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BIMteriors: Autodesk® Revit® Architecture for Commercial Interior Design John R. Ade, AIA Senior Applications Specialist Applied Software.

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Presentation on theme: "BIMteriors: Autodesk® Revit® Architecture for Commercial Interior Design John R. Ade, AIA Senior Applications Specialist Applied Software."— Presentation transcript:

1 BIMteriors: Autodesk® Revit® Architecture for Commercial Interior Design
John R. Ade, AIA Senior Applications Specialist Applied Software

2 Can you use Revit Architecture for Interior Design?
Absolutely! Revit Architecture is uniquely capable of providing architects and interior designers powerful tools for design, test fits, documentation and more.

3 Do you need to do everything in Revit on your first project?
No, you can start off blending CAD and Revit together and transition over to 100% Revit over time.

4 Class Topics Beginning your Interior Design Project
Modeling existing elements Test-fits or Block Diagrams Programming and Area Analysis Presentation Graphics Finish Schedules and Schedule Keys Modeling Finishes Content – Casework, Furniture, Furniture Systems Design Options Phasing

5 Beginning your Interior Design Project
Are existing conditions available in Revit? Preferred option if available Provides existing/new conditions Are existing conditions available in CAD? Next best, more common option Import / Link CAD for base or to trace from Are existing conditions on paper/prints? Scan and import Scale to largest known distance

6 Walls Traced Over CAD Base

7 Model Existing Elements
How much existing conditions should you model? Do you need to visualize it? Do you need to quantify it? Do you have it in CAD or other format? Can you use CAD information with your design? Views can be composite of CAD and Revit CAD can be limited to one view or shown everywhere How much do I model and to what Level of Detail? Use 2D or 2.5D content when 3D is not needed. Model in detail where needed, not EVERYWHERE!

8 Composite Revit and CAD

9 Test-fits / Blocking Diagrams
Hand drawn test fits used in Revit – Old Tech Fast test fit iterations possible For designers not yet using Revit Link into Revit CAD drawn test fits in Revit – Current Tech Easier to model / trace over Link / Import into Revit Test fits created in Revit - New Tech No translation needed from hand drawn or CAD Fast, dynamic area calculation and analysis!!!

10 Test Fits / Blocking Diagrams

11 Test Fits / Blocking Diagrams

12 Stacking or Layering of Information

13 Programming and Area Analysis
Gross / Rentable Area Calculations BOMA Custom Room Program Incorporation Add Parameter(s) for Program Values Revit DB Link for managing Program Data Schedules for Area Analysis Add Calculated Values Use Conditional Formatting Design Changes Dynamically Update

14 Programming and Area Analysis

15 Presentation Graphics
Color Schemes / Legends Multiple Schemes Shadows Section Boxes Orient to Other View from View Cube Clients like isometric view of floor plan Perspective Camera Views Gives a first person experience of design Walkthroughs Clients experience more of design moving through it.

16 Presentation Graphics Opportunities

17 Presentation Graphics Opportunities

18 Finish Schedules and Schedule Keys
Room Finish Schedule Schedule default finishes Add parameters Define Schedules in Template(s) Duplicate Schedules - Working and Sheet Key Schedules Control Multiple Parameters Cannot schedule Shared Parameters Great for Finishes, Door Hardware

19 Finish Schedules and Key Schedules

20 Finishes Materials (Finishes) in Families Apply Materials to Surfaces
Split Face Paint Floor Finishes Color Scheme Material Take-Off Schedule Material Tag

21 Finishes

22 Content Start with Imperial / Metric Libraries
Develop Design - Replace Basic Families Autodesk® Seek Manufacturers Websites Create Custom Families Search the Web????? Test Content from Un-Verified Sources Use 2D or 2.5D Content for Economy Can contain needed parameters

23 Content

24 Design Options Do Not Use For Separate Designs
Different Designs Require Separate Models Use to Explore Alternatives Within a Project Furniture Layouts Workstation Configurations Finishes Duplicate Views to Display Options Select Option After Evaluation Create Progress Copy Options Intended for Design Remove All Secondary Options

25 Design Options Multiple Configurable Tables Single Long Table

26 Phasing Every Revit Project Has Phasing Phasing Is Linear / Sequential
Model Objects Have Two Phase Parameters Phase Created and Phase Demolished Views Have Two Phase Parameters Phase and Phase Filter Element Status Existing, Demolished, New, Temporary Phase Filters Control Display of Element Status Excellent for Renovation / Addition Work Good for Simple Construction Phasing

27 Phasing

28 Thanks, anY Questions? Class Code for survey: AB231-3 John R. Ade, AIA
Senior Application Specialist Applied Software Class Code for survey: AB231-3

29 Autodesk [and other] are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document. © 2010 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.

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