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M Y D REAM H OUSE By: Jackie Vicksman. W HY I L IKED T HIS H OUSE The elegant Victorian style The bright green and color The dormers and gable roof are.

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Presentation on theme: "M Y D REAM H OUSE By: Jackie Vicksman. W HY I L IKED T HIS H OUSE The elegant Victorian style The bright green and color The dormers and gable roof are."— Presentation transcript:

1 M Y D REAM H OUSE By: Jackie Vicksman

2 W HY I L IKED T HIS H OUSE The elegant Victorian style The bright green and color The dormers and gable roof are very angular which give my house a nice, structured shape This shingles give the house a vintage feel The front door is elevated which makes the house look put-together There are many windows which will allow for a lot of sunlight to shine in

3 F IRST F LOOR P LAN Click here to go to my bedroom Click here to go to my kitchen Click here to go to my great room Click to go to my dining room Click here to go to my next floor plan Click here to see a view of my backyard garden

4 S ECOND FLOOR PLAN Click here to go to my loft Click here to go to my master bedroom Click here to go to my master bathroom Click here to go to the next floor plan

5 M Y M ASTER B EDROOM ! My master bedroom has a luxurious, colorful feel to it. The bed is accented with a blue duvet and the sconces make the room feel put together. On the left is my Icovia room layout. This shows my room from an aerial view. On the right is a picture of my master bedroom that was in my idea board. I like it because of the nice turquoise colors and the sconces and chandelier. I also really love the bookshelf in the corner and the curtains. Click on the arrows to see my excel! Click here to go back to my floor plan Click here to go to my excel

6 E XCEL F URNITURE Click here to go back

7 M Y G REAT R OOM ! My great room has a very elegant feel to it. The chairs and loveseat are set up around a nice coffee table. This enables people to chat and browse through whatever magazine I have on my coffee table. There is also a TV which also provides entertainment. On the left is my Icovia room design where you can see how everything is set up. On the right is a picture of my room from my idea board. Click here to go back to my floor plan Click here to go to my excel

8 E XCEL F URNITURE Click here to go back

9 M Y S ECOND B EDROOM My second bedroom is soft with nude colors, and a pop of bright pink. The pink rug adds color and personality to the room. I did branch out from my idea board however I kept a lot of the same furniture. On the right side is my idea board picture of the room. I was especially drawn to this picture because of the whimsical wallpaper and vintage style of furniture. On the left is my Icovia design. The bright pink rug makes the rest of the room look less dull. Click here to go back Click here to go to my excel

10 E XCEL F URNITURE Click here to back

11 L OFT My Loft is more laid back. It is a place to relax, watch a movie and sit around. I decided to incorporate a little more color into the room with the blue rug. On the right is my idea board picture in which you can see everything put together. On my left is my Icovia design where you can see how I laid everything out. Click here to go back Click here to go to my excel

12 E XCEL F URNITURE Click here to go back

13 M Y B ONUS R OOM ! For my bonus room, I decided to do a home theatre. I love the idea of a home theatre because I love curling up and watching a movie. The large couch enables me to do this. I also love the sconces on the side of the room because they add to the movie theatre feel. Click here to go back

14 M Y M ASTER B ATHROOM My master bathroom is a mix of neutral colors. Even though I did branch out a little from my idea board in the Icovia, I did still take inspiration from my idea board. On the right is my idea board bathroom that I liked because of its elegance. On the left, is my Icovia design. I kept the design very simple because I wanted a simple bathroom. Click here to go backClick here to go to my excel

15 E XCEL F URNITURE Click here to go back

16 M Y D INING R OOM This is my dining room idea board picture. I liked it because it had a neutral color scheme and looked well put-together. The rug ties the room together while the paintings in the background add a little extra flair. Click here to go back

17 M Y K ITCHEN This is my kitchen idea board picture. It is very sophisticated which is why I like it. The appliances are all very clean cut and silver. I also really like the granite island countertop. The large cabinets and refrigerator enable me to store a lot of food which I like. Overall the kitchen just looks very put together, simple, and sophisticated. Click here to go back

18 M Y B ACKYARD G ARDEN Here is my garden! Since there are so many plants in the front of my house, I decided to create a garden in my backyard. As you can see, there are many bushes, trees, shrubs, flowers and all kinds of plants. I also really like the gazebo with flowers that is in the middle. It really catches your eye. There is even a little chair for you to sit for some quiet time during the spring or summer. Click here to go back

19 L OWER LEVEL F LOOR P LAN Click here to go to my bonus room Click here to end

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