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Ohio Prairies & Invasive Species Coe Lake Outdoor Science Education Environmental Science UNIT II. Ohio Wildlife.

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Presentation on theme: "Ohio Prairies & Invasive Species Coe Lake Outdoor Science Education Environmental Science UNIT II. Ohio Wildlife."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ohio Prairies & Invasive Species Coe Lake Outdoor Science Education Environmental Science UNIT II. Ohio Wildlife

2 native plant: a plant that grows in the wild without human intervention exotic plant: also called non-indigenous, invasive; a plant that was introduced by human intervention from another area or country (accidentally or purposefully) Bee Balm - NativePhragmites - Exotic

3 Why Plant Natives? better adapted to local environmental conditions. of value to local wildlife. require less maintenance. provide four-season interest. (nectar in flowers, seeds, fruit production essential for migratory birds) preserve native species and biodiversity. add a local accent to the landscape instead of just “grass” Purple Coneflower

4 Native Plants at BHS Wildlife Habitat Catmint Milkweed Joe-Pye Weed Purple Coneflower Bee Balm Butterfly Bush Wild Lupine Butterfly Flower Shooting Star Hibiscus Black-Eyed Susan Boston Creeper Serviceberry


6 Ohio’s Prairie Past Native Communities " prairie" is from the French "pré" which translates into English as "meadow"--a meadow and a prairie are similar in the sense that they both lack woody vegetation.

7 very little of the original prairie exists due to commercial agriculture, development of communities, towns, roads, etc.

8 Prairie Plant Characteristics Prairie plants have deep roots so they are resistant to drought. About two-thirds of a prairie is actually underground as a dense mat of roots.

9 Importance of Prairies Functional prairie/grassland areas adjacent to stream systems are essential for erosion control and sediment management, especially in regions with limited riparian vegetation. control of non-point source pollution, and both groundwater and surface water systems that drain through prairie/grassland regions and can help control floods,etc.

10 Prairie Plant Species

11 Purple Coneflower

12 Milkweed

13 Rattlesnake Master

14 Bergamot

15 Black Eyed Susan

16 Beardtongue

17 Great Lobelia

18 Lanced-Leafed Coreopsis

19 Little Bluestem

20 Ohio Prairies Link

21 Invasive Species Examples in Ohio: zebra mussel, spiny water flea, purple loosestrife, phragmites

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