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BY: James Hodges Sexual assault. Conduct of a sexual or indecent nature toward another person that is accompanied by actual or threatened physical force.

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Presentation on theme: "BY: James Hodges Sexual assault. Conduct of a sexual or indecent nature toward another person that is accompanied by actual or threatened physical force."— Presentation transcript:

1 BY: James Hodges Sexual assault

2 Conduct of a sexual or indecent nature toward another person that is accompanied by actual or threatened physical force or that induces fear, shame, or mental suffering. Ex: rape or attempted rape, touching you or making you touch someone else's body. What is sexual assault?

3 -During a woman's college career between 20% and 25% will have experienced, completed and/or attempted rape. -99% of people who rape are men. -Only about 2% of all sexual assault accusations reported to police turn out to be false. This is the same rate of false reporting as other types of violent crimes. - There are many other statistics about sexual assault and/or rape. Statistics of sexual assault

4 A Henry County high school student has been charged as an adult in the sexual assault of a fellow student. The 16-year-old victim's mother says she saw school surveillance video footage of her daughter fighting her attacker in a hallway before and after the assault. Although there are numerous cameras around the school, deputies say there is no camera inside the locker room where the assault took place. Recent sexual assaults

5 Oprah Winfrey Famous people affected by sexual assault. Terry Hatcher (Desperate Housewives). Many others could have been affected, but wont step forward

6 Consequences of sexual assault would depend upon the degree of the charge. First offense or otherwise, the sentence for sexual assault will range from probation to life in prison, and 15 years to a lifetime of internet registration. Court Decisions

7 My opinion on sexual assault is that no matter how bad the assault, whether it was attempted rape or was rape ( you still attempted to), was you should have to do at least one year in prison, and then its up to the court to decide the rest of your sentence. My views on sexual assault

8 zSDHC-s zSDHC-s what is date rape OpN-QQs_U OpN-QQs_U risks of date rape Link to sexual assault

9 I don’t know of anyone I'm related to or that I’m friends with that has been sexually assaulted. anyone I know

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