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85 th Annual Officers Convention Spousal Event  All spouses will have brunch and fellowship from 0800- 0930.  Spouses will have four options to choose.

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Presentation on theme: "85 th Annual Officers Convention Spousal Event  All spouses will have brunch and fellowship from 0800- 0930.  Spouses will have four options to choose."— Presentation transcript:

1 85 th Annual Officers Convention Spousal Event  All spouses will have brunch and fellowship from 0800- 0930.  Spouses will have four options to choose from on the website: (1) Shopping (2) Jewelry Workshop (3) Old State Capital Tour (4) Yoga/Meditation Class  The jewelry workshop and yoga/meditation class will be conducted at the hotel.  Spouse who participate in the jewelry workshop, yoga/meditation class, or go on the Old State Capital Tour can participate in the “Scavenger Hunt” at the hotel.

2 Overall Spousal Event Timeline TimeActivity 0800-0930Brunch 0830-0845Opening Remarks 0845-0930Door Prizes 0930-1130Workshops 0930-0945Trans to designated site(s) 0945-1200Perkins Rowe 0945-1045Old State Capital 1045-1100Old State Capital Tour Trans back to hotel 1130-1230Scavenger Hunt 1215-1230Perkins Rowe Trans back to hotel 1230Endex

3 Perkins Rowe offers a new way to shop that’s sophisticated, more entertaining and more convenient—with easy breaks for coffee, lunch, drinks and entertainment. With 400,000 square feet of upscale new stores, Perkins Rowe gives shoppers a new travel destination in Baton Rouge! Several new stores, such as Orvis and Z Gallerie are opening their first location in Louisiana! With more than 60 stores and restaurants to choose from, you’ll feel like you’ve taken a jet to the big city. Shopping at Perkins Rowe Option #1

4 Jewelry Workshop by “Polished Peacock” Option #2 Picture of Bracelet to Be Made Each participant will receive a jewelry kit and the class will show the basic stringing and finishing techniques to complete this bracelet.

5 Louisiana's Old State Capitol, a Gothic architectural treasure, stands high on a bluff overlooking the Mississippi River in downtown Baton Rouge.Today, the building stands as a testament to bold, inspired leadership and active citizenship. Tour of Louisiana’s Old State Capital Option #3

6 Yoga and Meditation Workshop Option #4

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