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2 nd Driving Forum 2011 منتدى السياقه الثاني Speeding & Seatbelt السرعة وحزام الآمان.

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Presentation on theme: "2 nd Driving Forum 2011 منتدى السياقه الثاني Speeding & Seatbelt السرعة وحزام الآمان."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 nd Driving Forum 2011 منتدى السياقه الثاني Speeding & Seatbelt السرعة وحزام الآمان

2 Your Safety is Important سلامتك مهمة In case of Fire Alarm في حالة الإنذار بالحريق GSM جهاز الهاتف النقــال We request you to participate actively مطلوب منكم المشاركة بفعالية

3 Management Speech كلمة إدارة الشـــــركة 2 nd Driving Forum 2011 منتدى السياقه الثاني

4 A Bad start for this year! Unfortunately we started very badly this year and we had our first LTI on 9 th January 2011. بداية سيئة لهذه السنة! للأسف الشديد كانت بدايتنا لهذه السنة سيئة جداً حيث وقع أول حادث مضيع للوقت بتاريخ 9 يناير 2011م. ووقع الحادث المروري الثاني بتاريخ 25 يناير 2011 وأدى الى إصابة السائق ومساعده. Those accidents should not have taken place if people adhere to basic Road Safety Rules. ما كانت هذه الحوادث لتقع لو إلتزم الناس بأبسط قوانين السلامة المرورية. If we do not stick to the rules, we will have more accidents on our roads إذا لم نلتزم بالقوانين، فستقع المزيد من الحوادث على طرقنا يجب عليك الحذر دائماً You Must be Alert Always The 2 nd RTA LTI took place on 25 th January 2010, both the driver and the helper got injured.


6 LTI No 01 –9/1/2011 LTI No 04 –25/1/2011 LTI No 17 & 18 – 21/4/2011 LTI No 25 –17/6/2011 LTI No 34, 35,36 &37 – 11/7/2011 RTA LTIs حوادث الطرق ذات إصابات مضيعة للوقت 2011

7 What did we learn from these RTAs. Most accidents caused by speeding & reckless driving ما الذي تعلمناه من هذه الحوادث؟ معظم أسباب الحوادث السرعة والتهور Not obeying simple traffic law like slowing down at t-junctions عدم الإلتزام بأبسط قواعد المرور مثل التمهل عند المنعطفات A lot do not believe in seatbelts and never use them الكثيرون لا زالوا لا يؤمنون بأهمية حزام الأمان ولا يستخدمونه Not obeying night driving policy or dust code الإلتزام بعدم السياقة بالليل أو دخول الغبار خلف المركبات الأخرى. Keeping safe distance between your vehicle and the one in front ترك مسافة الآمان بين مركبتك والتي أمامك لا تسرع فالموت أسرع! Never speed, death faster! Not obeying night driving policy or dust code وجوب التحكم الجيد بالمركبة في الشوارع الترابية.

8 You life more important to us To believe that your life has a great value and must be saved حياتك أهم شيئ لدينا أن تؤمن بأن لحياتك قيمة غالية ويجب المحافظة عليها Obey the Law for your own safety and the others الإلتزام بالقوانين من أجل سلامتك وسلامة الآخرين You are never been asked or will be asked to speed لم ولن يطلب منك أبداً تجاوز السرعة Seatbelts are live saving tools; use them all the time حزام الأمان وسيلة المحافظة على الحياة، ويجب عليك أستخدامه دائماً. Add more time for your journey to reach safely إضافة المزيد من الوقت لرحلتك لتصل سالماً إنقــــذ حيــــاتك لتنجــــــو Save your life to survive أنت بيدك إيقاف هذه الحوادث You can stop all these RTAs

9 Thank You شــــــكراً

10 Backup slides

11 LTI Notification 9 Th January LTI No 01 2011 WHAT HAPPENED: During a Rig Move from Lekhwair to Karim West, approximately 2 km south of Barik, the convoy stopped for an ROP escort change-over. One of the vehicles (driven by the IP) failed to stop in time and collided into the back of the vehicle that was in front of him. LATERAL LEARNING When a vehicle travelling in the same direction is creating a dust cloud that makes it difficult to see the road ahead, drivers must: Slow down Keep a safe distance (at least four seconds) from the rear of the dust cloud, far enough back to be able to identify and stop safely if the vehicle in front was to stop suddenly Never enter the dust cloud; Never overtake in the dust cloud. All drivers must follow the Dust Code. RESULTS: Broken upper limbs. 42 Work Days Lost. RTA

12 LTI Notification 25 Th January LTI No 04 2011 WHAT HAPPENED: An NCC water tanker was enroute from Bahja to Rig 59 near Hawqa to make a routine delivery. While the Driver was negotiating a sharp bend, the vehicle rolled over. The driver was rescued by a passerby but the helper remained trapped until a rescue team managed to extract him from inside the vehicle. RESULTS: Driver sustained multiple lacerations on his head and left elbow The Helper sustained fractures to his left arm and his right leg. At least 30 Work Days Lost. LATERAL LEARNING Adhere to the signposted speed limits Slow down when approaching a bend RTA

13 LTI Notification 21 st April LTI No 17 & 18 2011 WHAT HAPPENED: The IP’s were travelling from Fahud to Qarn Alam when both back tyres of the vehicle they were travelling in punctured within seconds of each other. The driver lost control and the vehicle rolled over. The driver was unhurt but the two passengers were injured. One broke his right leg and right arm while the other had a broken right collar bone. The incident occurred in a GSM black spot and they were unable to communicate with their Journey Manager. They spent the night at the incident location and were spotted the following morning by a passing vehicle. RESULTS: Broken Leg and Arm Broken Collar Bone 12 Working Weeks Lost LATERAL LEARNING Will be available after the IRC RTA

14 LTI Notification 17 th June LTI No 25 2011 WHAT HAPPENED: A Maqshan Skip Truck was travelling from Al-Noor to Nimr with a driver and helper. On approaching the Nimr roundabout, the Driver lost control and the vehicle rolled over. The driver escaped without any injuries but his Helper sustained multiple laceration wounds and swelling to his hands and skull. RESULTS: Lacerations Wounds and swelling to Hands and Skull Five Work Days Lost LATERAL LEARNING Will be available after the IRC RTA

15 LTI Notification 11 th July LTI No 34,35,36,37 2011 WHAT HAPPENED: A PDO ambulance driven by Al-Khatma Driver, was taking a patient, an employee of Special Technical Services & Tebodin (STST) from Yibal to Ibri hospital, escorted by STST male nurse and STST employee. The driver lost control due to part of rear tyre getting detached from the main element. The driver and front seat passenger were wearing their seat belts. The male nurse and patient were thrown out from rear compartment of the ambulance. RESULTS: STST employee - very serious condition in the Intensive Care Unit with head injuries. The male nurse - multiple minor injuries, may require surgery, but is stable. The patient - multiple fractures to his pelvis and spine, and may receive surgery for his original abdominal condition, but is stable. The driver - broken hand. A cast was applied and has been discharged from hospital. 42 Work Days Lost. LATERAL LEARNING Will be available after the IRC RTA

16 RESULT The IP sustained multiple left upper limb fractures. WHAT HAPPENED: During a Rig Move from Lekhwair to Karim West, approximately 2 km south of Barik, the convoy stopped for an ROP escort change-over. One of the vehicles (driven by the IP) failed to stop in time and collided into the back of the vehicle that was in front of him. The IP sustained multiple left upper limb fractures. النتيجة إصابة السائق بعدة كسور في الساعد الأيسر Lost Time Injury No 1 الإصابة المضيعة للوقت رقم Date: 9 th January 2011 التاريخ : ما الذي حدث: خلال نقل جهاز الحفر من الخوير الى كريم الجنوب، تقريباً على بعد 2كم من جنوب بارك، توقفت قافلة الرق لتغيير أفراد الشرطة المرافقين. أحدى المركبات والتي يقودها أحد لم تستطع التوقف في الوقت المناسب مما أدى الى إصطدامها بالمركبة التي كانت أمامها. ونتج عن الحادث كسور متعددة بساعد السائق الأيسر.

17 Lost Time Injury No 4 الإصابة المضيعة للوقت رقم Date: 25 th January 2011 التاريخ : ما الذي حــــدث : كانت ناقلة المياه لشركة أن سي سي في طريقها من بهجة الى رق 59 قرب حوقة لتوصيل المياه. عندما كان يحاول السائق المناورة عند منعطف حاد، أنقلبت الناقلة. تم إنقاذ السائق من قبل بعض المارة ولكن ظل المساعد محصوراً في كابينة السياقة. RESULTS:  Driver sustained multiple lacerations on his head and left elbow.  The Helper sustained fractures to his left arm and his right leg. النتيجة:  تعرض السائق لعدة إصابات على رأسه و مرفقة الأيسر.  تعرض المساعد لعدة كسور في يده اليسرى وقدمه اليمنى. WHAT HAPPENED: An NCC water tanker was enroute from Bahja to Rig 59 near Hawqa to make a routine delivery. While the Driver was negotiating a sharp bend, the vehicle rolled over. The driver was rescued by a passerby but the helper remained trapped until a rescue team managed to extract him from inside the vehicle. The driver sustained multiple lacerations on his head and left elbow. The Helper sustained fractures to his left arm and his right leg.

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