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 International movement that started in Europe and spread all over the world.  Lasted about 25 years: from 1895-1920  Inspired by Horta and Hangar 

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Presentation on theme: " International movement that started in Europe and spread all over the world.  Lasted about 25 years: from 1895-1920  Inspired by Horta and Hangar "— Presentation transcript:

1  International movement that started in Europe and spread all over the world.  Lasted about 25 years: from 1895-1920  Inspired by Horta and Hangar  They wanted to design furniture for elaborate, nature- inspired homes and buildings built in the late 1800s- early 1900s.  Although it is inspired by nature, it was mainly used in urban- style  The key developments were made in Paris

2  Another important city was Brussels, many of the most important creations were made or exhibited here.  Art nouveau was not embraced by England, however in Glasgow, a Scottish city, the style developed and went in new directions  New York became one of the world’s big economic centers during this time, there Louis Comfort Tiffany (son of the founder of Tiffany and Company) created key art nouveau masterpieces


4 - They can be inlaid or built on top of the furniture -These can look like anything in nature -For example: smoke rising in the air, seaweed in the ocean, rushing water

5 -Art nouveau should make you think of nature -Art nouveau furniture will often have extra pieces of wood that look like limbs on a tree

6 - These can be inlaid into the furniture

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