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Gold Mining By Nick O’Brien.

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1 Gold Mining By Nick O’Brien

2 Today’s Golden Agenda Gold Gold Mining Environmental Impact Future
Facts History Gold Mining Process Players Environmental Impact Problems Future Movements within industry

3 Gold Gold – symbol Au Soft and shiny Usually yellow color
Comes from Latin aurum meaning “shining dawn” Soft and shiny Usually yellow color Can be black or ruby

4 Golden Properties 79 on Periodic Table
MW g/mol MP 3129 K Cp J/mol K Most malleable and ductile metal known 1g can be beaten into a sheet one square meter/ 1 ounce into 300 ft2 Good conductor of heat and electricity Not affected by air or most corrosive agents Easy to alloy with other metals

5 Golden History May have been first metal human’s used
3500 BCE Egyptian Jewelry Mentioned in Old Testament World’s earliest coinage around 643 BCE in Lydia Fueled European exploration of the America’s Primary goal of Alchemists Gold Rushes Formed the basis for a monetary standard (IMF)

6 Golden Uses Jewelry Computers Jet Aircraft
Gold (III) chloride is a catalyst in Organic Chemistry Gold Isotope AU-198 – cancer treatment Gold Flake $1,000 cocktail

7 Gold Standard Unit of currency was equivalent to certain weight of gold (in troy ounce) 1934 $35.00/oz ($1.13/g) 1959 $518/oz 2005 $37,831/oz Open Market Value 1968 Highest 1980 $850/oz Lowest 1999 $252.90/oz Bans in US From 1933 to 1975 private possession banned Largest Gold reserve in U.S. Federal Reserve Bank in NY

8 Purity of Gold Done in carats or karats

9 Let’s take a look at Gold Mining in Step Form

10 Gold Mining Step 1 Exploration Geologist discover a deposit

11 Gold all around Gold is widely distributed on the earth’s crust at a background level .03g/1000 kg (0.03 ppm by weight) Occasionally as nuggets, but mostly as small grains Gold in sea water .1 to 2 mg/t (0.1 to 2 ppb by weight)

12 Gold Mining Step 2 Explorative Drilling

13 Gold mines Economic gold extraction
can be achieved from ore grades as little as 0.5g/1000kg (0.5 ppm) Usually open pit mines 1-5 g/1000kg (1-5ppm) Underground or hard rock mines at least 3 g/1000kg (3 ppm) Gold not visible until 30g/1000 kg (30ppm)

14 Open Pit Blasthole Drilling Pattern of holes filled with explosives
The explosives are detonated so it can be loaded with large shovels into haul trucks

15 Pictures of Open Gold Mining Pits

16 Underground Mining Adit is dug into earth
Surface containing the ore is loaded with explosives and blasted Loaded into trucks Backfilled with cement compound

17 Pictures of Underground Gold Mining

18 Gold Mining Step 4 Ore and Waste Haulage
Trucks transport the ore to various areas for processing Higher grade ore goes to mills Lower grade ores to leach pads

19 Gold Mining step 5 Heap Leaching
Crushed ore is placed leach pads where weak cyanide solution percolates down through the ore


21 Milling and oxidation The ore is fed into a series of grinding mills where steel balls grind the ore to a fine slurry or powder Sometimes the slurry is fed through a roaster to get oxidized

22 Leaching The slurry is thickened and run through a series of leaching tanks. The gold adheres to the carbon in the tanks.

23 Gold Mining Step 6 Stripping
The gold is removes from the carbon by pumping a hot caustic solution through the carbon.

24 Gold Mining step 7 Electro-winning
Gold-bearing solution is pumped through electro-winning cells or through a zinc precipitation circuit Gold is recovered

25 Gold Mining Step 8 Smelting
The gold is melted in a furnace and poured into molds, creating dore’ bars at 60% to 90% gold

26 Gold Mining Last Step The bars are sent to a refinery to be made into pure gold.

27 Largest Gold Producers
75% of the all gold ever produced has been extracted since 1910

28 Environmental Issues Cyanide in water “Toxic Bob” Friedland
Summitville, CO gold mine 1996 Leach pad failed Leaked cyanide and had 1000 to 2000 lbs of dissolved heavy metals leaving the site daily No life in the river for 17 miles $200 million federal cleanup

29 More Environmental Issues
Molycorp Molybdenum Mine New Mexico Over 5 years 100 tailings slurry spills into red river 8 miles of the red river dead Local high schools had to relocate because of toxic dust clouds Baia Mare Gold Mine Romania 2000 tailings impoundment dam failed, 130 cubic yards of waste contaminated with cyanide and heavy metals 24 locations of drinking water for 2.5 million people disrupted Massive fish kill in Tisza River

30 Future “No Dirty Gold” Council for Responsible Jewelry Practices
London next January Release responsible mining standards for gold and metal mines Mostly volunteer audits Who’s joined in Zale Corporation (2006) Tiffany uses gold from a mine in Utah that doesn’t use cyanide Wal-mart is attempting to come up with a certification process

31 How much gold? Approximately 1/3 the size of the Washington Monument.
Approximately 1 cube at 20 meters a side.

32 References

33 References Additional
SME Mining Engineering Handbook, 2nd edition volume 2 Google Images Men’s Journal, Sept 2007

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