrine: Open Warfare and Trench Warfare Operations –Belleau Wood, 8-25 June 1918 –Meuse Argonne, September-November 1918 War in the Air –William “Billy” Mitchell

6 Interwar Era, 1919-1940 US strategic goals Army Missions and capabilities –National Defense Act, 1920 –Pacific and continental defense –Modernization Armor and Mechanization Army aviation –Postwar missions vs. Air Power Theory Billy Mitchell and Chesapeake Tests Improvements in aviation technology Strategic Bombardment and its Critics

7 Naval and Amphibious War Interwar Navy Washington Naval Treaties, 1921-22 –Treaty Navy and Missions War Plan ORANGE –Naval Aviation Technology and Doctrine –Submarines US Marine Corps –Integration with War Plan ORANGE –Reform, Doctrine, and Technology

8 World War II: Pacific Impact of Japanese victories, 1941-42 –Creation of defensive barrier US Navy and Central Pacific –Organization and Task Forces –Carrier Operations and island hopping –Impact of Technology Aircraft, warships, submarines Operations: battles of Midway and Philippine Sea

9 Joint Warfare: Guadalacanal Campaign, 1942-43 Strategic overview –Japanese and Allied plans Initial campaign, August-September –USMC landing, defense of airfield –Early sea and land battles October 1943-February 1944 Air War

10 WW2: Air War Prewar Doctrine Combined Bomber Offensive vs Germany –Problems and Casualties, 1943 –Adaptation and Victory, 1944 Escort Fighter –Big Week and Destruction of Luftwaffe Targeting: Transportation, POL Assessment The Other Air War in the Pacific –Air support for land and sea operations

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