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Welcome to Bible Baptist Church Ballincollig, Cork Celebrating 12 Years Today is the Lord’s Day Sunday, 17 th of September, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Bible Baptist Church Ballincollig, Cork Celebrating 12 Years Today is the Lord’s Day Sunday, 17 th of September, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Bible Baptist Church Ballincollig, Cork Celebrating 12 Years Today is the Lord’s Day Sunday, 17 th of September, 2006

2 September’s Memory Verse God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. John 4:24

3 Announcements Lord’s Supper this morning Church Tonight at 7pm – Questions and Answers Joel Ledbetter’s Birthday on Tuesday (18 years old) Wednesday evening Prayer meeting and Bible Study at 7pm – Matthew 26 Teen Bible Study this Friday evening Joshua Ledbetter’s Birthday Saturday (13 years old) Hymnspiration Next Sunday Evening

4 How to Worship God in Truth Continuing Study on Worshipping God John 4:20-24

5 Review – Worshipping God in Spirit It is An Inner Worship It is An Attitude It is Consuming

6 What is Worship? True worship, real devotion does not consist in the performance of certain religious duties at set times, but in the spirit in which the ordinary duties of common life are performed. William Law

7 Most People Have a Problem with the Truth Pilate did (John 18:33-38) Christianity is not a “cunningly devised” fable we are following (2 Peter 1:16-19) God’s Word “IS” truth (John 17:17) The Bible is proven by the fact that so many work so hard at corrupting it (2Corinthians 2:17)

8 The Two Sides of Worship Worshipping in Spirit – internal, right attitude, consuming Worshipping in Truth – worshipping according to God’s way, the true way Both are related – both are two vital halves of worship that must be balanced

9 The Meaning of Worshipping in Truth It is God’s way of worship – How He expects us to approach Him To worship God in truth means to worship Him in sincerity, in reality – not faking it, or just going through some traditional motions or rituals It means: no hypocrisy, no guile, not something that is guessed at, but obeyed from the heart! Our worship is limited strictly to how the Bible says to worship God – any other way is of the devil!

10 The Truth About Right Worship True Worship is Simple (2Corinthians 11:2-4) True Worship is Real (Matthew 15:25). True Worship is of the Saviour (Philippians 2:5- 11) True Worship is Serious (Psalm 2:10-12) True Worship is Humbling (Micah 6:8) True Worship is Clean (Psalm 29:2) True Worship is Tested (1John 4:1) True Worship is Thankful (Psalm 100)

11 Conclusion Worship for too long has been the domain of… “It’s just how we do it” “Whatever feels good, do it” “Whatever works for you” That’s not what Jesus is promoting in John 4:24 – there most definitely is a right way and a wrong way to worship God There are limits placed on how we are to worship Those “limits” are what make worship real, and effective – which is what God deserves!

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