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MSESP Grantee Webinar May 1, 2012. Agenda Record Webinar Welcome Administrative Updates Getting to know you….  Grantee Presentation: Fond du Lac Tribal.

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Presentation on theme: "MSESP Grantee Webinar May 1, 2012. Agenda Record Webinar Welcome Administrative Updates Getting to know you….  Grantee Presentation: Fond du Lac Tribal."— Presentation transcript:

1 MSESP Grantee Webinar May 1, 2012

2 Agenda Record Webinar Welcome Administrative Updates Getting to know you….  Grantee Presentation: Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College Participant/Outcome Projection Updates Sustainability Request Other Updates – RAD, etc. Other Grantee Updates Next Meeting

3 Administrative Updates RFP Update Internal External Reminder: CC Carol on Financial Reports/Requests Supplement to Final Narrative Report

4 Grantee Presentation Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College – Candi Broeffle

5 Building Performance Training Presented by: Candi Broeffle, Dean of Workforce and Kevin Maki, Program Coordinator

6 Background Conducted BPI training for 1.5 yrs Contractors had trouble with exams People w/o contracting skills were unsuccessful

7 Project Summary Provide building performance training to: FDL band members and employees Dislocated, unemployed and under employed Designed for construction novices

8 Background Included credit based classes in: Basic electricity Residential building construction techniques **new** Home energy auditing

9 Background BPI certification in: Building Analyst Envelope Professional Also includes academic support, on-site training with industry partners, and career counseling

10 Partners Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Duluth Energy Efficiency Program (DEEP) NE MN Office of Job Training Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency Adult Basic Education

11 Projected Outcomes 12 to start 10 to complete 10 to receive BPI certification 8 in unsubsidized training 5 in training related field

12 Outcomes Began May 2011 12 students started Summer Session 1 dropped w/in two weeks because of job opportunity ABE tutored one hour prior to each class and co-taught for math and reading 11 completers

13 Outcomes 12 started fall semester (1 new) Basic Electricity and Home Energy Auditing course ABE co-taught in both ABE tutored in Basic Electricity

14 Outcomes Fall semester 5 of original 11 dropped out for various reasons Added six participants throughout the semester Total of 11 completers fall semester

15 Outcomes 9 of 11 entered BPI test prep classes 7 of 9 have successfully obtain certification

16 Future Extension request Added mentor opportunities 7 of 11 began 2 nd grant

17 Challenges Personal issues that hampered success Scheduling partner activities RAD!!!!! Terminology problems (support services)

18 Successes Students supporting one another Partnership with NEMOJT and ABE Support of FDL Committed instructors

19 Thank you! We appreciate your attention Candi Broeffle, Dean of Workforce and College Advancement 218-879-0743 Kevin Maki, Electric Utility Tech Faculty 218-879-0891

20 Participant Update Plan TotalProjected 3/31/12 Actual 3/31/12 Participants Enrolled 149510001080 Participants Placed897300194 # Receiving Credentials 1076600586 Grantee Expenditures $3,544,431 (awarded) $1,705,926$1,250,726

21 Sustainability Information Request Sustainability Plan for DOL What components of your project will be sustained? For example: Curriculum Training Partnerships Etc. How will they be sustained? Send summary by May 4

22 RAD Update o Make sure that all participants are enrolled and updated in RAD o Training Activities – must be entered in training activity in RAD for participant to be counted for DOL o Placements o All activity occurring before March 31 must be entered by May 9 to be in compliance with DOL

23 Program Completion/Credentials ○ Program Completion – when participant has completed the entire series of courses or activities included in his/her plan ○ Credentials – only enter credentials rec’d after program completion. If rec’d prior, report in narrative report

24 Follow-ups ○ Remember to do your 1 st Qtr/2 nd Qtr Follow-ups!

25 Additional RAD Info Supportive Services- Services such as transportation, child care, dependent care, housing, etc., that are necessary to enable an individual to participate in activities Basic Skills Training - Training associated with improving basic skills in English reading, writing, mathematics, computer skills, or other skills that are widely required in training and employment settings Placement - If participant gets job without completing program – report in Narrative Notes Tab - Use to report details such as placement without completion, incumbent worker that moved into new position, incumbent worker not new position, etc.

26 Notes Tab

27 Updated Outcome Summary – Qtrly Report Total Planned Total this Quarter Total To Date ANumber of participants beginning education/training activities BNumber of participants participating in basic education services CNumber of participants receiving grant-funded support services DNumber of participants completed education/training activities ENumber of participants completed education/training activities who receive a degree/certificate F Number of participants that complete education/training activities and are placed in unsubsidized employment* G Number of participants that complete education/training activities and are placed in training- related unsubsidized employment* H Number of participants placed in unsubsidized employment who retain an employed status in the first and second quarters following initial placement I Number of incumbent workers who have completed training, but have NOT entered a new position of employment (explain in activity summary below) J Number of incumbent workers who have retained employment in the first and second quarters following training completion (explain in activity summary below) K Number of participants that obtained employment but did NOT complete training (explain in activity summary below) L Number of participants that receive a credential PRIOR to program completion / Number of credentials received PRIOR to program completion (explain in activity summary below) MOther – Identify

28 Other Grantee Updates Let us know what is happening with your MSESP project

29 Next Grantee Webinar Tuesday, June 5 10:00 AM Presenters: Summit Academy OIC Twin Cities Area Heat & Frost Insulators Local 34 JAC Note: There will NOT be a July webinar

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