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Nihon Koku-Means land of the rising sun Capital-Tokyo Population-128.96 M GDP per Capita-- 29,251 HDI/work rank -0.949/7 Major Islands-- Honshu -Hokkaido.

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Presentation on theme: "Nihon Koku-Means land of the rising sun Capital-Tokyo Population-128.96 M GDP per Capita-- 29,251 HDI/work rank -0.949/7 Major Islands-- Honshu -Hokkaido."— Presentation transcript:


2 Nihon Koku-Means land of the rising sun Capital-Tokyo Population-128.96 M GDP per Capita-- 29,251 HDI/work rank -0.949/7 Major Islands-- Honshu -Hokkaido -Kyushu -Shikoku

3 Urban Population -65.8 % Major People Koreans -Chinese Brazilians-Filipinos Peruvians-American Indians-British Indonesians-Canadian Language-Japanese Office of the- Prime Minister

4 Prime Minister-Shinzo Abe (Liberal Democratic Party) Defence: Army -Ground Self Defence Froce -5 regional commands Troops - 148200 Tank - 980

5 Navy-Maritime self Defence Force -1000 nautical miles defence -4 escort Flotilla (1)Yokosuka (2)Kure (3)Sasebo (4)Maizuru & Ominato Personal:44400 Sub Marine:18(Diesel) 45(Destroyer) 9 (Frigates)

6 Combat Aircraft:80 Air arm Personnel:9800 Air Force-Air Self Def Force Air Crafts-F-15 Eagles F-4E Phantom Mitsubishi F-1 Fighter Currency-Yen (JPY) Foreign Exchange Reserves – US Dollars 172.4 bn (2 nd to China only) Religion-Budhism Confuceanism

7 Taiwan-Japan gained Taiwan from China in Sino Japanes War 1894-95 1 st World WarJapan was again Germany 1931-Japan invaded Manchuria 1937-Full scale War with China 1940-Japan made a triple alliance with Nazi (German) Fascist (Italy)

8 Dec 41-Attack Pearl Harbour Hawei Aug 45-Naqasaki Heroshima 200000 death Surrender-Emperor Hirohito Donor-Major donor to developing countries Parliament-Diet 2002-Japan provided Naval Support to US for Intervention in Afghanistan Japan-Russian North Pacific Ocean South N Korea

9 Major Cities- Naqasaki – 1478632 -Tokoyo – 12576601 -Osaka – 8817166 - Hiroshima - 2876642 Sea-Sea of Japan Prefectures-Japan is divided into 43 prefectures Metropolis-One – Tokyo Territory-One – Hok Urban Prefecture 2 – Kyotu and Osaka

10 Birth Rate-1,111 Death Rate-1029 Annual rainfal-1467 mm Average Children - Of Women-1.35 Suicide -2005 Life expectancy -75 (highest in world) 1996 till to date-LDP Diet (House of Dypties)400 members National anthem -Kimigeryo

11 Recent election-Sep 2005 LDP-296 seats Democratic Party-113 New clean Govt Party -31 Communist Party-9 Social Democratic Party 7 Peoples New Party-4 Nippon Party-1 Women- Out of 480 elected MPs 43 are women

12 Ministers Foreign Minister-Tard Aso Defence-Fumio Kyuma Coast – Guard-11 Regional HQ -66 offices -1 Maritime guard -53 Station

13 Libraries - 2742 Education-Co-Edn Budget On Edn-3.5 % Literacy -99% Health-7.9% of GDP Universities -702 Bank of Japan-Nippon Ginko Unemployment-5% Workers-10801000

14 Exports-Machinery -Transports -Chemical -Metal -Textile Product Imports-Food Status Mineral Food Roads-1,171,647 Under Sea Road-World Largest Tokyo Bay 4.4 Km

15 668060892197

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