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Grasslands By Sky LeBlanc, Jack Manning, Morgan Krause, & Gloria Lozano.

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Presentation on theme: "Grasslands By Sky LeBlanc, Jack Manning, Morgan Krause, & Gloria Lozano."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grasslands By Sky LeBlanc, Jack Manning, Morgan Krause, & Gloria Lozano

2 Location This is a map of grasslands the highlighted parts are the grasslands, as you can see the grasslands are in parts of Asia, South America, Africa, Australia, and America. There is even some grassland on some small islands. Grasslands are large grass filled plains filled with buffalo, and bison. There are 2 types of grasslands long grass which are wet and moist, and short which are dry and dusty.

3 Climate Summers are warm, and last from late December through late March. The winters are mild, and last from late June to September. The average temperature is 64° F. The highest temperature is about 77° F the lowest temperature is about 40° F.

4 Climate In North America Prairie s, the east to west prairie decreases. Climates are moister, close to the mountains and to the east and north; they are driest in the central portions The steppe climate are different in the summer and winter. In the summer the temperature can go to 104° F. for the winter the land gets colder and colder, the Winter temperatures is -40° F. they are not uncommon in the steppe.

5 Animals The Mongolian Gerbil eats seeds, roots, and vegetables. Also, when they eat seeds they spread them to different areas make plants. Left: The Mongolian Gerbil eats seeds, roots, and vegetables. Also, when they eat seeds they spread them to different areas make plants. Bumble bee

6 Animals The Mongolian Gerbil eats seeds, roots, and vegetables. Also, when they eat seeds they spread them to different areas make plants. Right: With the Greater Rheas ’ tall legs, it can see predators from far away, and over the tall grass. the saker falcon prefers open plains and forest steppes.

7 Plants Above: This is a Fringed sagebrush. Right: This plant is the Rhubarb plant. 2,000 years ago in Asia, they used these roots as medicine.

8 Plants Left: This is a Sweet Vernal plant. This plant is very helpful because it has a medicine that helps heal kidney diseases Below: This is a Milk Vetch.

9 Plants Above is the Tumpleweed plant. Above: This is Big bluestem grass. This grass is also called Turkey feet because the shape of the seed heads look like turkey feet.

10 Food Web

11 Major Landforms

12 Natural Resources Grass, herbs, water,

13 Places of interest This is in china.

14 Vocabulary Word Prairie Fire: An uncontrolled fire in a grassy area.

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