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Incidence of Sexual Violence on Campus Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish)

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2 Incidence of Sexual Violence on Campus Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish) 1 in 4 women experience unwanted sexual intercourse while attending college in the United states. U.S. Department of Justice (2000) 1 in 12 college men admit to acts that meet the legal definition of rape. American Academy of Pediatrics (1994)

3 »to provide a snapshot of the current sexual assault policies and practices at public and private colleges and universities across Connecticut »to highlight the progress that institutions have made »to provide colleges and universities with tools to improve the response to survivors of sexual violence Goals of the Report Card Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish)

4 »Previous Campus Report Cards were released in 1999 and 2007 »The survey was conducted during the summer of 2012 by Connecticut Sexual Assault Crisis Services (CONNSACS), in collaboration with the Connecticut College Consortium Against Sexual Assault (CCASA) and the Connecticut Campus Coalition to End Violence Against Women (CCCEV). »The survey was completed by 4 two year and 21 four year institutions History of the Report Card Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish)

5 Institutions of higher education are becoming much more savvy about the dynamics of sexual violence, what perpetration looks like, and how to provide support to survivors. More students, particularly first year students, are receiving sexual assault education. Key Findings of the Report Card Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish)

6 Education and training need to be mandatory for the entire campus community, especially for people who will be responding to or working with survivors. More prevention programs need to be offered that focus on shifting campus culture to stop the perpetration of sexual violence before it occurs and reinforce offender accountability. Key Findings of the Report Card Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish)

7 Improvements Since 2006 Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish) »More students are being educated about sexual assault on campuses as a majority of institutions now require that first year students receive sexual assault education as part of an orientation program »More student misconduct policies, as well as educational programming, now define and include the role of alcohol in the perpetration of sexual violence

8 Improvements Since 2006 Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish) »The total number of campus response teams continues to increase »There has been an increase in the number of colleges and universities that have appointed a staff person on campus who is charged with coordinating and facilitating access to victim services

9 Report Card Grades Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish) Grades were assigned collectively based on survey responses from 21 four year institutions.

10 Policies & Procedures Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish) »100% of participating institutions include a definition of sexual assault in their student misconduct policies »86% include descriptions of possible sanctions »90% include a definition of consent in their student misconduct policies »81% include the role of alcohol in consent

11 Policies & Procedures Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish) »100% of participating institutions make their student misconduct policies available to the campus community »71% of participating institutions have updated their sexual assault policies in the last year

12 Sexual Assault Education Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish) »86% of participating institutions require that first year students receive sexual assault education during new student orientation More educational programming now includes coverage of perpetrator behaviors, the effects of trauma, and bystander intervention techniques.

13 Sexual Assault Education Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish) »18% of participating institutions require members of Greek Life to receive sexual assault education »95% of participating institutions require Residential Life staff to receive sexual assault education

14 Sexual Assault Training Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish) »62% of participating institutions require sexual assault training for members of their Campus Response Teams (CRT) or Sexual Assault Response Teams (SART) »71% of participating institutions require that members of their Campus Safety or Campus Police Departments receive sexual assault training

15 Sexual Assault Training Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish) »71% of participating institutions require that members of the adjudication process receive sexual assault training PA 12-78: An Act Concerning Sexual Violence on College Campuses requires judicial personnel to be trained in issues related to sexual violence. Training was one of the topics most commonly identified as an area in need of improvement for campuses in the survey.

16 Awareness& Prevention Activities Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish) »95% of participating institutions offer sexual assault awareness activities »90% of participating institutions hold Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) events in April »90% of participating institutions offer sexual assault prevention activities

17 Awareness& Prevention Activities Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish) »62% of participating institutions have peer educators trained about sexual assault »71% of participating institutions offer bystander intervention education Many institutions noted having incorporated bystander intervention theory and techniques into the education offered to student on campus.

18 Campus Responses Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish) »76% of participating institutions have Campus Response Teams (CRT) or Sexual Assault Response Teams (SART) »76% of participating institutions have a victim services coordinator on campus »56% of participating institutions include local sexual assault crisis programs in their Campus Response Teams.

19 Victim Services Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish) »90% of participating institutions make referrals to their local sexual assault crisis programs »71% of participating institutions offer victim services 24 hours per day, seven days per week

20 Judicial Process Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish) »95% of participating institutions offer interim sanctions before or during the judicial process »90% of participating institutions allow both parties in the adjudication process to have a support person present during the hearing process

21 Judicial Process Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish) »81% of participating institutions allow victims to make victim impact statements »81% of participating institutions allow victims to provide input about sanctions

22 Next Steps Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish) “We are making great strides in promoting the policies that are in place, reviewing them yearly and providing services to those who need them.” “We need a consistent, structured educational program that is regularly assessed.”

23 Next Steps Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish) “The department solely responsible for sexual violence prevention is a combined department: health education, wellness and the women's center.” “Funding [is] necessary to implement initiatives.” “…Money is a large concern.”

24 More Information Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-999-5545 (English) Toll-Free Sexual Assault Hotline: 888-568-8332 (Spanish) More information about CONNSACS, the Connecticut College Consortium Against Sexual Assault (CCASA), and a copy of the Report Card can be found at We would like to thank Southern Connecticut State University’s Public Health Department, members of CCASA, and the Steering Committee members of the Connecticut Campus Coalition to End Violence Against Women (CCCEV) for their support of the 2012 Campus Report Card.

25 Beth Hamilton (860) 282-9881 Imagine a World Without

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