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Sexual Assault Education Presented by Project PEACE Developed by the Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton.

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Presentation on theme: "Sexual Assault Education Presented by Project PEACE Developed by the Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexual Assault Education Presented by Project PEACE Developed by the Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton

2 Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton (SACE) Public Education Counselling (all ages, genders) 24-Hour Sexual Assault Crisis Line

3 Ground Rules  Respect  Confidentiality  Participation  Laugh  Ask Questions

4 Why Does This Matter? 1/3 women are sexually assaulted in their lifetime

5 Okay, but I’m a guy! 1/6 men are sexually assaulted in their lifetime

6 What is Sexual Assault?  Any form of sexual contact without voluntary consent  This includes forced oral contact (“kissing”), grabbing, groping, oral-genital contact (“oral sex”), vaginal penetration and anal penetration  85% of adults who have been sexually assaulted know their offender

7 What is Consent?  A voluntary agreement to engage in sexual contact  Any “yes” obtained through manipulation, pressure, coercion, force or threats of force is not consent

8 Youth and Consent  Age of consent is 16  “Close in Age” clause for 14-15  The oldest a person can be to have sexual contact with a 14 year-old is up to but not including 19  The oldest a person can be to have sexual contact with a 15- year-old is up to but not including 20  “Peer experimentation” between 12-13  The oldest a person can be to have sexual contact with a 12- year-old is up to but not including 14  The oldest a person can be to have sexual contact with a 13- year-old is up to but not including 15

9 5 Ways Consent is Not Given

10 Consent Has Not Been Given If… It has been given by someone else We can only consent for ourselves – NEVER for others!

11 Consent Has Not Been Given If… There is an abuse of power, trust or authority Examples?

12 Consent Has Not Been Given If… The person has said no, or implied no, through words or actions What are some ways of saying “no” without using that word?

13 Consent Has Not Been Given If… The person is incapacitated

14 Consent Has Not Been Given If… Person withdraws consent or changes their mind  Past consent does not imply future consent  People can always change their minds

15 Coercion We know when people don’t want to do something. It is our responsibility to accept their first answer! Coercion is using words or actions to make people do things they don’t want to do  Pressure  Guilt  Threats

16 Sexual Assault Myths

17 “Sexual assault happens because people are horny”  It’s about power and control, NOT sex and desire  Sex is used as a weapon to hurt another person

18 “Men can’t be sexually assaulted”  Why do some people believe this?  Stereotypes:  men are big and strong  men always want sex

19 “People who are assaulted are partly to blame if they were drunk”  How do we know this isn’t true?  People are responsible for their own actions, but NOT the actions of others  People cannot give voluntary consent when incapacitated

20 Sexual Assault Myths What do myths say to survivors? What do myths say about perpetrators?

21 We perpetuate sexual assault myths… …Which means that we have the power to stop them

22 Supporting a Friend  Most people who are assaulted talk to their friends about what happened  Your job isn’t to “fix” the pain – just to be there for them

23 What to Do and Not Do  LISTEN! and Believe  Avoid giving advice; give options  Let them know it’s not their fault  Know that however your friend feels is okay  Take care of yourself (practice self-care)

24 Where can you go if you have more questions? If your friend does?  Doctor  Parent  PACE 780-618-3933  Teacher/Project PEACE Worker  Kids Help Line 1-800-668-6868  RCMP 780-624-6677

25 Summary  Sexual assault is any form of sexual contact without VOLUNTARY consent  Consent is not voluntary when:  people consent for others  when someone is abusing a position of power, trust or authority  when people say no, or imply no  when people are incapacitated  when people change their minds

26 Summary  While myths tell us differently, we know that the ONLY person to blame is the offender, NEVER the survivor. Ever.  Sexual assault is about power & control, not sex & desire  You can support a friend by listening, believing, giving them options on what to do

27 Questions? Comments?

28 Sexual Assault Supports  PACE offers no fee/free counseling to female and male survivors of sexual assault  Counseling is available for survivors of all ages  Services are also available for individuals who are supporting survivors of sexual assault  Call 780-618-3933 and ask for an intake worker  The 24-hour crisis Kids Help Line is available at any time for support and information. Call 1-800-668-6868.

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