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Resources Available to Wood Product Exporters Paul Nordstrom Tennessee Department of Agriculture Market Development Division September 6, 2006.

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1 Resources Available to Wood Product Exporters Paul Nordstrom Tennessee Department of Agriculture Market Development Division September 6, 2006

2 Tennessee Department of Agriculture Trade Missions Trade Missions Cost-share programs Cost-share programs Website – Website – Export Directories Export Directories Trade leads Trade leads Export Marketing Specialist Export Marketing Specialist

3 Hardwood States Export Group Trade Missions for next year Trade Missions for next year India – Indiawood, February 2007 India – Indiawood, February 2007 China – WoodMac, June 2007 China – WoodMac, June 2007 China - China Intl. Furniture Expo, Sept 2006 China - China Intl. Furniture Expo, Sept 2006 Annual Reverse Trade Missions Annual Reverse Trade Missions

4 Southern United States Trade Association (SUSTA) Generic (Industry wide promotions) Generic (Industry wide promotions) Market Access Program (MAP) “Branded” program Market Access Program (MAP) “Branded” program

5 Branded Program The MAP opportunity was designed for small businesses that desire financial support to launch a new branded export effort. The MAP opportunity was designed for small businesses that desire financial support to launch a new branded export effort. SUSTA reimburses up to 50% of certain international marketing and promotion expenses, including eligible tradeshows, displays, and required label changes. SUSTA reimburses up to 50% of certain international marketing and promotion expenses, including eligible tradeshows, displays, and required label changes.

6 Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) Developing a extensive program to expose small and medium-sized companies from the Appalachian Region to the major Pacific Rim marketplace and to create an awareness of the opportunities to buy furniture inputs products from Appalachian companies. Series of Trade shows Series of Trade shows Chinese language Directories Chinese language Directories Advertisements in Chinese Furniture Magazines Advertisements in Chinese Furniture Magazines

7 International Trade Center (ITC) Tennessee Small Business Development Center Exporting Techniques and Procedures Exporting Techniques and Procedures International Marketing Opportunities International Marketing Opportunities Export Financing Solutions (SBA & EXIM) Export Financing Solutions (SBA & EXIM) Transportation and Distribution Transportation and Distribution Trade Information Sources Trade Information Sources Exporting Strategies Exporting Strategies Marketing Research Marketing Research Marketing Plans Marketing Plans

8 Chambers of Commerce Most of the larger Tennessee cities have Chamber of Commerce programs geared toward the advancement of exports Most of the larger Tennessee cities have Chamber of Commerce programs geared toward the advancement of exports Many provide ongoing educational and networking events specifically for export companies Many provide ongoing educational and networking events specifically for export companies

9 U.S. Commercial Service Counseling and Advocacy Counseling and Advocacy Finding International Partners Finding International Partners Market Research Market Research Trade Events Trade Events Located in over 100 U.S. cities and 80 countries

10 USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) Oversees offices (129 countries) Oversees offices (129 countries) Foreign Service Nationals Foreign Service Nationals Annual wood products reports (33 countries) Annual wood products reports (33 countries) Statistics/Supply & Demand Circulars (5 annually) Statistics/Supply & Demand Circulars (5 annually) Export programs Export programs GSM-102 (Export Credit Guarantee) GSM-102 (Export Credit Guarantee) Quality Samples Program Quality Samples Program Supplier Credit Guarantee Program Supplier Credit Guarantee Program

11 USDA Market Development Cooperators American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC) American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC) Engineered Wood Association (APA) Engineered Wood Association (APA) Southern Pine Council Southern Pine Council Softwood Export Council Softwood Export Council

12 Opportunities provided by Small Business Administration Exporting Working Capital Loans Exporting Working Capital Loans Export Express Loans (Market Development) Export Express Loans (Market Development) International Trade Loans (Fixed assets/working capital) International Trade Loans (Fixed assets/working capital)

13 Export Credit Insurance Increase Your Export Sales While Minimizing Risks Increase Your Export Sales While Minimizing Risks Ex-Im Bank’s export credit insurance allows you to increase your export sales by limiting your international risk, offering credit to your international buyers, and enabling you to access working capital funds. Ex-Im Bank’s export credit insurance allows you to increase your export sales by limiting your international risk, offering credit to your international buyers, and enabling you to access working capital funds.

14 Paul Nordstrom Chief, Marketing Services Tennessee Department of Agriculture P.O. Box 40627 Nashville, TN 37204 PHONE: 615-837-5384 FAX: 615-837-5194 EMAIL:

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